Tuesday, January 27, 2004
Public - 12:40 PM
It appears as if certain bankers are in fact more badass than a good many engineers...
--- Stacia (censored) <(censored)@FDS.com> wrote:
> small detail for you. in *my* banker days, i was
> working an average 14
> hours a day. left at 7am, home around 10pm, which
> was just enough time to
> go to sleep so i could wake up the next morning and
> do it all again. the
> earliest i ever recall getting home was 7:30pm.
> must be the bank branch type that get the 8-5 breezy
> stuff. not to mention
> the extra federal holidays. do you engineer types
> get superfluous holiday
> weekends like president's day and MLK days off?? it
> sadly is a foreign
> concept to the retail world.
> i miss that about school. at least we had a few
> long weekends thrown in.
> :)
> Stacia (censored)
> Planner, Fine Gold & Pearls
> Macy*s West