Monday, June 27, 2005


but then I thought, pinacoladaberg is sooooo much better

A gem of a find from my good buddy Rafterman! And if he’s reading this, I know that you don’t like that name. Wait until I find something better for you…

The link Rafterman e-mailed to me is the first link in the blockquote caption. Enjoy!
fans of Bill Paxton's Coconut Pete songs from Club Dread!
10:20 PM
JihadJimmyMWCCDF: yo
Rafterman: check your email!!!
Rafterman: now!!!
JihadJimmyMWCCDF: NP
JihadJimmyMWCCDF: did i eff kiemanh's # up?
Rafterman: three words
Rafterman: pina
Rafterman: colada
Rafterman: berg
JihadJimmyMWCCDF: 917 555 5555 (i changed the number, you animals. duh.)
JihadJimmyMWCCDF: no
JihadJimmyMWCCDF: No
JihadJimmyMWCCDF: NO
Rafterman: oh yeah
Rafterman: check your email
10:25 PM
JihadJimmyMWCCDF: that's rad!
Rafterman: hells yeah
JihadJimmyMWCCDF: suh-weet-ah
JihadJimmyMWCCDF: oh bill paxton is rad!
Rafterman: i was having a margarita, so I looked for margaritaville on itunes
Rafterman: but then I thought, pinacoladaberg is sooooo much better
JihadJimmyMWCCDF: Are you ready to go back to Titanic?
Rafterman: and found my way to his website
JihadJimmyMWCCDF: oh this song is the best!
Rafterman: sooooooo good
JihadJimmyMWCCDF: weird science links too
JihadJimmyMWCCDF: is this his page, or a fan page?
Rafterman: he page
Rafterman: his page
Rafterman: official bill paxton page
JihadJimmyMWCCDF: you are a badass.
JihadJimmyMWCCDF: thank you for this musical bounty
JihadJimmyMWCCDF: you've made the blog
10:30 PM
JihadJimmyMWCCDF: "i'm too drunk to sing this song!"
Rafterman: haha
Rafterman: I shouldn't have smoked that bong
JihadJimmyMWCCDF: what a fucking dope-assed song!
Rafterman: yeah
Rafterman: these aren't on the club dread soundtrack
JihadJimmyMWCCDF: hey did i get kiemanh's number right? i tried it, but says the system's busy all night
Rafterman: so everyone was giving the soundtrack one star on amazon, because it didn't have this song
JihadJimmyMWCCDF: yeah, why the fuck wouldn't you put this on the soundtrack?
Rafterman: or these songs, rather
JihadJimmyMWCCDF: tards
Rafterman: but then one guy said you could get them from his website
Rafterman: bam
JihadJimmyMWCCDF: nice job dude
10:35 PM
Rafterman: that's the number I have
JihadJimmyMWCCDF: hmm
JihadJimmyMWCCDF: OK
Rafterman: it might be old
JihadJimmyMWCCDF: eh
Rafterman: you have his email?
JihadJimmyMWCCDF: lemme see
JihadJimmyMWCCDF: oh that's all i have, apparently
JihadJimmyMWCCDF: naughty cal! i remember this song from teh movie
JihadJimmyMWCCDF: underwater bordello
In hindsight, I should've used SpacemanSpiff. Eh. Next time, hopefully i'll remember

Jihad Jimmy, Mininster of War Crimes and Chief Defender of the Faith

Saturday, June 25, 2005


kinda got out of hand

I'd tell you to go to the Blogspot Province, but shit, you're already here. Enjoy. If any exist, comments are to be found on the old Xanga Province archives. Click on the post titles to be led to the corresponding Xanga Province page in a separate window.

hope all is well,
Jihad Jimmy, Minister of War Crimes and Chief Defender of the Faith
2:20 AM
JihadJimmyMWCCDF: oh you'll like my montage
JihadJimmyMWCCDF: fuck xanga, i'm finally gone, but not before my disembarking "fuck you"
2:45 AM
Tinkleflower: hahah
Tinkleflower: cool
JihadJimmyMWCCDF: i just wanted a couple of fall of saigon pics
JihadJimmyMWCCDF: kinda got out of hand
Tinkleflower: i like the slut Tom Cruise bitch at the end
JihadJimmyMWCCDF: hey calm down there
JihadJimmyMWCCDF: they're not married anymore
Tinkleflower: i know, i know
JihadJimmyMWCCDF: and how can i get the sniper to align to the center of her cell?
2:50 AM
Tinkleflower: dunno.
Tinkleflower: I've had problems centering images in the blogs.

Thursday, June 23, 2005


shit, the show sounds good streamed

chatting w/MwHCock on tuesday, didn't post it until now. don't worry, you won't even notice the difference...

Jihad Jimmy, Minister of War Crimes and Chief Defender of the Faith
chatting w/MwHCock
11:51 AM
MwHCock: it's been 2 days
MwHCock: no SHoP update
JihadJimmyMWCCDF: working on one righ tnow
MwHCock: what is your other blog's address?
11:55 AM
JihadJimmyMWCCDF: SHoP updated
12:05 PM
MwHCock: i commented
JihadJimmyMWCCDF: shit, did you get it
12:10 PM
JihadJimmyMWCCDF: nice job man
JihadJimmyMWCCDF: shit, the show sounds good streamed
MwHCock: yeah
MwHCock: are you recording it?
JihadJimmyMWCCDF: no
JihadJimmyMWCCDF: how can i do that?
JihadJimmyMWCCDF: do i need some special hardware?
MwHCock: no audio jijack
JihadJimmyMWCCDF: like a radio shark or somethin?
JihadJimmyMWCCDF: wow, this is better quality than the archives i have right now
MwHCock: it is good quality
JihadJimmyMWCCDF: wow i can set up a timer too?
MwHCock: yeah
MwHCock: i use it to record a bbc show
JihadJimmyMWCCDF: ooh, and only $16?
JihadJimmyMWCCDF: what kind of audio is this?
JihadJimmyMWCCDF: will it be able to do it if you tell is just a random firefox stream?
JihadJimmyMWCCDF: OK dude, gotta go
JihadJimmyMWCCDF: happy D&M-ing
MwHCock: iyou can record from firefox
MwHCock: where you going?
JihadJimmyMWCCDF: lunch w/my dad
MwHCock: ok
MwHCock: later
12:15 PM
JihadJimmyMWCCDF: see ya

Tuesday, June 21, 2005


24 Season 2, 12am - 1am

3am Criticism of 24, Season 2, 12am - 1am
You are now in chat room “aimsucksbutt.”
TioJaime858 has entered the chat room.

TioJaime858 (8:44:03 PM): hello dere!
TioJaime858 (8:44:12 PM): OK gonna watch the next episode of 24 season 2
TioJaime858 (8:44:17 PM): and 3am Criticize it
TioJaime858 (8:44:41 PM): for the new blog
TioJaime858 (8:44:48 PM): lemme get it set up
TioJaime858 (8:44:57 PM): and i'll be eating through the episode, so it may be sparse
TioJaime858 (8:45:07 PM): but first lemme find the next episode in sequence
TioJaime858 (8:45:48 PM): OK we're due for 12am!
TioJaime858 (8:47:09 PM): and from what i remember, jack just hit tony after jimmy predicted that the seventh commando was the shooter
TioJaime858 (8:48:03 PM): OK let's see what the DVD menus want to spoil for me...
TioJaime858 (8:48:23 PM): OK accidentally clicked on the 2am episode
TioJaime858 (8:48:27 PM): jack gets captured
TioJaime858 (8:48:33 PM): and is about to be tortured
TioJaime858 (8:48:36 PM): FUCK YOU, DVD
TioJaime858 (8:48:56 PM): 12am DVD menu has jack holding somebody @ gunpoint
TioJaime858 (8:49:02 PM): not that that is a stretch
TioJaime858 (8:49:07 PM): PREVIOUSLY ON 24
TioJaime858 (8:49:11 PM): MICHELLE DESSLER!
TioJaime858 (8:49:16 PM): ANN-CHICK!
TioJaime858 (8:49:23 PM): PRESIDENT DAVID PALMER
TioJaime858 (8:49:41 PM): KIM BAUER!
TioJaime858 (8:49:57 PM): stupid girl
TioJaime858 (8:49:59 PM): JACK BAUER
TioJaime858 (8:50:10 PM): ok the dude wants *kate* warner
TioJaime858 (8:50:25 PM): did he break tony's ankle too?
TioJaime858 (8:50:34 PM): THE FOLLOWING TAKES PLACE BETWEEN 12:00 AM AND 1:00 AM
TioJaime858 (8:50:54 PM): "do you trust me?"
TioJaime858 (8:51:17 PM): how did tony break his ankle?
TioJaime858 (8:51:35 PM): uh oh, security is letting jack through
TioJaime858 (8:51:38 PM): or are they?
TioJaime858 (8:51:51 PM): ha ha
TioJaime858 (8:51:54 PM): jack on the run
TioJaime858 (8:52:28 PM): yeah tell the chick that she's Bait
TioJaime858 (8:52:36 PM): and what would he want w/the terrorist-sister?
TioJaime858 (8:52:44 PM): and not terrorist-chick herself?
TioJaime858 (8:53:01 PM): "i'm not going to lie to you. this is very very dangerous"
TioJaime858 (8:53:24 PM): yeah, and flying a cessna w/a NUCLEAR BOMB wasn't?
TioJaime858 (8:53:29 PM): sorry, "nu-cular"
TioJaime858 (8:54:04 PM): ooh ann-chick's not-as-hot nemesis ratting ann-chick out
TioJaime858 (8:54:11 PM): president and ensign ro in LA
TioJaime858 (8:54:58 PM): oh it's the vice president
TioJaime858 (8:55:24 PM): "possibility we may not go through w/the attack"
TioJaime858 (8:55:34 PM): ooh yeah cypress recording might be fake
TioJaime858 (8:56:02 PM): "too late for second thoughts"
TioJaime858 (8:56:04 PM): well duh, no shit
TioJaime858 (8:56:40 PM): so you lauched bombers, NP. just don't give them the go for weapons
TioJaime858 (8:56:46 PM): oh it's krazy kim!
TioJaime858 (8:57:21 PM): you crazy mexidude!
TioJaime858 (8:57:39 PM): he just had a pregnant wife, give him a break dude!
TioJaime858 (8:57:55 PM): you crazy mexidude
TioJaime858 (8:57:59 PM): "please don't die!"
TioJaime858 (8:58:19 PM): hmm
TioJaime858 (8:58:33 PM): so can't jack just tell tony that somebody told him the tape was a ake?
TioJaime858 (8:58:36 PM): ooh, they're being followed
TioJaime858 (8:58:44 PM): is it ann chick?
TioJaime858 (8:59:09 PM): oh it's the foreign dude
TioJaime858 (8:59:39 PM): ooh yeah
TioJaime858 (8:59:46 PM): listen to the sneaky foreigner
TioJaime858 (8:59:57 PM): he wants to help you
TioJaime858 (9:00:06 PM): ooh hi ann-chick boobs
TioJaime858 (9:00:13 PM): gonna get some milk
TioJaime858 (9:02:27 PM): OK ann-chick lied to tony and said she didn't draw away the dude
TioJaime858 (9:02:40 PM): and also that ann-nemesis wants to step to her shit
TioJaime858 (9:02:48 PM): and i missed the timestamp
TioJaime858 (9:03:18 PM): putting the mexi-wife on the phone
TioJaime858 (9:03:26 PM): no!
TioJaime858 (9:03:42 PM): ramon! mi hijo!
TioJaime858 (9:04:22 PM): oh yay, they're going to monterrey!
TioJaime858 (9:04:31 PM): and then he'll let go of KIM BAUER
TioJaime858 (9:05:09 PM): ooh yeah
TioJaime858 (9:05:17 PM): jack bauer going all jack bauer on somebody
TioJaime858 (9:05:32 PM): what was the point of bringing kate if you're just gonna leave her in the car?
TioJaime858 (9:06:18 PM): OK so jack got the drop on this dude?
TioJaime858 (9:07:03 PM): jonathan wallace, captain
TioJaime858 (9:07:12 PM): la la la
TioJaime858 (9:07:16 PM): he's the missing commando
TioJaime858 (9:07:22 PM): "you're the seventh man"
TioJaime858 (9:07:31 PM): "i was responsible for two things"
TioJaime858 (9:07:44 PM): making sure the bomb went off, planting the cypress recording
TioJaime858 (9:08:01 PM): and it's big oil
TioJaime858 (9:08:22 PM): he's about to do something w/electricity....
TioJaime858 (9:08:26 PM): electricity
TioJaime858 (9:08:34 PM): hmm
TioJaime858 (9:08:40 PM): and the sign signalled somebody
TioJaime858 (9:08:47 PM): uh oh
TioJaime858 (9:08:51 PM): that's not good
TioJaime858 (9:09:01 PM): OK and now they have kate warner
TioJaime858 (9:09:18 PM): and the foreigner knocked the dude out
TioJaime858 (9:09:47 PM): so really, who cares when he was signalled
TioJaime858 (9:10:30 PM): and it's something about the warner's company?
TioJaime858 (9:11:12 PM): and now they're bringing kate in
TioJaime858 (9:11:23 PM): 12:26:46
TioJaime858 (9:11:29 PM): 12:31:06
TioJaime858 (9:11:41 PM): oh wow, it's District
TioJaime858 (9:12:38 PM): and now chief-of-staff jack wants to talk to jack behind PRESIDENT DAVID PALMER's back
TioJaime858 (9:13:00 PM): OK chief-of-staff mike
TioJaime858 (9:13:04 PM): not mike
TioJaime858 (9:14:16 PM): i don't like the ann-nemesis
TioJaime858 (9:14:24 PM): ooh hi ann-chick
TioJaime858 (9:14:38 PM): i would like to make out w/her in front of the actual ann
TioJaime858 (9:14:42 PM): and then vice versa
TioJaime858 (9:15:44 PM): oh my ann-chick needs a jimmy-spanking
TioJaime858 (9:15:56 PM): and i think i'm just the jimmy to provide her w/said spanking
TioJaime858 (9:16:45 PM): yeah kim, it's your fault! "you pointed this gun at me"
TioJaime858 (9:16:56 PM): "you ruined my life. it's all your fault"
TioJaime858 (9:17:22 PM): OK play the dead-dad card
TioJaime858 (9:17:35 PM): nice job kim
TioJaime858 (9:17:43 PM): and for once, no, it wasn't your fault
TioJaime858 (9:18:42 PM): yeah nice job you're able to escape before trying to escape
TioJaime858 (9:18:57 PM): OK now you're fucked, mexidude
TioJaime858 (9:19:11 PM): torture him!
TioJaime858 (9:19:25 PM): nice job foreign dude!
TioJaime858 (9:19:47 PM): he's gonna approach in a sweep pattern
TioJaime858 (9:19:50 PM): well hello mr. fancypants
TioJaime858 (9:20:08 PM): 12:39:50
TioJaime858 (9:20:14 PM): 12:44:14
TioJaime858 (9:20:31 PM): i don't like ann-nemesis-cunt
TioJaime858 (9:20:50 PM): i would much rather engage ann-chick herself in heavy petting
TioJaime858 (9:21:30 PM): ooh yeah heavy petting
TioJaime858 (9:21:50 PM): ooh and now it's time for some office-CTUin
TioJaime858 (9:22:15 PM): you sneaky bitch-momma
TioJaime858 (9:24:06 PM): soldier dude gonna take kate, eventually gonna tell jack where the evidence is
TioJaime858 (9:24:52 PM): ooh yeah
TioJaime858 (9:25:10 PM): umm, what did he say in the car?
TioJaime858 (9:25:24 PM): 12:49:17
TioJaime858 (9:25:28 PM): 12:53:41
TioJaime858 (9:25:52 PM): yeah good thing you're keeping kim so close to the standoff
TioJaime858 (9:26:00 PM): who's this guy?
TioJaime858 (9:26:00 PM): it's Danny!
TioJaime858 (9:26:23 PM): ooh yeah the kids
TioJaime858 (9:26:38 PM): LOL
TioJaime858 (9:26:46 PM): she's listening to the line and she was just called a bitch
TioJaime858 (9:26:52 PM): h aha
TioJaime858 (9:26:57 PM): ha ha
TioJaime858 (9:27:31 PM): just do it mexidude
TioJaime858 (9:27:48 PM): loco ramon!
TioJaime858 (9:28:04 PM): STFU kim
TioJaime858 (9:28:15 PM): whoops
TioJaime858 (9:28:30 PM): is mexidude mexidead?
TioJaime858 (9:28:45 PM): and it's the veep again
TioJaime858 (9:29:30 PM): well, wouldn't you wanna call this off if at all possible?
TioJaime858 (9:30:40 PM): OK this is where they're losign me
TioJaime858 (9:30:49 PM): how is not bombing somebody a disaster?
TioJaime858 (9:31:25 PM): ooh yeah get in the trunk kate
TioJaime858 (9:31:42 PM): ann-chick!
TioJaime858 (9:31:48 PM): mexidead!Q
TioJaime858 (9:32:09 PM): ooh yeah they're tracking kate
TioJaime858 (9:32:17 PM): and now they're shooting
TioJaime858 (9:32:24 PM): 1:00:00
TioJaime858 (9:32:32 PM): OK this was the stupidest episode this season
TioJaime858 (9:32:41 PM): we discovered nothing new, learned nothing important
TioJaime858 (9:32:59 PM): this is what's known as the Terri Gets Amnesia Episode
TioJaime858 has left the chat room.

Monday, June 20, 2005


Family Guy - "Road to Rhode Island"

these 30 minute episodes make for really short 3amCs, especially when the randomness prevents coherent thought oh my part...

jihad jimmy
3am Criticism of The Family Guy, "Road to Rhode Island"
You are now in chat room “aimfelchesgoats.”
TioJaime858 has entered the chat room.

TioJaime858 (3:06:05 PM): hello dere
TioJaime858 (3:06:08 PM): i'm @ home in san jose
TioJaime858 (3:06:27 PM): gonna watch some Family Guy w/my little brother
TioJaime858 (3:06:36 PM): "Road to Rhode Island"
TioJaime858 (3:06:55 PM): wow our TV is shitty
TioJaime858 (3:07:05 PM): "somewhere near austin Texas
TioJaime858 (3:07:06 PM): "
TioJaime858 (3:07:38 PM): it's a puppy farm in texas
TioJaime858 (3:08:18 PM): i like the alcoholic dog
TioJaime858 (3:09:36 PM): i also like the willing suspension of disbelief
TioJaime858 (3:11:00 PM): "not just Jugs or Cremesicle"
TioJaime858 (3:11:15 PM): "and an inner ear infection"
TioJaime858 (3:13:23 PM): heh, they worked in a snuff film
TioJaime858 (3:14:37 PM): "that's it mr. giraffe, lick off all the marmalade"
TioJaime858 (3:16:13 PM): heh, do you really want to hurt me
TioJaime858 (3:16:27 PM): they're playing six degrees of kevin bacon
TioJaime858 (3:16:41 PM): LOL
TioJaime858 (3:17:07 PM): "you suck!"
TioJaime858 (3:18:15 PM): yay for wacky incest
TioJaime858 (3:20:11 PM): "I was the one who could talk"
TioJaime858 (3:20:26 PM): "i bet you lost your virginity to a mechanical bull"
TioJaime858 (3:24:17 PM): that was cool how brian's head turned slowly towards stewie
TioJaime858 (3:25:04 PM): and now they've broken into song
TioJaime858 (3:25:46 PM): like a masochist in newport
TioJaime858 (3:27:48 PM): "is it kitty?"
TioJaime858 has left the chat room.


3am Criticism of 24 Season Two, 11pm - 12am

One more before I go to bed...

Jihad Jimmy, Minister of War Crimes and Chief Defender of the Faith
3am criticism of 24 season 2, 11pm - 12am
ooh baby the bomb just went off
You are now in chat room “BiteMeAIM.”
TioJaime858 has entered the chat room.

TioJaime858 (12:16:49 AM): hello dere
TioJaime858 (12:17:07 AM): and WTF, i can have Bite Me AiM as a chat room name, but not 24seas211pm?
TioJaime858 (12:17:12 AM): dumbfucks
TioJaime858 (12:17:28 AM): here we go
TioJaime858 (12:17:36 AM): PREVIOUSLY ON 24
TioJaime858 (12:17:45 AM): PRESIDENT DAVID PALMER
TioJaime858 (12:18:04 AM): TONY ALMEIDA
TioJaime858 (12:18:14 AM): that's the first time i've seen tony on the opening sequence
TioJaime858 (12:18:24 AM): i hope i've been spelling it right so far
TioJaime858 (12:18:27 AM): KIM BAUER
TioJaime858 (12:18:37 AM): !
TioJaime858 (12:18:40 AM): JACK BAUER!
TioJaime858 (12:18:56 AM): did george mason say "parachute" last episode?"
TioJaime858 (12:19:15 AM): THE FOLLOWING TAKES PLACE BETWEEN 11:00 PM AND 12:00 AM
TioJaime858 (12:19:29 AM): wow nice graphic of the mushroom cloud
TioJaime858 (12:19:48 AM): why would there be a shadow from the mushroom cloud?
TioJaime858 (12:20:20 AM): it's pronounced nu-cular!
TioJaime858 (12:20:34 AM): well OK then!
TioJaime858 (12:20:38 AM): pep talk over!
TioJaime858 (12:20:40 AM): no more bomb!
TioJaime858 (12:20:51 AM): and yet we're still here
TioJaime858 (12:20:57 AM): i'm still 3am Criticizing
TioJaime858 (12:21:00 AM): and you're still reading
TioJaime858 (12:21:18 AM): and kim's still crying
TioJaime858 (12:21:24 AM): which is a nice respite from her fucking shit up
TioJaime858 (12:21:34 AM): jack flaring again!
TioJaime858 (12:21:53 AM): CTU chopper!
TioJaime858 (12:22:00 AM): "whose chopper is this?"
TioJaime858 (12:23:19 AM): nice job CTU
TioJaime858 (12:23:40 AM): dude, the foreign national is standing right there
TioJaime858 (12:24:55 AM): ha ha terrorist bitch-ass
TioJaime858 (12:25:07 AM): andnow ann-chick is interrogating you
TioJaime858 (12:25:08 AM): ha ha
TioJaime858 (12:25:27 AM): eh, just torture the fucker
TioJaime858 (12:25:38 AM): ooh yeah guantanamo
TioJaime858 (12:25:57 AM): hmm
TioJaime858 (12:26:08 AM): sayed ali is denying the meeting took place
TioJaime858 (12:26:30 AM): ooh hi ann-chick
TioJaime858 (12:26:35 AM): i wanna lick her face
TioJaime858 (12:26:55 AM): and now it's getting stickier
TioJaime858 (12:27:21 AM): ooh yeah audio analysizing
TioJaime858 (12:28:07 AM): black dude says there's no doubt that the recording is authentic
TioJaime858 (12:28:15 AM): ann-chick in the meeting
TioJaime858 (12:29:04 AM): ooh
TioJaime858 (12:29:13 AM): "your experience as an interrogator is limited"
TioJaime858 (12:29:47 AM): meanwhile, aboard Air Force One...
TioJaime858 (12:30:03 AM): get over it, president dude
TioJaime858 (12:30:14 AM): oh! it wasn't bauer
TioJaime858 (12:31:03 AM): and the president getting the report confirming the Cypress recordings
TioJaime858 (12:31:16 AM): yeah no shit you don't have the option of not responding
TioJaime858 (12:31:41 AM): ooh yeah
TioJaime858 (12:31:49 AM): emergency session of congress 11:14:07
TioJaime858 (12:31:53 AM): 11:18:18
TioJaime858 (12:32:03 AM): during which he'll ask for a formal declaration of war
TioJaime858 (12:32:06 AM): ooh ann chick
TioJaime858 (12:32:22 AM): bitch-fest?
TioJaime858 (12:33:13 AM): 8-10 weeks for full-scale invasion
TioJaime858 (12:33:17 AM): rolling start
TioJaime858 (12:33:18 AM): ooh yeah
TioJaime858 (12:33:32 AM): ooh yeah
TioJaime858 (12:33:38 AM): surgical strikes starting in 6 hours
TioJaime858 (12:34:04 AM): deputy prime minister calling for the president
TioJaime858 (12:34:14 AM): oh just invade his shit
TioJaime858 (12:35:16 AM): deputy prime minister trying to blow smoke up the POTUS's ass... la la la
TioJaime858 (12:35:22 AM): "please don't bomb our shit"
TioJaime858 (12:35:37 AM): "you'll hear from us soon"
TioJaime858 (12:35:43 AM): oh yes motherfuckers
TioJaime858 (12:35:49 AM): they're transferring sayed ali
TioJaime858 (12:35:55 AM): and here's where teh shit gets fucked up
TioJaime858 (12:36:05 AM): oh yeah, still pissed about your son?
TioJaime858 (12:36:22 AM): San Jose Sheriff's dept!
TioJaime858 (12:36:38 AM): didn't know we had a sheriff
TioJaime858 (12:36:44 AM): since it's Santa Clara County
TioJaime858 (12:36:52 AM): jack leaving CTU...
TioJaime858 (12:36:59 AM): or is he?
TioJaime858 (12:37:03 AM): making a phone call first
TioJaime858 (12:37:26 AM): WTF?
TioJaime858 (12:37:31 AM): not sure what's happening...
TioJaime858 (12:37:38 AM): ann-chick looking kinda suspicious
TioJaime858 (12:38:02 AM): ann-chick voicing concerns about recording
TioJaime858 (12:38:04 AM): ooh hi boobs
TioJaime858 (12:38:20 AM): boobs!
TioJaime858 (12:38:31 AM): i wanna make out w/ann-chick
TioJaime858 (12:38:35 AM): and ann herself
TioJaime858 (12:39:05 AM): yeah eff you terrorist
TioJaime858 (12:39:45 AM): should've killed his kids anyway
TioJaime858 (12:39:46 AM): oops
TioJaime858 (12:39:52 AM): sayed ali was shot
TioJaime858 (12:40:08 AM): 11:26:57
TioJaime858 (12:40:13 AM): 11:31:09
TioJaime858 (12:40:32 AM): hmm, this complicates things
TioJaime858 (12:40:53 AM): now jack thinks ali was telling the truth
TioJaime858 (12:41:52 AM): ooh tony getting pissy
TioJaime858 (12:42:13 AM): see, there's a reason this show isn't called The Tony Almeida Show
TioJaime858 (12:42:16 AM): it's because jack is right
TioJaime858 (12:42:22 AM): this should be good
TioJaime858 (12:42:25 AM): yeah stupid kim
TioJaime858 (12:42:29 AM): the store's closed
TioJaime858 (12:42:42 AM): you still have your gun?
TioJaime858 (12:42:56 AM): WTF?
TioJaime858 (12:43:00 AM): kim you tard
TioJaime858 (12:43:18 AM): you stupid tard of a chick
TioJaime858 (12:43:23 AM): he's gonna get shot
TioJaime858 (12:43:56 AM): 10-30k american casualties
TioJaime858 (12:44:22 AM): phone call for the president
TioJaime858 (12:44:25 AM): it's jack bauer
TioJaime858 (12:44:40 AM): but it's important enough to interrupt
TioJaime858 (12:45:43 AM): yeah sayed ali was assassinated
TioJaime858 (12:45:57 AM): blah blah blah don't wanna take military action based on erroneous information
TioJaime858 (12:46:06 AM): ha ha jab at bush ha ha
TioJaime858 (12:46:11 AM): 11:37:16
TioJaime858 (12:46:15 AM): 11:41:28
TioJaime858 (12:46:33 AM): "This is Dessler"
TioJaime858 (12:47:07 AM): Usef Auda
TioJaime858 (12:47:11 AM): not usef audi
TioJaime858 (12:47:18 AM): ooh kate warner!
TioJaime858 (12:47:30 AM): ooh yeah momma
TioJaime858 (12:47:34 AM): "it's a long story"
TioJaime858 (12:48:05 AM): agent gooker is gonna debrief her
TioJaime858 (12:48:13 AM): meanwhile, aboard Air Force One...
TioJaime858 (12:49:09 AM): "telephone conversation w/jack bauer keeps replaying in my head"
TioJaime858 (12:49:19 AM): liability-licious
TioJaime858 (12:49:29 AM): oh stop speaking so presidential
TioJaime858 (12:49:36 AM): "everyone except jack bauer"
TioJaime858 (12:49:44 AM): yeah that sounds very leader-riffic
TioJaime858 (12:50:11 AM): was mike cry8ing?
TioJaime858 (12:50:25 AM): crying
TioJaime858 (12:50:31 AM): there was a tear moving down his left cheek
TioJaime858 (12:50:57 AM): yeah fuck you foreigner
TioJaime858 (12:51:52 AM): hey, maybe the prevention of your arab country getting all blow'd up is worth something
TioJaime858 (12:52:10 AM): somebody planted evidence to frame ali
TioJaime858 (12:52:20 AM): and he's talking to jack
TioJaime858 (12:52:30 AM): meridian and moorpark!
TioJaime858 (12:52:40 AM): this dude wants marie warner
TioJaime858 (12:52:55 AM): and oh yes, it was the missing commando!
TioJaime858 (12:52:57 AM): damn i'm good
TioJaime858 (12:52:59 AM): 11:48
TioJaime858 (12:53:00 AM): something
TioJaime858 (12:53:02 AM): 11:52:30
TioJaime858 (12:53:11 AM): ooh kim yeah
TioJaime858 (12:53:25 AM): Touch it.
TioJaime858 (12:53:36 AM): uh oh
TioJaime858 (12:53:54 AM): you dumbfuck
TioJaime858 (12:54:10 AM): ooh yeah get some guns
TioJaime858 (12:54:15 AM): oh he's just calling the cops
TioJaime858 (12:54:27 AM): Soledad Canyon road off route 14!
TioJaime858 (12:54:31 AM): oh he's gonna die
TioJaime858 (12:54:48 AM): uh oh
TioJaime858 (12:55:01 AM): oh this isn't gonna end well
TioJaime858 (12:55:05 AM): NO DON'T GET YOUR GUN YOU TARD
TioJaime858 (12:55:27 AM): OH JUST SHOOT HIM
TioJaime858 (12:55:59 AM): and now he's getting bread
TioJaime858 (12:56:04 AM): kinda like that aerosmith video
TioJaime858 (12:56:13 AM): should've shot him
TioJaime858 (12:56:23 AM): "you're gonna have to trust me"
TioJaime858 (12:56:26 AM): ooh ann-chick
TioJaime858 (12:56:42 AM): WTF is he paying for it?
TioJaime858 (12:56:52 AM): yeah you're not a criminal
TioJaime858 (12:56:54 AM): you tard
TioJaime858 (12:57:16 AM): Palmdale!
TioJaime858 (12:57:22 AM): oh shit
TioJaime858 (12:57:26 AM): Ok we're fucked
TioJaime858 (12:57:33 AM): i mean *you're* fucked
TioJaime858 (12:57:39 AM): oh crazy mesxidude
TioJaime858 (12:57:41 AM): oops
TioJaime858 (12:57:56 AM): stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid kim
TioJaime858 (12:57:59 AM): STUPID KIM
TioJaime858 (12:58:03 AM): dammit
TioJaime858 (12:58:11 AM): ooh ann-chick
TioJaime858 (12:58:19 AM): need you some humpage, perhaps?
TioJaime858 (12:58:56 AM): wait, did the dude want kate or marie warner?
TioJaime858 (12:59:00 AM): maybe it was kate
TioJaime858 (12:59:09 AM): ooh janky mulatto chick
TioJaime858 (12:59:11 AM): mulatta
TioJaime858 (12:59:40 AM): thought kim was being held hostage
TioJaime858 (12:59:56 AM): ooh tony
TioJaime858 (1:00:02 AM): i mean, whoa tony
TioJaime858 (1:00:30 AM): another instance of jack not being able to tell anybody anything
TioJaime858 (1:00:34 AM): and now he just hit tony
TioJaime858 (1:00:36 AM): 12:00:00
TioJaime858 (1:00:43 AM): fucking sweet!
TioJaime858 (1:01:15 AM): yeahnice visual effects, Fuzzy Logic
TioJaime858 (1:02:00 AM): only 8 more episodes to go? maybe 7
TioJaime858 (1:02:02 AM): but it's late
TioJaime858 (1:02:06 AM): OK goodnight kids
TioJaime858 has left the chat room.


3am Criticism of 24 Season Two, 10pm - 11pm

So, we meet again...

Didn't put this on the SHoP, as this was happening long before I was invited to the blog. But if you're here from the SHoP, welcome! No shame in plugging my director's cut of jimmy on the high-traffic blog...

enjoy, there's buttloads more where this came from. and take a look around, see the archives grow right before your eyes w/o having to visit the xanga province.

Jihad Jimmy, Minister of War Crimes and Chief Defender of the Faith

ps- keeping this short because the 24 DVD menu screen is playing in the background and it keeps playing the 24 theme song over and over. that got annoying fast.
24, season two, 10pm-11pm
You are now in chat room “mangina.”
TioJaime858 has entered the chat room.

TioJaime858 (11:06:25 PM): EFF YOU AIM
TioJaime858 (11:06:26 PM): TOOK YOU LONG ENOUGH
TioJaime858 (11:06:45 PM): HOW HARD IS IT TO HAVE A CHAT ROOM NAMED "24seas211pm"?
TioJaime858 (11:06:49 PM): assholes
TioJaime858 (11:06:54 PM): so hello dere
TioJaime858 (11:09:23 PM): and we're still waiting
TioJaime858 (11:09:32 PM): because i jsut have to set up iTunes to update Sookie
TioJaime858 (11:09:44 PM): who apparently has twice as much D&M as I would have liked
TioJaime858 (11:11:25 PM): OK so now i'm copying the 144 D&M clips from Emily to Sookie
TioJaime858 (11:11:39 PM): but let's get retarded it started
TioJaime858 (11:11:51 PM): and by it, i mean 3am Criticism of 24, Season Two!
TioJaime858 (11:11:55 PM): i left off about a year ago
TioJaime858 (11:12:06 PM): when my roommate moved away and took his copy of 24
TioJaime858 (11:12:19 PM): my parents recently bought me seasons 2 and 3 on DVD for my b-day
TioJaime858 (11:12:36 PM): i also reserve the right to insert links above
TioJaime858 (11:12:37 PM): OK
TioJaime858 (11:12:42 PM): hopefully i remembered how to do this
TioJaime858 (11:13:01 PM): but lucky for us, i was reading my 3amC's when I was watching the DVDs again
TioJaime858 (11:13:05 PM): so let's get to work!
TioJaime858 (11:13:46 PM): and still haven't really decided where to put this
TioJaime858 (11:13:54 PM): will probably just put this on TJ:A1
TioJaime858 (11:14:00 PM): PRESIDENT DAVID PALMER!
TioJaime858 (11:14:10 PM): whoa
TioJaime858 (11:14:12 PM): wrong episode
TioJaime858 (11:14:31 PM): whoa, it wasn't 11pm that was next
TioJaime858 (11:14:35 PM): it was 10pm
TioJaime858 (11:14:37 PM): and SHIT
TioJaime858 (11:14:56 PM): i saw a mushroom cloud
TioJaime858 (11:17:05 PM): OK here we go
TioJaime858 (11:17:06 PM): again
TioJaime858 (11:17:07 PM): 24
TioJaime858 (11:17:12 PM): PREVIOUSLY ON 24
TioJaime858 (11:17:17 PM): GEORGE MASON
TioJaime858 (11:17:18 PM): !
TioJaime858 (11:17:25 PM): stepping down
TioJaime858 (11:17:28 PM): KIM BAUER!
TioJaime858 (11:17:47 PM): PRESIDENT DAVID PALMER!!!
TioJaime858 (11:17:56 PM): nosferatu-bitch!
TioJaime858 (11:18:04 PM): MARIE WARNER!!!
TioJaime858 (11:18:06 PM): oops
TioJaime858 (11:18:17 PM): JACK BAUER!!!
TioJaime858 (11:18:21 PM): yeah bitches!
TioJaime858 (11:18:31 PM): ooh, look it's a bomb
TioJaime858 (11:18:43 PM): THE FOLLOWING TAKES PLACE BETWEEN 10:00PM AND 11:00PM
TioJaime858 (11:18:51 PM): working on the bomb in hangar 12
TioJaime858 (11:19:06 PM): bomb dudes!
TioJaime858 (11:19:15 PM): ooh reiko aylseworth
TioJaime858 (11:19:19 PM): i believe that's ann-chick
TioJaime858 (11:19:55 PM): this episode's gonna suck if it's 50 mins of watching the bomb squad
TioJaime858 (11:20:04 PM): George Mason!
TioJaime858 (11:20:11 PM): thought he stepped down
TioJaime858 (11:20:36 PM): nice job closure-dude!
TioJaime858 (11:20:49 PM): hmm
TioJaime858 (11:20:55 PM): bomb dudes panicking?
TioJaime858 (11:21:03 PM): "is there a problem?"
TioJaime858 (11:21:23 PM): no way to disarm this bomb!
TioJaime858 (11:21:55 PM): they're gonna fly the bomb out, ooh yeah!
TioJaime858 (11:22:10 PM): how much time?
TioJaime858 (11:22:12 PM): 55 minutes!
TioJaime858 (11:22:20 PM): i wonder if there'll be a next episode?!?
TioJaime858 (11:22:24 PM): 10:05:18
TioJaime858 (11:22:28 PM): and kim is on teh highway!
TioJaime858 (11:22:35 PM): and luckily there's a car coming
TioJaime858 (11:22:45 PM): or two motorcycles
TioJaime858 (11:23:02 PM): and an el camino!
TioJaime858 (11:23:08 PM): that stands for The Camino...
TioJaime858 (11:23:15 PM): trying to get to San Jose!
TioJaime858 (11:23:22 PM): "santa clara, actually!"
TioJaime858 (11:23:24 PM): whoa
TioJaime858 (11:23:36 PM): that's just trippy
TioJaime858 (11:23:40 PM): oops
TioJaime858 (11:23:49 PM): ooh nice move chick
TioJaime858 (11:24:01 PM): that sucks
TioJaime858 (11:24:12 PM): got your shit shot out because he was trying to be nice
TioJaime858 (11:24:18 PM): or rapalicious
TioJaime858 (11:25:09 PM): president is tinkering w/ideas
TioJaime858 (11:25:18 PM): could fly it into the ocean
TioJaime858 (11:25:45 PM): blah blah blah environmental impact
TioJaime858 (11:26:12 PM): BFD, get the fucking bomb out of LA
TioJaime858 (11:26:36 PM): again, BFD isolated hikers and campers
TioJaime858 (11:26:43 PM): WTF, fall out over las vegas?
TioJaime858 (11:26:46 PM): eff that!
TioJaime858 (11:27:15 PM): umm, what about fallout from the desert?
TioJaime858 (11:27:47 PM): ooh, it's a suicide mission!
TioJaime858 (11:28:01 PM): yeah president palmer
TioJaime858 (11:28:04 PM): so you lose a dude
TioJaime858 (11:28:06 PM): BFD
TioJaime858 (11:28:36 PM): a few volunteers for the pilot
TioJaime858 (11:28:49 PM): oohyeah family take-carage!
TioJaime858 (11:29:11 PM): ooh yeah
TioJaime858 (11:29:25 PM): oh yeah maybe george mason is a bad idea
TioJaime858 (11:29:42 PM): load this bomb, we are a go!
TioJaime858 (11:29:49 PM): that's right motherfuckers!
TioJaime858 (11:29:52 PM): 10:12:51
TioJaime858 (11:30:00 PM): 10:17:05
TioJaime858 (11:30:14 PM): tony almeida!
TioJaime858 (11:30:24 PM): new dude?
TioJaime858 (11:30:27 PM): usef audi?
TioJaime858 (11:30:41 PM): not sur ewho he is
TioJaime858 (11:30:44 PM): because i was busy blogging
TioJaime858 (11:31:00 PM): lemme rewind
TioJaime858 (11:31:24 PM): ann-chick!
TioJaime858 (11:31:27 PM): tony almeida!
TioJaime858 (11:31:56 PM): some government liason who helped CTU into sayed ali's safehouse
TioJaime858 (11:32:25 PM): ann-chick
TioJaime858 (11:32:27 PM): yeah momma
TioJaime858 (11:33:06 PM): you stupid C.U.N.T.
TioJaime858 (11:33:08 PM): just do your job
TioJaime858 (11:33:29 PM): an encrypted hard drive!
TioJaime858 (11:33:40 PM): loading the bomb, dude!
TioJaime858 (11:33:46 PM): haven't found Kim yet
TioJaime858 (11:34:13 PM): shit man
TioJaime858 (11:34:32 PM): there's gotta be a second or two to find otu of somebody else would rather fly the bomb-plane
TioJaime858 (11:34:39 PM): hi kim
TioJaime858 (11:34:41 PM): dumbass
TioJaime858 (11:34:48 PM): oh it's anothercar
TioJaime858 (11:35:24 PM): ooh hi jeep chick 4usf627
TioJaime858 (11:35:26 PM): CA plates
TioJaime858 (11:35:36 PM): ooh yeah momma
TioJaime858 (11:35:45 PM): heh
TioJaime858 (11:35:54 PM): yeah get this chick to take you to san jose
TioJaime858 (11:36:10 PM): OK kim, just STFU RIGHT NOW
TioJaime858 (11:36:12 PM): jesus
TioJaime858 (11:36:43 PM): if I was president, i'd fly the bomb far, far away from Las Vegas
TioJaime858 (11:37:26 PM): ooh yeah goodbye terrorist-sister
TioJaime858 (11:38:28 PM): 10:24:31
TioJaime858 (11:38:33 PM): 10:28:45
TioJaime858 (11:38:47 PM): oh it's a statement for tomorrow morning
TioJaime858 (11:39:10 PM): what about the seventh commando?
TioJaime858 (11:39:26 PM): did we ever find out what happened to that dude?
TioJaime858 (11:39:34 PM): president wants to fly to LA
TioJaime858 (11:39:47 PM): his staff doesn't want him to
TioJaime858 (11:40:22 PM): jack bauer dude!
TioJaime858 (11:40:45 PM): so maybe you're gonna have air force 1 intercept jack bauer in mid-air?
TioJaime858 (11:40:50 PM): not that there's enough time
TioJaime858 (11:41:06 PM): maybe they should give him a fighter escort or something?
TioJaime858 (11:41:33 PM): kim w/the hopefully-rapist chick
TioJaime858 (11:41:39 PM): "i'm in a plane"
TioJaime858 (11:42:26 PM): nice job kim
TioJaime858 (11:42:33 PM): see what you did this time?
TioJaime858 (11:42:44 PM): yeah just get to san jose you dumbfuck
TioJaime858 (11:43:02 PM): yes you have been so mean and so bad BECAUSE YOU'RE A DUMBFUCK
TioJaime858 (11:43:06 PM): now take your shirt off
TioJaime858 (11:43:21 PM): is this chick gonna molest kim soon?
TioJaime858 (11:44:39 PM): Ok how's kim gonna fuck this up now?
TioJaime858 (11:44:42 PM): 10:35:07
TioJaime858 (11:44:50 PM): 10:39:25
TioJaime858 (11:45:16 PM): jeep-chick letting kim go
TioJaime858 (11:45:27 PM): oh hi ann-chick
TioJaime858 (11:45:46 PM): decrypted the hard drive!
TioJaime858 (11:46:01 PM): recording of conversation between terrorist-dude and some government officials
TioJaime858 (11:46:25 PM): three countries knew about bomb, bought it for exploda-muslim dude
TioJaime858 (11:46:30 PM): ooh yeah ann-chick
TioJaime858 (11:46:55 PM): they didn't ask tony for an authorization code or anything?
TioJaime858 (11:47:36 PM): confirmation w/in the hour of terrorist dudes
TioJaime858 (11:48:02 PM): OK shouldn't a president ask what three countries were the ones?
TioJaime858 (11:48:34 PM): i like how the Air Force One magazines are in the protectors like in doctor's offices
TioJaime858 (11:48:42 PM): waah waah waah, gotta bomb muslims
TioJaime858 (11:48:51 PM): and now you're quoting lincoln
TioJaime858 (11:49:15 PM): cessna time!
TioJaime858 (11:49:42 PM): WTF?
TioJaime858 (11:49:51 PM): sounds in the cessna
TioJaime858 (11:49:56 PM): LOL
TioJaime858 (11:50:01 PM): it's george mason
TioJaime858 (11:50:14 PM): you crazy guy
TioJaime858 (11:50:44 PM): you crazy crazy crazy george mason
TioJaime858 (11:50:53 PM): that's the funniest thing i've seen on 24!
TioJaime858 (11:51:29 PM): george mason didn't have to hide until the final approach
TioJaime858 (11:51:40 PM): he could've popped out after they took off
TioJaime858 (11:51:43 PM): "supplies!"
TioJaime858 (11:52:14 PM): not like jack would've turned the plane around
TioJaime858 (11:53:00 PM): that sucks
TioJaime858 (11:53:04 PM): poor george mason
TioJaime858 (11:53:07 PM): i liked that guy
TioJaime858 (11:53:17 PM): in real life he's married to nina meyers
TioJaime858 (11:53:20 PM): 10:48:10
TioJaime858 (11:53:25 PM): 10:52:22
TioJaime858 (11:53:37 PM): yeah jack dude
TioJaime858 (11:53:53 PM): will four minutes be enough?
TioJaime858 (11:54:07 PM): "i'm bailing out, and george is taking the plane down"
TioJaime858 (11:54:15 PM): that's cool
TioJaime858 (11:54:24 PM): "mason got on board-- don't ask me how"
TioJaime858 (11:54:52 PM): hey fuck you foreigner
TioJaime858 (11:55:00 PM): "we americans what?
TioJaime858 (11:55:02 PM): dick
TioJaime858 (11:55:13 PM): ooh ensign ro on Air Force One
TioJaime858 (11:56:01 PM): oh yes Second Wave had the backing of three governments
TioJaime858 (11:56:18 PM): what a tard of a president
TioJaime858 (11:56:41 PM): oh yes invasion-licious
TioJaime858 (11:56:45 PM): yeah yeah yeah
TioJaime858 (11:56:58 PM): lazy-ass democrud president
TioJaime858 (11:57:10 PM): ooh yeah WW III w/ensign ro
TioJaime858 (11:57:18 PM): do the dew, george-dude!
TioJaime858 (11:57:47 PM): that's probalby because his son doesn't fuck shit up like kim
TioJaime858 (11:58:11 PM): george, you're a bad-ass, dude
TioJaime858 (11:58:30 PM): that wouldsuck if jack pulled the bomb out w/him
TioJaime858 (11:58:32 PM): d'oh
TioJaime858 (11:58:51 PM): do the dew george
TioJaime858 (11:59:19 PM): oh shit yeah i wanna take a look!
TioJaime858 (11:59:40 PM): george-man!
TioJaime858 (12:00:13 AM): aww yeah jack w/the flare-action!
TioJaime858 (12:00:50 AM): ooh shit yeah
TioJaime858 (12:01:01 AM): yeah bad idea to watch the explosion
TioJaime858 (12:01:11 AM): holy shit
TioJaime858 (12:01:35 AM): mushroom cloud-suppers!
TioJaime858 (12:01:40 AM): 11:00:00
TioJaime858 (12:02:13 AM): well, this can be the first new post on Tio Jaime: Aleph One
TioJaime858 has left the chat room.

Wednesday, June 08, 2005


Public - 1:26 PM

Eff you xanga! I got your "518 days since i joined xanga" right here! And eff you and your "that's a big number" too.

We're moving to blogspot. Eventually.

Tio Jaime Nation is moving the archive to the Blogspot Province. Check out the archive as it's being converted by hand, oh-so-diligently, at it's new home:

Related post here at the SHoP.

And by the time the Blogspot Province catches up to this post, hopefully it'll be fully functional too. Eh. Whatevs.

And for those of you who are completely new and obviously clueless, check out the SixHertz House of Pain where I've been contributing quite regularly. At least more regularly than any of the other contributors. Not that it's hard. I practically have to get uber-pissed at SixH to get him to post on his own blog.enough for now.  i've given you quite a few links that should keep you busy for a while

Jihad Jimmy, Minister of War Crimes and Chief Defender of the Faith

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