Thursday, April 01, 2004


Public - 2:08 PM

I have one textbook from school (go bears) in my bookcase here at work: Engineering Mechanics of Solids for the infamous CE 130. I was bored and flipping through and found this one passage I'd highlighted...

"Thus, the physically attractive definition of the shear strain as the change in angle gamma is not acceptable when the shear strain is a component of a tensor."

That is highlighted and in the margin I've commented "ASSHOLE". For the life of me, I can't recall why, but it's amusing nonetheless.

If you flip through the book, you'll also find where a certain M-word has written me cutesey comments in the margins, apparently when I fell asleep while studying. Sucky-ass girlfriend.

But at least she gave me and the boys baseball. And for that I *don't* want her to rot in hell. As much.

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