Friday, April 09, 2004


Public - 3:15 PM

Bogus! There are no fish and chips places between Benicia and Oakland! WTF, yo?

I prefer the english style fish and chips to the pacific northwest style. The english style is beer battered, whereas in seattle, it's all breadcrumbs. Not as good.

In the bay area, if you want to try Seattle-style fish and chips, head out to Valleyfair Mall, where Seattle institution Ivar's has set up shop.

I seem to be blogging a lot recently about food. Food, and Crap-on-Your-Bed Girl, who, in a frustrating fit of personal responsibility and fidelity, went home after work yesterday to her BF who had made dinner for them.

Perhaps he picked up some Polish Sausages for them from the kiosk outside of his Home Depot.

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