Saturday, May 01, 2004


Public - 4:29 AM

Poke00210 (3:20:32 AM): OK gonna try to do this 3am Critic thing again...
Poke00210 (3:20:47 AM): 24, Second Season
Poke00210 (3:20:52 AM): 8am - 9am
Poke00210 (3:21:27 AM): i've brushed my teeth, so if i fall asleep, no probrem!!!
Poke00210 (3:21:55 AM): some korean chick torturing some korean dude
Poke00210 (3:22:08 AM): oh sorry.... South Koreans
Poke00210 (3:22:57 AM): looks like they tortured the information out of him
Poke00210 (3:23:16 AM): OK and now they're in Oregon
Poke00210 (3:23:33 AM): hey, it's the black dude!
Poke00210 (3:24:19 AM): oh my
Poke00210 (3:24:34 AM): elisha cuthbert w/o pants
Poke00210 (3:24:41 AM): yay!
Poke00210 (3:25:10 AM): show her w/o pants again
Poke00210 (3:25:21 AM): asses
Poke00210 (3:25:33 AM): hey is that linda park?
Poke00210 (3:25:48 AM): they all look alike anyway
Poke00210 (3:25:55 AM): (asian chicks)
Poke00210 (3:26:10 AM): shit, lincoln's 5.1 is nice
Poke00210 (3:26:24 AM): is that sara gilbert?
Poke00210 (3:27:51 AM): awwww shit yeah!!! you bring back jack Bauer, motherfuckers!!!
Poke00210 (3:28:06 AM): AMF
Poke00210 (3:28:51 AM): OK i think they're back in Oregon again
Poke00210 (3:28:57 AM): hey, Devon's from Oregon
Poke00210 (3:29:38 AM): *very* serious domestic terrorist alert, eh?
Poke00210 (3:29:44 AM): I like those odds
Poke00210 (3:30:06 AM): OK
Poke00210 (3:30:21 AM): "there's a nuclear device under terrorist control on US soil"
Poke00210 (3:30:24 AM): in LA
Poke00210 (3:30:32 AM): oh shit yeah this bomb's going to go off today
Poke00210 (3:30:37 AM): lousy arabs
Poke00210 (3:32:10 AM): "get me the prime minister
Poke00210 (3:32:13 AM): "
Poke00210 (3:32:19 AM): dag, yo
Poke00210 (3:32:28 AM): oh hello kim
Poke00210 (3:32:43 AM): no commercial break?
Poke00210 (3:32:58 AM): oh yeah, kim UNNNNGH
Poke00210 (3:33:13 AM): oh she's the best nanny *ever*
Poke00210 (3:33:33 AM): jimmy's been very naughty
Poke00210 (3:33:37 AM): jimmy needs a spanking
Poke00210 (3:33:44 AM): jimmy needs a nanny to give him a spanking
Poke00210 (3:33:45 AM): LOL
Poke00210 (3:33:53 AM): "Kim you've got a great body"
Poke00210 (3:34:06 AM): shit i should just watch old school
Poke00210 (3:35:12 AM): BAM
Poke00210 (3:35:21 AM): immediate and decisive force, baby
Poke00210 (3:35:23 AM): feel the burn
Poke00210 (3:35:47 AM): blah blah blah
Poke00210 (3:35:56 AM): muslim this, islam that
Poke00210 (3:36:14 AM): oh it's kim, but she's wearing pants =(
Poke00210 (3:37:16 AM): yeah, kim needs a jimmy-spanking
Poke00210 (3:38:26 AM): oh wah, you killed my mom, dad
Poke00210 (3:38:33 AM): !
Poke00210 (3:38:41 AM): elisha cuthbert has nice ears
Poke00210 (3:39:13 AM): yay, run up the stairs kim!
Poke00210 (3:39:35 AM): OK and now it begins
Poke00210 (3:39:37 AM): nodded off
Poke00210 (3:39:46 AM): perhaps i should go back and see what i missed
Poke00210 (3:40:19 AM): stupid girl.
Poke00210 (3:40:45 AM): if anything *you* killed your mom by leaving your house last season
Poke00210 (3:40:49 AM): srut
Poke00210 (3:41:38 AM): nice thunderbird
Poke00210 (3:41:42 AM): too bad i don't like arabs
Poke00210 (3:42:08 AM): oh shit, is that amy smart?
Poke00210 (3:46:41 AM): shit i wonder what happened to that show on ABC w/the fbi and the mob
Poke00210 (3:52:32 AM): i'm still awke, don't worry
Poke00210 (3:54:29 AM): OK and now where the fuck are they?
Poke00210 (3:57:09 AM): yay jackand tony are meeting
Poke00210 (3:57:12 AM): can i go to sleep yet?
Poke00210 (4:02:22 AM): yeah, i guess you'd better go back to CTU... nucular holocaust sucks butt
Poke00210 (4:05:01 AM): Help us Jack Bauer, you're our only hope!
Poke00210 (4:05:41 AM): stupid kim tard
Poke00210 (4:05:52 AM): (oh, i rewound the DVD)
Poke00210 (4:09:51 AM): OK and now i almost dropped my compute
Poke00210 (4:19:40 AM): OK and now he just shot somebody
Poke00210 (4:19:46 AM): but i was asleep
Poke00210 (4:23:34 AM): OK almost done
Poke00210 (4:27:32 AM): hmm OK
Poke00210 (4:27:56 AM): best if i try to watch this again when i'm not tired
Poke00210 (4:28:01 AM): OK goodnight
Poke00210 (4:28:11 AM): i miss Crap-on-Your-Bed Girl

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