Monday, May 24, 2004


Public - 7:59 PM

6:49 PM
unkajimmy858: OK two episodes of Gilmore Girls and i'm done for the season
unkajimmy858: with exception of the episodes i've missed
unkajimmy858: but i don't want to get into that right now
6:50 PM
unkajimmy858: well shit, there's no time stamp
unkajimmy858: OK lemme change something on Emily...

*** OK here's the rest of the post ***

unkajimmy858 (6:49:05 PM): OK two episodes of Gilmore Girls and i'm done for the season
unkajimmy858 (6:49:11 PM): with exception of the episodes i've missed
unkajimmy858 (6:49:25 PM): but i don't want to get into that right now
unkajimmy858 (6:49:36 PM): well shit, there's no time stamp
unkajimmy858 (6:49:48 PM): OK lemme change something on Emily...
Poke00210 signed off at 6:51:32 PM.
Poke00210 signed on at 6:51:56 PM.
Poke00210 is away at 6:52:57 PM.
unkajimmy858 (6:54:07 PM): God I hate AIM

Auto response from Poke00210 (6:54:08 PM): gilmore girls

unkajimmy858 (6:54:13 PM): iChat is so much prettier
unkajimmy858 (6:54:19 PM): yeah no shit auto response
unkajimmy858 (6:54:23 PM): i'm the dumb motherfucker who set it
unkajimmy858 (6:54:36 PM): OK let's get this show on the road
unkajimmy858 (6:54:42 PM): i'll get to 24 later
unkajimmy858 (6:55:07 PM): here's Gilmore Girls, episode entitled "Last Week Fights, This Week Tights"
unkajimmy858 (6:55:14 PM): oh wonderful
unkajimmy858 (6:55:35 PM): "All of Stars Hollow turns out for Liz's Renaissance-themed weding;  Luke sks Lorlai out on a date."
unkajimmy858 (6:55:43 PM): FUCK I HATE THIS DELL
unkajimmy858 (6:55:49 PM): CAN'T FUCKING TYPE
unkajimmy858 (6:56:04 PM): "All of Stars Hollow turns out for Liz's Renaissance-themed wedding;  Luke asks Lorelai out on a date."
unkajimmy858 (6:56:10 PM): FUCK
unkajimmy858 (6:56:15 PM): LET'S GO
unkajimmy858 (6:56:49 PM): ooh sluts on One Tree Hill
unkajimmy858 (6:57:03 PM): yay, a Fresh Gilmore Girls
unkajimmy858 (6:57:22 PM): ooh, who's this tall chick with the big nose?
unkajimmy858 (6:57:33 PM): oh ha ha it's Kirk again
unkajimmy858 (6:58:10 PM): you fucking tard, Miss Patty beat you up?
unkajimmy858 (6:58:35 PM): i'm surprised the other townsfolk were slow enough to be beaten by her on the way to kicking the crap out of you
unkajimmy858 (6:58:38 PM): ooh, lauren graham in shorts
unkajimmy858 (6:58:57 PM): ooh Liza Weil
unkajimmy858 (6:59:01 PM): ooh Kelly Bishop
unkajimmy858 (6:59:19 PM): oh, Emily I referenced earlier is my tibook, named after Emily Gilmore
unkajimmy858 (6:59:31 PM): ooh, hot chick sniffing herself in deodorant commercial
unkajimmy858 (6:59:46 PM): ooh, hot *chicks* sniffing *themselves* in deodorant commercials
unkajimmy858 (7:00:11 PM): "Hey, kiddo, you smell nice..."
unkajimmy858 (7:00:32 PM): "Hey Megan, James said I smell nice!"
unkajimmy858 (7:00:43 PM): "What are you doing smelling Mara?"
unkajimmy858 (7:01:30 PM): these buddy icons suck
unkajimmy858 (7:01:58 PM): who the shit is calling me?
unkajimmy858 (7:08:45 PM): OK that was T
unkajimmy858 (7:10:04 PM): Hey you mind buddy
unkajimmy858 (7:10:08 PM): yeah that wasn't funny
unkajimmy858 (7:10:15 PM): whoa Rory boobs
unkajimmy858 (7:11:11 PM): whoa Jesus and Mel Gibson
unkajimmy858 (7:12:13 PM): Ok horse in the inn
unkajimmy858 (7:12:27 PM): willing suspension of disbelief fading
unkajimmy858 (7:12:29 PM): fading fast
unkajimmy858 (7:13:51 PM): whoa crotch notch
unkajimmy858 (7:14:08 PM): whoa top heavy paris
unkajimmy858 (7:14:39 PM): Ok rory doesn't have a BF we get it
unkajimmy858 (7:15:29 PM): i like the paris boobs
unkajimmy858 (7:15:41 PM): huh?
unkajimmy858 (7:16:07 PM): "James Madison liked big knockers."
unkajimmy858 (7:16:10 PM): "I get things"
unkajimmy858 (7:17:45 PM): whoa
unkajimmy858 (7:18:05 PM): janky chicks eyeing luke's sister's son
unkajimmy858 (7:18:17 PM): whoa stripper
unkajimmy858 (7:18:54 PM): kirk is such a cockmaster
unkajimmy858 (7:19:45 PM): ooh yeah Emily
unkajimmy858 (7:20:36 PM): ahh yes, Rory *still* doesn't have a boyfriend
unkajimmy858 (7:21:30 PM): who the fuck wrote this episode
unkajimmy858 (7:21:47 PM): yeah somebody like Lorelai Gilmore has heard of Sun Tzu's Art of War
unkajimmy858 (7:22:04 PM): OK terrible acting, shitty writing
unkajimmy858 (7:23:21 PM): Krazy Konnecticut Koreans!!!
unkajimmy858 (7:23:23 PM): whoooweee
unkajimmy858 (7:23:44 PM): oh yay
unkajimmy858 (7:24:00 PM): setting up rory w/random dudes
unkajimmy858 (7:25:23 PM): oh yes, abuse the box taping machine
unkajimmy858 (7:26:47 PM): LOL
unkajimmy858 (7:26:52 PM): he threw away the deodorant
unkajimmy858 (7:27:11 PM): that was an easy laugh
unkajimmy858 (7:27:20 PM): ooh, lorelai in medieval cleavage garb
unkajimmy858 (7:30:50 PM): ooh busty luke-chick
unkajimmy858 (7:31:14 PM): ahh yes, don't spread your legs
unkajimmy858 (7:31:21 PM): what the fuck is up with the stupid double entendres?
unkajimmy858 (7:34:04 PM): "you're going to make a great sister-in-law..."  OK i think the viewership of this show has fallen a couple of notches down the stupid tree
unkajimmy858 (7:35:29 PM): OK this is retardo-tastic
unkajimmy858 (7:38:20 PM): Mrs. Kim meets the boys!
unkajimmy858 (7:38:50 PM): LOL
unkajimmy858 (7:38:58 PM): Mrs. kim ran away!
unkajimmy858 (7:40:06 PM): and now she's talking to Lorelai who is wearing medieval garb
unkajimmy858 (7:41:59 PM): oh, and now Luke is hurt because Lorelai mocked his book!
unkajimmy858 (7:42:26 PM): and Rory's hanging out w/the boys
unkajimmy858 (7:42:32 PM): and they're talking about ACC basketball
unkajimmy858 (7:43:28 PM): heh, Rory and a drunk dude!
unkajimmy858 (7:44:12 PM): oh she called somebody to get her out of the bar....  who is it?
unkajimmy858 (7:44:18 PM): this is very mysterious
unkajimmy858 (7:44:30 PM): and this chick in the Silk commercial is hot and needs a spanking
unkajimmy858 (7:45:12 PM): yay one tree hill is next
unkajimmy858 (7:45:41 PM): you two are girls!
unkajimmy858 (7:46:15 PM): I doth wantest to beat the living crap out of Kirk
unkajimmy858 (7:47:23 PM): oh my, they're gonna dance
unkajimmy858 (7:48:38 PM): Oh it's Dean!
unkajimmy858 (7:48:40 PM): yay!
unkajimmy858 (7:48:43 PM): Dean to the rescue!
unkajimmy858 (7:49:43 PM): stupid kids
unkajimmy858 (7:49:47 PM): left their tab @ the bar
unkajimmy858 (7:50:39 PM): whoa, he's asking her out
unkajimmy858 (7:50:48 PM): i think we all saw this coming
unkajimmy858 (7:50:59 PM): and did it mention this in the episode description
unkajimmy858 (7:51:36 PM): see?  Jess really was a good guy after all yay
Poke00210 signed off at 7:52:40 PM.
Poke00210 signed on at 7:53:20 PM.
unkajimmy858 (7:54:10 PM): stupid AIM
unkajimmy858 (7:54:42 PM): yay!  rory and dean!
unkajimmy858 (7:55:06 PM): Dude, Where's Your Lindsey?
unkajimmy858 (7:55:23 PM): No, i'm not going home
unkajimmy858 (7:55:24 PM): yay
unkajimmy858 (7:56:28 PM): yay!  jess is nuts!
unkajimmy858 (7:56:51 PM): booyah
unkajimmy858 (7:56:57 PM): jess was faced

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