Monday, January 03, 2005


Public - 5:13 PM

Toeing the SHoP Line, Jimmy Style!!!

This was originally on SixHertz House of Pain, but has since been removed.

So cleavage is OK but two drunk blondes peeing (quite possibly on each other) is out of the question?

Oh, wait. Yeah. That makes complete sense in the whole Inappropriate spectrum...

Many thanks to SixHertz for gingerly and consistently putting up with my TioJaime-ness and not just banning my politically incorrect ass. He's probably just playing the TioJaime's intelligent post lotto in the hopes of hitting a nice prize.

Although, SixH, you'll be pleased to know that I'm taking a page out of the Don and Mike playbook and toning down the naughtiness while still maintaining the Spirit of Tio Jaime.

And don't worry, the naughtiness will still be available right here on the xanga page.

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