Wednesday, May 26, 2004
Public - 1:23 AM
and the one kings fan i can name is hotter than both of them (catrina/chelsea) but there's only one of her...
LL: i'm sorry i called you a retard and a moron and insulted your family (i think). but you *are* unbelievably hot even if you were born seven years after me and live some 400 miles away.
shit, COYB girl is only four years older than my brother, but seven years younger than me!!! FUCK
Public - 1:12 AM
"Hey James, do you know who won the laker game last night?!?"
"I don't fucking know and I don't fucking care."
here's what i commented on somebody else's blog because some lakur-tard tried to ruin her shit... check out the entire waste-of-time basketball discussion here
check out a useless Lakur fan here!!! Well goddam, lakurlisa is hella cute! kinda young, yes, but she's quite the full-on scorchcake
(here's what i commented)
And holy jesus, laker-chick, learn to spell and capitalize properly. DON'T capitalize EVERY other WORD because IT'S fucking ANNOYING. ANNOYING.
Norcalchic's point wasn't that the lakers are retarded. Even though they are. Anybody who is a lakers fan outside of SoCal is an unoriginal moron. If your family has been following the Lakers for several generations, then you must be very dull as basketball is the same running back and forth every 24 seconds or so. Whoops, threw the ball out of bounds? Whatevs, we'll get it back in a minute or so anyway.
Basketball is for retards who don't have an intelligent attention span. You want to think and be challenged by a sport? Try figuring out baseball. I guarantee that *you* won't like it.
SoCal *doesn't* take it sports seriously. No football team. Dodgers fans leave by the sixth inning to beat traffic. Anaheim "fans" can't explain OPS or the infield fly rule.
norcalchic: my sincerest apologies for using your comment board to flame this socal-tard... i'm going to the wednesday & thursday games against the d-backs... lemme buy you a beer if you're going
Posted 5/26/2004 at 12:53 AM by TioJaime
OK in hindsight, I'm kinda sorry I called her a retard because she's pretty cute.
(for those of you just joining tio jaime, look back about a month or so for Crap-on-Your-Bed Girl background info)
holy shit, crap-on-your-bed girl was born in 1985?!?
Monday, May 24, 2004
Public - 8:34 PM
Here's what i gathered from the preview, though.... luke and lorelai are going to kiss. Rory and newlywed Dean are going to hump.
We'll see how much of this is really the case... you know how Gilmore Girls is, even for their season finale...
Tio J
Public - 8:13 PM
The real treat is the midi of Brown Eyed Girl.
Think about it
Public - 7:59 PM
6:49 PM
unkajimmy858: OK two episodes of Gilmore Girls and i'm done for the season
unkajimmy858: with exception of the episodes i've missed
unkajimmy858: but i don't want to get into that right now
6:50 PM
unkajimmy858: well shit, there's no time stamp
unkajimmy858: OK lemme change something on Emily...
*** OK here's the rest of the post ***
unkajimmy858 (6:49:05 PM): OK two episodes of Gilmore Girls and i'm done for the season
unkajimmy858 (6:49:11 PM): with exception of the episodes i've missed
unkajimmy858 (6:49:25 PM): but i don't want to get into that right now
unkajimmy858 (6:49:36 PM): well shit, there's no time stamp
unkajimmy858 (6:49:48 PM): OK lemme change something on Emily...
Poke00210 signed off at 6:51:32 PM.
Poke00210 signed on at 6:51:56 PM.
Poke00210 is away at 6:52:57 PM.
unkajimmy858 (6:54:07 PM): God I hate AIM
Auto response from Poke00210 (6:54:08 PM): gilmore girls
unkajimmy858 (6:54:13 PM): iChat is so much prettier
unkajimmy858 (6:54:19 PM): yeah no shit auto response
unkajimmy858 (6:54:23 PM): i'm the dumb motherfucker who set it
unkajimmy858 (6:54:36 PM): OK let's get this show on the road
unkajimmy858 (6:54:42 PM): i'll get to 24 later
unkajimmy858 (6:55:07 PM): here's Gilmore Girls, episode entitled "Last Week Fights, This Week Tights"
unkajimmy858 (6:55:14 PM): oh wonderful
unkajimmy858 (6:55:35 PM): "All of Stars Hollow turns out for Liz's Renaissance-themed weding; Luke sks Lorlai out on a date."
unkajimmy858 (6:55:43 PM): FUCK I HATE THIS DELL
unkajimmy858 (6:55:49 PM): CAN'T FUCKING TYPE
unkajimmy858 (6:56:04 PM): "All of Stars Hollow turns out for Liz's Renaissance-themed wedding; Luke asks Lorelai out on a date."
unkajimmy858 (6:56:10 PM): FUCK
unkajimmy858 (6:56:15 PM): LET'S GO
unkajimmy858 (6:56:49 PM): ooh sluts on One Tree Hill
unkajimmy858 (6:57:03 PM): yay, a Fresh Gilmore Girls
unkajimmy858 (6:57:22 PM): ooh, who's this tall chick with the big nose?
unkajimmy858 (6:57:33 PM): oh ha ha it's Kirk again
unkajimmy858 (6:58:10 PM): you fucking tard, Miss Patty beat you up?
unkajimmy858 (6:58:35 PM): i'm surprised the other townsfolk were slow enough to be beaten by her on the way to kicking the crap out of you
unkajimmy858 (6:58:38 PM): ooh, lauren graham in shorts
unkajimmy858 (6:58:57 PM): ooh Liza Weil
unkajimmy858 (6:59:01 PM): ooh Kelly Bishop
unkajimmy858 (6:59:19 PM): oh, Emily I referenced earlier is my tibook, named after Emily Gilmore
unkajimmy858 (6:59:31 PM): ooh, hot chick sniffing herself in deodorant commercial
unkajimmy858 (6:59:46 PM): ooh, hot *chicks* sniffing *themselves* in deodorant commercials
unkajimmy858 (7:00:11 PM): "Hey, kiddo, you smell nice..."
unkajimmy858 (7:00:32 PM): "Hey Megan, James said I smell nice!"
unkajimmy858 (7:00:43 PM): "What are you doing smelling Mara?"
unkajimmy858 (7:01:30 PM): these buddy icons suck
unkajimmy858 (7:01:58 PM): who the shit is calling me?
unkajimmy858 (7:08:45 PM): OK that was T
unkajimmy858 (7:10:04 PM): Hey you mind buddy
unkajimmy858 (7:10:08 PM): yeah that wasn't funny
unkajimmy858 (7:10:15 PM): whoa Rory boobs
unkajimmy858 (7:11:11 PM): whoa Jesus and Mel Gibson
unkajimmy858 (7:12:13 PM): Ok horse in the inn
unkajimmy858 (7:12:27 PM): willing suspension of disbelief fading
unkajimmy858 (7:12:29 PM): fading fast
unkajimmy858 (7:13:51 PM): whoa crotch notch
unkajimmy858 (7:14:08 PM): whoa top heavy paris
unkajimmy858 (7:14:39 PM): Ok rory doesn't have a BF we get it
unkajimmy858 (7:15:29 PM): i like the paris boobs
unkajimmy858 (7:15:41 PM): huh?
unkajimmy858 (7:16:07 PM): "James Madison liked big knockers."
unkajimmy858 (7:16:10 PM): "I get things"
unkajimmy858 (7:17:45 PM): whoa
unkajimmy858 (7:18:05 PM): janky chicks eyeing luke's sister's son
unkajimmy858 (7:18:17 PM): whoa stripper
unkajimmy858 (7:18:54 PM): kirk is such a cockmaster
unkajimmy858 (7:19:45 PM): ooh yeah Emily
unkajimmy858 (7:20:36 PM): ahh yes, Rory *still* doesn't have a boyfriend
unkajimmy858 (7:21:30 PM): who the fuck wrote this episode
unkajimmy858 (7:21:47 PM): yeah somebody like Lorelai Gilmore has heard of Sun Tzu's Art of War
unkajimmy858 (7:22:04 PM): OK terrible acting, shitty writing
unkajimmy858 (7:23:21 PM): Krazy Konnecticut Koreans!!!
unkajimmy858 (7:23:23 PM): whoooweee
unkajimmy858 (7:23:44 PM): oh yay
unkajimmy858 (7:24:00 PM): setting up rory w/random dudes
unkajimmy858 (7:25:23 PM): oh yes, abuse the box taping machine
unkajimmy858 (7:26:47 PM): LOL
unkajimmy858 (7:26:52 PM): he threw away the deodorant
unkajimmy858 (7:27:11 PM): that was an easy laugh
unkajimmy858 (7:27:20 PM): ooh, lorelai in medieval cleavage garb
unkajimmy858 (7:30:50 PM): ooh busty luke-chick
unkajimmy858 (7:31:14 PM): ahh yes, don't spread your legs
unkajimmy858 (7:31:21 PM): what the fuck is up with the stupid double entendres?
unkajimmy858 (7:34:04 PM): "you're going to make a great sister-in-law..." OK i think the viewership of this show has fallen a couple of notches down the stupid tree
unkajimmy858 (7:35:29 PM): OK this is retardo-tastic
unkajimmy858 (7:38:20 PM): Mrs. Kim meets the boys!
unkajimmy858 (7:38:50 PM): LOL
unkajimmy858 (7:38:58 PM): Mrs. kim ran away!
unkajimmy858 (7:40:06 PM): and now she's talking to Lorelai who is wearing medieval garb
unkajimmy858 (7:41:59 PM): oh, and now Luke is hurt because Lorelai mocked his book!
unkajimmy858 (7:42:26 PM): and Rory's hanging out w/the boys
unkajimmy858 (7:42:32 PM): and they're talking about ACC basketball
unkajimmy858 (7:43:28 PM): heh, Rory and a drunk dude!
unkajimmy858 (7:44:12 PM): oh she called somebody to get her out of the bar.... who is it?
unkajimmy858 (7:44:18 PM): this is very mysterious
unkajimmy858 (7:44:30 PM): and this chick in the Silk commercial is hot and needs a spanking
unkajimmy858 (7:45:12 PM): yay one tree hill is next
unkajimmy858 (7:45:41 PM): you two are girls!
unkajimmy858 (7:46:15 PM): I doth wantest to beat the living crap out of Kirk
unkajimmy858 (7:47:23 PM): oh my, they're gonna dance
unkajimmy858 (7:48:38 PM): Oh it's Dean!
unkajimmy858 (7:48:40 PM): yay!
unkajimmy858 (7:48:43 PM): Dean to the rescue!
unkajimmy858 (7:49:43 PM): stupid kids
unkajimmy858 (7:49:47 PM): left their tab @ the bar
unkajimmy858 (7:50:39 PM): whoa, he's asking her out
unkajimmy858 (7:50:48 PM): i think we all saw this coming
unkajimmy858 (7:50:59 PM): and did it mention this in the episode description
unkajimmy858 (7:51:36 PM): see? Jess really was a good guy after all yay
Poke00210 signed off at 7:52:40 PM.
Poke00210 signed on at 7:53:20 PM.
unkajimmy858 (7:54:10 PM): stupid AIM
unkajimmy858 (7:54:42 PM): yay! rory and dean!
unkajimmy858 (7:55:06 PM): Dude, Where's Your Lindsey?
unkajimmy858 (7:55:23 PM): No, i'm not going home
unkajimmy858 (7:55:24 PM): yay
unkajimmy858 (7:56:28 PM): yay! jess is nuts!
unkajimmy858 (7:56:51 PM): booyah
unkajimmy858 (7:56:57 PM): jess was faced
Sunday, May 23, 2004
Public - 8:04 PM
Since then, I've placed first in four other league tournaments, placed first in the State Qualifying Tournament twice, and twice biffed during the state championship tournament.
Anyway, I knew I'd want to blog about it, just not a week late. Sorry about that. Not that you can really tell the difference anyway.
What I had done throughout the course of the day was text message myself on my trusty T-mobile-issued Nokia when something blogworthy happened or was said.
1) Leland HS head coach Gay Brasher (yep, that's her real name) had mentioned to the judges-- mostly high school varsity NFLers, or speech and debaters, for those of you not in the know-- "pay attention to the novices! Do not fall asleep during the rounds! I don't care if you were up until 3am last night!"
Now how the hell did she know that I was up until 3am last night drinking and zooing w/the boys?!? Oh, if she only knew. I'm willing to bet that out of everybody in that room (high schoolers and some parents) that I was the *only* one partying jimmy-style just 5 hours earlier...
2) They started describing the various events to the judges. She went over the interps, which was my claim to bellarmine NFL fame back in the day... DI was Dramatic Interpretation, OI was Oratorical Interpretation... easy stuff.
Then they mentioned TI, thematic interpretation. This event was where you took three smaller pieces that were related somehow and delivered them. And while you were speaking, you would hold a binder, presumably with the text/scripts of your pieces.
But in all honesty, no TIer I ever knew *ever* went unmemorized. So I got to thinking, "well what if you put other reading material in your TI binder?? And naturally, the next though was, "shit, you could put porn in your TI binder!!!"
If i were to do it all over again, I'd try TI, but put pictures of Monica Bellucci in my binder.

3) Mrs. Brasher described Expository. These are fun speeches where the topic is expository in nature. It's like a cool report, or sales pitch. Topics I've seen in the past are "Dreams", "Ghosts", "Doughnuts", "Baseball", "Twins", and "Eyeglasses". The more ubiquitous the topic, the better-- "Deodorant and Anti-Perspirant" or "Doors".
You might think that a ten minute speech on deodorant would suck, but see, that's the point. It's gotta not suck. And they don't.
Mrs. Brasher said that visual aids were optional. Which they are. Except at Bellarmine, where a few of us freshmen in 1992 Rhetoric tried to pass by w/o visual aids. Not what Bellarmine does, according to head coach Jim Harville. In class, me and a friend did back-to-back expos speeches without VAs. I did Dreams, he did Ghosts. We followed a speech on Heat-Shrink Wrap with outstanding visuals. Heh.
4) Hot high school varsity debaters. Ooh, there was this one Leland HS skank wearing shorts shorter than my boxers. Damn, those were nice legs. Unfortunately, they were attached to an asian chick. This reminded me of Leland's marie huang, who I'm told i was watching very intently during a DI round when i was a junior... I don't remember this, but it appears that I'm not completely averse to asian women...
5) I was walking back to the judges room after my first round judging, when i ran into my little brother and his friends. (They're freshmen in HS, 11 years younger than me, for reference.) I asked him how his rounds were going, if he needed anything. As I was walking away and as he was going to his next roun, somebody yells, "Hey [last name deleted], where you going?!" I turned around as if to say "WTF?" but they were talking to my brother. Maybe you had to be there. It was kinda surreal.
Friday, May 21, 2004
Public - 12:26 AM
whoops. I *did* say that out loud
Poke00210 - me
jasonilima - Jason I. Lima
12:11 AM
poke00210: yo
jasonilima: whatup! Hey, I got your message, but I was in the movies watching Troy
poke00210: what message?
poke00210: i believe you
poke00210: how was it?
jasonilima: cell phone.
jasonilima: it sucked.
poke00210: oh
poke00210: sorry
poke00210: you should JAX0R
12:15 AM
jasonilima: I think if I was gay, I'd have jax0red off to Brad Pitt's excessive nekkidness in the movie.
poke00210: OK just stop thinking about that
jasonilima: i'm not, though.
jasonilima: mcGonads is fucking nuts. I mean, a 'go-fit' meal? Who the fuck they think they're kidding?
jasonilima: this is fucked up too.
poke00210: buncha fucking retards
12:20 AM
poke00210: i found that link on the side of the mcdonalds 365 days of black history
poke00210: dumbfucks
jasonilima: jeezus
poke00210: this is fucking stupid
jasonilima: are you not offended?
poke00210: if you need mcdonalds to help you with your cultural identity, you should be either deported or sent to concentration camps
jasonilima: hehe
poke00210: and what the shit is this?? Kazuhiro Sasaki was the 20th overall most influential asian in sports?!?
poke00210: He was only the AL all-star closer two years ago
poke00210: fucking bullshit
poke00210: i'm going to look at naughty things now on
poke00210: congratulations, you've made the blog
jasonilima: yay!
jasonilima: i gotta look now
Tuesday, May 18, 2004
Public - 9:57 PM
PrincessSopfhia (9:11:38 PM): very important
PrincessSopfhia (9:11:43 PM): lemme pour a coke and we'll go...
PrincessSopfhia (9:12:24 PM): FINALLY
PrincessSopfhia (9:12:40 PM): PREVIOUSLY ON 24
PrincessSopfhia (9:12:48 PM): yay the president
PrincessSopfhia (9:12:50 PM): yay jack bauer
PrincessSopfhia (9:12:59 PM): ooh YEAH KILL THE LITTLE TERRORISTS~~~~
PrincessSopfhia (9:13:02 PM): !!!
PrincessSopfhia (9:13:08 PM): yay sherry palmer
PrincessSopfhia (9:13:26 PM): yay stupid stupid kim bauer
PrincessSopfhia (9:13:52 PM): yay marie warner
PrincessSopfhia (9:13:59 PM): stupid terrorist chick
PrincessSopfhia (9:14:12 PM): The folowign takes place between 8:00pm and 9:00m
PrincessSopfhia (9:14:13 PM): pm
PrincessSopfhia (9:14:51 PM): they're en route to the airfield
PrincessSopfhia (9:15:00 PM): although they only seem to be halfway through the season
PrincessSopfhia (9:15:08 PM): unless there's a 12-hour standoff @ the airfield
PrincessSopfhia (9:15:13 PM): oh it's stupid kim and a new friend!
PrincessSopfhia (9:15:54 PM): umm, OK kim go into the cabin in the woods
PrincessSopfhia (9:16:20 PM): ha ha, stupid NSA prick!
PrincessSopfhia (9:16:40 PM): ha ha, he broke
PrincessSopfhia (9:17:05 PM): yeah nice job stupid NSA fuker
PrincessSopfhia (9:17:07 PM): fucker
PrincessSopfhia (9:17:42 PM): ah
PrincessSopfhia (9:17:46 PM): very sneaky
PrincessSopfhia (9:18:28 PM): LOL oh, we lost contact with the special ops team
PrincessSopfhia (9:18:30 PM): d'oh
PrincessSopfhia (9:18:35 PM): uh oh
PrincessSopfhia (9:19:12 PM): possible CTU-renegade mutinous dudes showdown @ Norton Airfield in the lovely confines of Los Angeles
PrincessSopfhia (9:19:16 PM): fuck the lakurs
PrincessSopfhia (9:19:58 PM): oh yeah, booyah Tony Almeida's Wild West Terrorist Round-Up!!
PrincessSopfhia (9:20:01 PM): yahoo
PrincessSopfhia (9:20:10 PM): OK en route to Norton
PrincessSopfhia (9:20:25 PM): LOL
PrincessSopfhia (9:20:40 PM): hostile paramilitary unit between you and the bomb
PrincessSopfhia (9:21:15 PM): oh shit yeah gonna try to get some more firepower from Camp Pendleton
PrincessSopfhia (9:21:29 PM): maybe there will be a 12-hour standoff now
PrincessSopfhia (9:21:33 PM): 8:09
PrincessSopfhia (9:21:40 PM): oh and 12 seconds
PrincessSopfhia (9:22:25 PM): aww, that's too bad, huh terrorist chick from Nickelodeon's Fifteen
PrincessSopfhia (9:23:26 PM): hmm, I got a bad feeling about this
PrincessSopfhia (9:23:51 PM): this can't be good
PrincessSopfhia (9:24:18 PM): 08:11:57
PrincessSopfhia (9:24:24 PM): 08:16:23
PrincessSopfhia (9:25:10 PM): oh hello kim nipplage
PrincessSopfhia (9:25:15 PM): whoa
PrincessSopfhia (9:25:47 PM): oh damn
PrincessSopfhia (9:27:32 PM): yeah be confrontational and shit, you STUPID KIM
PrincessSopfhia (9:27:42 PM): is that the dude from Heaven Help Us?
PrincessSopfhia (9:28:06 PM): "Sir, this cannot possibly have a good outcome"
PrincessSopfhia (9:28:09 PM): thanks ensign
PrincessSopfhia (9:28:37 PM): Witch Hunt time!!! bring in the michigan senator!
PrincessSopfhia (9:28:48 PM): stupid president
PrincessSopfhia (9:28:54 PM): you're wife is a bitch-lord
PrincessSopfhia (9:28:57 PM): FUCK
PrincessSopfhia (9:29:01 PM): your wife is a bitch-lord
PrincessSopfhia (9:29:21 PM): Ok that's like the 2nd time that i've confused those two in my entire life
PrincessSopfhia (9:29:34 PM): yeah, stupid Division
PrincessSopfhia (9:29:51 PM): hello ann-chick
PrincessSopfhia (9:30:04 PM): 08:22:00
PrincessSopfhia (9:30:29 PM): oh shit
PrincessSopfhia (9:30:33 PM): here we go
PrincessSopfhia (9:30:39 PM): guns-a-blazin'
PrincessSopfhia (9:31:25 PM): fuck this PC AIM is annoying
PrincessSopfhia (9:31:42 PM): stupid window keeps popping up in the corner telling me that people are coming on or going off
PrincessSopfhia (9:31:50 PM): and uh oh, dead soldier dudes
PrincessSopfhia (9:31:56 PM): oh shit
PrincessSopfhia (9:32:20 PM): 08:24:16
PrincessSopfhia (9:32:24 PM): 08:28:40
PrincessSopfhia (9:32:35 PM): nobody be trackin de bomb!
PrincessSopfhia (9:33:12 PM): yeah ann-chick!
PrincessSopfhia (9:33:18 PM): the point *is* moot
PrincessSopfhia (9:34:13 PM): LOL yeah take that CTU upper management dude!
PrincessSopfhia (9:34:22 PM): 08:30:37
PrincessSopfhia (9:35:09 PM): i realize that Jack never said anything about following strangers into fallout shelters, but that was kinda understood
PrincessSopfhia (9:35:10 PM): STUPID KIM
PrincessSopfhia (9:36:24 PM): OK and now she's scared
PrincessSopfhia (9:36:39 PM): fuck this PC
PrincessSopfhia (9:37:21 PM): hmm, ominous music
PrincessSopfhia (9:37:27 PM): hmm, presidential golf cart
PrincessSopfhia (9:37:37 PM): hmm, presidential ex-first bitch
PrincessSopfhia (9:38:01 PM): Nosferatu-chick!! dont
PrincessSopfhia (9:38:10 PM): don't invite her into your Ops Center
PrincessSopfhia (9:38:54 PM): ooh yeah
PrincessSopfhia (9:39:03 PM): up yours First Bitch
PrincessSopfhia (9:39:05 PM): BAM
PrincessSopfhia (9:39:18 PM): OK now i think Ens. Ro is gonna get killed
PrincessSopfhia (9:39:27 PM): 08:35:44
PrincessSopfhia (9:39:35 PM): 08:40:08
PrincessSopfhia (9:40:11 PM): stupid kim
PrincessSopfhia (9:40:18 PM): uh oh
PrincessSopfhia (9:40:30 PM): crazy separatist dude's gonna go crazy and kill these rangers
PrincessSopfhia (9:40:50 PM): LOL
PrincessSopfhia (9:41:33 PM): oh sweet, it *is* Rooney from Heaven Help Us
PrincessSopfhia (9:41:47 PM): LOL
PrincessSopfhia (9:41:55 PM): "I didn't do it, I swear"
PrincessSopfhia (9:43:28 PM): Oops. Coral Snake commandos are dead
PrincessSopfhia (9:44:08 PM): so maybe they could *explain* how the commandos died?
PrincessSopfhia (9:44:10 PM): no!!!
PrincessSopfhia (9:44:14 PM): Sherry did it!!!!
PrincessSopfhia (9:44:20 PM): oh
PrincessSopfhia (9:44:26 PM): there were *seven* commandos
PrincessSopfhia (9:45:39 PM): stupid TERRORISTS
PrincessSopfhia (9:45:48 PM): oh shit, he's hopping in the plane
PrincessSopfhia (9:45:55 PM): he's starting the engine
PrincessSopfhia (9:46:01 PM): she's opening the hangar
PrincessSopfhia (9:46:08 PM): He's adjusting the flaps!!!
PrincessSopfhia (9:46:19 PM): and now he's adjusting the Rudder!!!
PrincessSopfhia (9:46:54 PM): And i almost forgot about the van!
PrincessSopfhia (9:47:49 PM): yeah fuck you terrorist pilot!
PrincessSopfhia (9:48:02 PM): the bomb's not gonna be there
PrincessSopfhia (9:48:26 PM): 08:48:48
PrincessSopfhia (9:48:32 PM): i mean 08:48:58
PrincessSopfhia (9:48:35 PM): 08:53:25
PrincessSopfhia (9:48:59 PM): i wanna spank you, ann-chick
PrincessSopfhia (9:50:51 PM): OK i'm confused
PrincessSopfhia (9:50:55 PM): nothing happened
PrincessSopfhia (9:51:17 PM): but they're in the bomb shelter
PrincessSopfhia (9:51:40 PM): and they may not be able to defuse it!
PrincessSopfhia (9:51:43 PM): oh shit
PrincessSopfhia (9:52:01 PM): oops, countdown has speeded up!
PrincessSopfhia (9:52:05 PM): d'oh
PrincessSopfhia (9:52:30 PM): whoops
PrincessSopfhia (9:52:33 PM): no bomb
PrincessSopfhia (9:53:04 PM): and thus beginneth the second half of Season two...
PrincessSopfhia (9:54:13 PM): see what happens when you think of harebrained schemes like "hey let's smuggle a bomb into the US and give it to terrorists"
PrincessSopfhia (9:54:17 PM): 09:00:00
Public - 9:26 PM
unkajimmy858 is away at 9:03:58 PM.
PrincessSopfhia: since people know Poke00210, I'm 24ing incognito tonight with unkajimmy858 and PrincessSopfhia
PrincessSopfhia: of course now you can see these names online if you add them
PrincessSopfhia: add them if you want, but i may be forced to ignore you...
PrincessSopfhia: let's do this
OK i had to tool around w/iChat
episode to follow
Public - 9:00 PM
I managed to 1) find the 30' long ethernet cable, 2) extend it from my room upstairs in my parents' house to the living room where I just finished a SWEET episode of 24, and 3) hook up this POS Dell laptop from work to the internet!!
So what does this mean? Hint: I've downloaded AIM for PC, and i have a hankerin' for some rough-and-tumble anti-terrorist CTUin'!!!!
stay tuned,
Tio J
Friday, May 14, 2004
Public - 3:50 PM
but funny
Public - 3:16 PM
She was called COYB girl because whenever she'd fuck up your drink order, you couldn't stay mad @ her because she was soooo *cute*. Kinda like the puppy who would crap on your bed, but at whom you could never totally be mad.
So despite her having a BF, i was going to have her By Any Means Necessary. But now that she lives in the Sac, this necessitates either hiring a PI, which is expensive, or dropping all my shit and scouring sacramento to find her, which is bordering on stalking, i'd imagine. So no dice, i'm gonna have to call this one off...
Mindee: this wasn't Emily, as emily is married... this was tiffany (who used to work @ your club, quite possibly under the name Baby)
nobody knows the trouble i've seen,
tio jaime
Thursday, May 13, 2004
Public - 10:05 PM
Crap-on-Your-Bed Girl moved to Sacramento w/her sister!!!
By Any Means Necessary.
Monday, May 10, 2004
Public - 12:02 AM
Poke00210 (11:14:33 PM): 5pm-6pm
Poke00210 (11:14:36 PM): shit who's calling me?
Poke00210 (11:17:43 PM): 'Ok that was my sister
Poke00210 (11:17:51 PM): PREVIOUSLY ON 24
Poke00210 (11:18:01 PM): GEORGE MASON!!!
Poke00210 (11:18:14 PM): KATE WARNER!!!
Poke00210 (11:18:32 PM): JACK BAUER!!!
Poke00210 (11:18:46 PM): still doesn't look like search-and-rescue
Poke00210 (11:18:54 PM): KIM BAUER!!!
Poke00210 (11:19:01 PM): PRESIDENT DAVID WARNER
Poke00210 (11:19:06 PM): OOPS PALMER!!!
Poke00210 (11:19:25 PM): THE FOLLOWING TAKES PLACE BETWEEN 5:00 PM AND 6:00 PM
Poke00210 (11:19:37 PM): president's press conference
Poke00210 (11:20:44 PM): "felt pretty personal when you killed my wife"
Poke00210 (11:22:03 PM): yeah nina UNNNNNHHHH
Poke00210 (11:22:36 PM): stupid ass karate dude
Poke00210 (11:22:42 PM): i hate that guy
Poke00210 (11:25:12 PM): yeah that's a real macintosh chime from this decade
Poke00210 (11:25:19 PM): ooh mac OS X
Poke00210 (11:25:58 PM): yeah black dude! you tell that terrorist
Poke00210 (11:26:49 PM): see when you don't kill somebody right away, even w hen you've been told specifically to kill that somebody, that somebody's going to live and get away and ruin your shit
Poke00210 (11:27:21 PM): 5:09:39
Poke00210 (11:27:26 PM): 5:14:03
Poke00210 (11:28:25 PM): NSA-pricks!
Poke00210 (11:30:46 PM): DoD-pricks
Poke00210 (11:30:57 PM): you destroyed a good man like... george mason
Poke00210 (11:31:19 PM): ooh yeah ann-chick and the boobs
Poke00210 (11:31:19 PM): yeah
Poke00210 (11:31:22 PM): UNNNNNGH
Poke00210 (11:32:41 PM): ooh yeah, conjecturlicious
Poke00210 (11:35:41 PM): you fucking dumbass karate kid
Poke00210 (11:36:13 PM): yeah you're gonna set your dumb ass on fire, you tard
Poke00210 (11:37:11 PM): OK that worked out nicely DUMBFUCK
Poke00210 (11:37:17 PM): 5:27:56
Poke00210 (11:39:53 PM): i wanna spank you, though
Poke00210 (11:40:53 PM): uh oh
Poke00210 (11:40:59 PM): black CTU dude is gonna die
Poke00210 (11:41:06 PM): oh she's gonna shoot him
Poke00210 (11:41:26 PM): wait, is this the chick from Nickelodeon's Fifteen?
Poke00210 (11:41:53 PM): i betcha it is, that's where i recognize her name from
Poke00210 (11:41:56 PM): i think
Poke00210 (11:41:59 PM): SHE'S STILL NASTY
Poke00210 (11:42:20 PM): awwww shit yeah
Poke00210 (11:42:25 PM): TIME FOR GUNS
Poke00210 (11:42:52 PM): TIME FOR MUCH SUFFERING
Poke00210 (11:43:59 PM): OH NICE
Poke00210 (11:44:18 PM): OH WHOOPS
Poke00210 (11:44:28 PM): cyanided himself
Poke00210 (11:44:43 PM): 5:34:46
Poke00210 (11:44:52 PM): 5:38:58
Poke00210 (11:45:19 PM): you stupid kids, do you see what happens when you don't listen to Jack Bauer *AND THEN* try to set fire to shit?
Poke00210 (11:45:21 PM): dumbfuck
Poke00210 (11:45:56 PM): OOH KIM'S RUNNING!
Poke00210 (11:45:57 PM): yay!
Poke00210 (11:46:06 PM): boingy boingy boingy
Poke00210 (11:46:06 PM): !
Poke00210 (11:46:26 PM): 5:40:36
Poke00210 (11:46:42 PM): Jack learns from this chick that it was not in fact Saayed Ali
Poke00210 (11:47:12 PM): or he will in a bit
Poke00210 (11:47:18 PM): this chick is taking too long
Poke00210 (11:50:59 PM): ann-chick has a cute nose
Poke00210 (11:51:03 PM): small, but cute
Poke00210 (11:52:50 PM): shoot your wife!!
Poke00210 (11:52:53 PM): take her out of the equation
Poke00210 (11:53:20 PM): 5:47:40
Poke00210 (11:53:26 PM): 5:51:50
Poke00210 (11:53:36 PM): hello ann-chick
Poke00210 (11:54:40 PM): LOL
Poke00210 (11:54:52 PM): yeah, george mason wanted you to ask out your boss
Poke00210 (11:54:54 PM): dumb-tard
Poke00210 (11:55:13 PM): what happened to Tony's soulpatch?!?
Poke00210 (11:55:19 PM): and why did i just notice it now
Poke00210 (11:55:54 PM): with the threat of nuclear holocaust, you'd think there'd be time for a quick slapping-of-the-uglies
Poke00210 (11:56:04 PM): unless you're both CTU-badasses
Poke00210 (11:58:07 PM): oh it's first Bitch isn't it
Poke00210 (11:58:29 PM): oh you conniving bitchcakes
Poke00210 (11:59:38 PM): marie? was it your idiot fiance
Poke00210 (11:59:45 PM): DAMN I'M GOOD
Poke00210 (12:00:07 AM): it was marie
Poke00210 (12:00:10 AM): the idiot fiancee
Poke00210 (12:00:27 AM): this is kinda like the mole, first season, where they chose the dumbest chick to be the mole
Poke00210 (12:00:49 AM): oh damn
Poke00210 (12:00:58 AM): 6:00:00
it's getting so unpredictable, it's predictable
Sunday, May 09, 2004
Public - 11:05 PM
Poke00210 (10:14:22 PM): lemme plug in as i won't have enough battery power for another episode
Poke00210 (10:14:50 PM): and why does aim blow?
Poke00210 (10:15:00 PM): i can't even copy my shit any more w/o doing some roundabout shit
Poke00210 (10:15:02 PM): cocks
Poke00210 (10:20:09 PM): you stupid DVD-making assholes
Poke00210 (10:20:30 PM): why would you show me a preview-still of this episode that has nina holding jack @ gunpoint?
Poke00210 (10:20:36 PM): nice job, retards
Poke00210 (10:20:46 PM): OK 24, Season Two 4pm - 5pm
Poke00210 (10:21:00 PM): PREVIOUSLY ON 24!
Poke00210 (10:21:10 PM): PRESIDENT DAVID PALMER!
Poke00210 (10:21:33 PM): KIM BAUER!
Poke00210 (10:21:45 PM): STUPID KIM BAUER!
Poke00210 (10:21:47 PM): KATE WARNER!
Poke00210 (10:22:18 PM): JACK BAUER!!!
Poke00210 (10:22:46 PM): The Following Takes place between 4pm and 5pm
Poke00210 (10:23:40 PM): oh, NSA-dick probably had him released
Poke00210 (10:23:50 PM): and SARAH CLARKE as Nina Myers
Poke00210 (10:24:48 PM): whomever he's working for is trying....
Poke00210 (10:24:51 PM): sic
Poke00210 (10:26:52 PM): uh oh, not gonna make it to the river bed
Poke00210 (10:26:56 PM): hi ann-chick
Poke00210 (10:27:28 PM): fuck you AIM
Poke00210 (10:27:32 PM): i'm gonna download the new shit
Poke00210 (10:29:05 PM): no she hasn't changed
Poke00210 (10:29:14 PM): don't bother, president-dude
Poke00210 (10:30:03 PM): fuck dude, that's not cool
Poke00210 (10:32:38 PM): 4:11:44
Poke00210 (10:32:46 PM): Ok so far nothing's happened
Poke00210 (10:32:51 PM): stupid events occurring in real time
Poke00210 (10:34:33 PM): oh i bet you feel bad now tony almeida
Poke00210 (10:34:38 PM): making fun of a dying dude
Poke00210 (10:36:17 PM): OK kim and karate-dude
Poke00210 (10:36:29 PM): yeah, they're gonna come for karate-dood too?
Poke00210 (10:37:03 PM): YES I THINK YOU'RE MAKING THIS UP
Poke00210 (10:37:06 PM): STUPID KARATE DUDE
Poke00210 (10:37:30 PM): yeah, what, shoud she count on *you* karate-dude?
Poke00210 (10:37:46 PM): oh oh oh.... *now* you realize that you're not mad @ your dad
Poke00210 (10:37:49 PM): STUPID KIM
Poke00210 (10:37:58 PM): why don't you just run around or something?
Poke00210 (10:39:40 PM): TERRORIST
Poke00210 (10:40:23 PM): oh
Poke00210 (10:40:26 PM): Terrorist-dad
Poke00210 (10:40:29 PM): 4;23:52
Poke00210 (10:40:34 PM): 4:28:04
Poke00210 (10:41:05 PM): search-and-rescue ETA to crash site 12 minutes
Poke00210 (10:42:57 PM): uh oh
Poke00210 (10:42:59 PM): you made her mad
Poke00210 (10:43:02 PM): nice job ensign
Poke00210 (10:43:17 PM): Mrs. palmer, are you trying to seduce me?
Poke00210 (10:44:29 PM): oh shit, that's not search-and-rescue
Poke00210 (10:45:49 PM): more like search-and-shoot-FBI-dude
Poke00210 (10:46:01 PM): OK more terrorists? they've kidnapped Kate
Poke00210 (10:46:23 PM): fuck you Stanfurd
Poke00210 (10:46:38 PM): whoa! Sayed Ali!
Poke00210 (10:46:56 PM): i like the persian rug motif
Poke00210 (10:47:21 PM): OK you probably shouldn't lie to the terrorist
Poke00210 (10:48:10 PM): hey shit that's not cool
Poke00210 (10:48:15 PM): 4:35:56
Poke00210 (10:48:23 PM): 4:40:10
Poke00210 (10:49:25 PM): yeah take that search-and-not-rescue dudes
Poke00210 (10:50:19 PM): yeah eat it non-CTU dudes
Poke00210 (10:50:20 PM): oh shit
Poke00210 (10:50:33 PM): why would you let her handle the ammo?
Poke00210 (10:50:45 PM): you couldn't hold the magazines yourself
Poke00210 (10:51:39 PM): yay! megan!
Poke00210 (10:52:16 PM): yay! santa barbara
Poke00210 (10:52:31 PM): lincoln says there's a kim shower scene later
Poke00210 (10:52:38 PM): he says it's gewd
Poke00210 (10:53:00 PM): if you're lying to me, i'm gonna make our own shower scene
Poke00210 (10:53:30 PM): OK stupid kim, if you thought SB was 50 miles outside of LA, wouldn't the megan chick still be dead?
Poke00210 (10:53:49 PM): oops, nina took jack hostage
Poke00210 (10:54:46 PM): dude, you're father is a terrorist-dude!
Poke00210 (10:55:51 PM): dude, your fiancee is a dumbass!
Poke00210 (10:56:04 PM): 4:48:03
Poke00210 (10:56:10 PM): 4:52:15
Poke00210 (10:57:17 PM): bitch!
Poke00210 (10:57:22 PM): gonna kill jack bauer!!
Poke00210 (10:57:47 PM): horseshit!
Poke00210 (10:57:58 PM): bad nina!
Poke00210 (10:58:42 PM): bad nina who is the only chance to stop the bomb!
Poke00210 (10:59:45 PM): no shit it's saayed ali
Poke00210 (11:01:04 PM): why do i want nina to spank me now?
Poke00210 (11:01:07 PM): and hard?
Poke00210 (11:01:10 PM): and bam!
Poke00210 (11:02:09 PM): and hello ensign ro
Poke00210 (11:02:12 PM): WTF dude
Poke00210 (11:02:44 PM): uh oh
Poke00210 (11:02:58 PM): uh oh
Poke00210 (11:03:50 PM): 5:00:00
Public - 10:12 PM
Poke00210 (9:25:29 PM): looks like 3pm - 4pm is due
Poke00210 (9:25:56 PM): PREVIOUSLY ON 24
Poke00210 (9:26:01 PM): Kate warner!
Poke00210 (9:26:09 PM): Kate vs. the terrorist!
Poke00210 (9:26:18 PM): Jack Bauer!!!
Poke00210 (9:26:38 PM): President David Palmer!!!
Poke00210 (9:26:54 PM): uh oh
Poke00210 (9:26:57 PM): Kim Bauer!
Poke00210 (9:27:06 PM): oh damn, a dead chick in the trunk!
Poke00210 (9:27:15 PM): The Following Takes Place between 3:00 pm and 4:00 pm
Poke00210 (9:27:24 PM): ooh, CHP chick
Poke00210 (9:27:56 PM): uh oh
Poke00210 (9:28:00 PM): do your karate shit on him
Poke00210 (9:28:29 PM): oh hello ann-chick
Poke00210 (9:29:32 PM): aww yeah break out the bamboo
Poke00210 (9:30:07 PM): whoo, Ensign Ro doesn't look so hot this hour
Poke00210 (9:31:34 PM): oooh, armus.... shit, who's calling me?? standby
Poke00210 (9:33:21 PM): armus or your ex-wife
Poke00210 (9:34:14 PM): you fucking stupid karate-dude
Poke00210 (9:34:44 PM): and since when do you put suspects in the front seat? they put megan in the backseat, but not kim
Poke00210 (9:35:23 PM): ha ha stupid kim, see what happens when you don['t listen to your dad
Poke00210 (9:35:44 PM): fuck you terrorist! he's gonna go jack bauer on your terrorist ass
Poke00210 (9:36:31 PM): fuck you FBI jurisdiction-dudes
Poke00210 (9:36:38 PM): 3:09:33
Poke00210 (9:36:46 PM): 3:13:57
Poke00210 (9:38:34 PM): Armus!
Poke00210 (9:39:37 PM): ooh, precedent
Poke00210 (9:40:01 PM): don't invite her to sit down
Poke00210 (9:40:09 PM): she's like a vampire
Poke00210 (9:41:14 PM): 3:18:23
Poke00210 (9:41:21 PM): ooh, terrorists!
Poke00210 (9:41:26 PM): "Everybody is ready"
Poke00210 (9:41:36 PM): "They're just waiting for us to deliver the bomb"
Poke00210 (9:41:43 PM): oops
Poke00210 (9:41:46 PM): flat tire
Poke00210 (9:43:45 PM): wacky terrorist outtakes
Poke00210 (9:45:30 PM): go with the bamboo shoots
Poke00210 (9:45:35 PM): bamboo him!
Poke00210 (9:45:52 PM): awww.... "jack, what are *we* gonna do?"
Poke00210 (9:45:54 PM): how sweet
Poke00210 (9:46:03 PM): uh oh
Poke00210 (9:46:08 PM): 3:22:53
Poke00210 (9:46:13 PM): 3:27:17
Poke00210 (9:46:46 PM): good dude
Poke00210 (9:46:55 PM): too bad he was helping terrorists
Poke00210 (9:47:50 PM): see, stupid kim? see what happens when you don't listen to your dad?
Poke00210 (9:48:16 PM): instead of "24" it should be called "Kim Bauer doesn't listen to her dad again, and a bad day ensues"
Poke00210 (9:49:15 PM): oh whatever-the-fuck-ever, you conniving nosferatu-momma
Poke00210 (9:49:24 PM): acting hurt and shit
Poke00210 (9:51:00 PM): wacky terrorist-dudes, running kinda late..
Poke00210 (9:51:07 PM): uh oh.. he's losing it
Poke00210 (9:51:20 PM): "I don't want to do this. I don't want to kill anyone"
Poke00210 (9:51:31 PM): yeah did you think he wasn't gonna et shot in the next few minutes
Poke00210 (9:51:43 PM): oops
Poke00210 (9:51:53 PM): two dead terrorists
Poke00210 (9:51:55 PM): one left
Poke00210 (9:52:02 PM): If not you, who?
Poke00210 (9:52:05 PM): If not today, when?
Poke00210 (9:52:13 PM): 3:33:14
Poke00210 (9:52:17 PM): 3:37:39
Poke00210 (9:53:49 PM): uh oh, wait a minute
Poke00210 (9:53:57 PM): terrorist-dad
Poke00210 (9:54:23 PM): nice job PI-dude
Poke00210 (9:54:53 PM): you almost deleted some sensitive shit
Poke00210 (9:55:18 PM): he's CIA
Poke00210 (9:55:19 PM): ?
Poke00210 (9:55:27 PM): ooh, dad is a CIA consultant
Poke00210 (9:57:10 PM): he's still creepy
Poke00210 (9:58:04 PM): ooh, "push a little harder" george mason says
Poke00210 (9:59:18 PM): stupid Kim
Poke00210 (9:59:46 PM): she can't run around when she's in police custody
Poke00210 (10:00:45 PM): ooh, nina yeah
Poke00210 (10:00:52 PM): SHUT UP KIM
Poke00210 (10:01:41 PM): ooh yeah nina
Poke00210 (10:01:45 PM): 3:47:05
Poke00210 (10:01:50 PM): 3:51:29
Poke00210 (10:03:01 PM): Ok now george mason is losing it
Poke00210 (10:03:45 PM): OK and now stupid karate-dude is gonna fuck shit up
Poke00210 (10:03:56 PM): you dumbshit
Poke00210 (10:04:11 PM): stupid stupid stupid stupid STUPID KIM
Poke00210 (10:04:19 PM): whoa, is that chief o-brien?
Poke00210 (10:04:22 PM): o'brien?
Poke00210 (10:06:59 PM): oh Armus is in trouble
Poke00210 (10:07:48 PM): WTF?
Poke00210 (10:08:03 PM): CIA dudes pissed because they were snooping around?
Poke00210 (10:10:14 PM): i don't think guilt-tripping nina is gonna work
Poke00210 (10:10:17 PM): oh shit
Poke00210 (10:10:27 PM): 4:00:00
Poke00210 (10:10:31 PM): oh fuck!!!!
Public - 9:24 PM
here you go... had to do some roundabout shit
Poke00210 (8:11:20 PM): OK we're taking a break from 24, as i've been behind on my gilmore girls
Poke00210 (8:11:29 PM): so here's Tick, Tick, Tick Boom
Poke00210 (8:11:38 PM): i fear, however, that i've missed an episode
Poke00210 (8:11:49 PM): not sure why it didn't record
Poke00210 (8:13:44 PM): WTF is the internet down now?
Poke00210 (8:16:48 PM): OK it's not down, but i'll start in a few minutes.... lemme make a phone call real quick
Poke00210 (8:23:06 PM): OK left a message with Fire-girl
Poke00210 (8:23:14 PM): enough waiting, let the gilmore girls begin!
Poke00210 (8:23:50 PM): yeah, it appears as if i've missed the spring break episode
Poke00210 (8:25:03 PM): shit forgot to turn my away message on
“Poke00210” is away from the computer as of 8:25:13 PM.
Poke00210 (8:25:47 PM): Why yes, Taylor, you *are* a cock
Poke00210 (8:26:56 PM): ahh, kirk, cockmaster supreme
Poke00210 (8:28:16 PM): yay, amy sherman-palladino
Poke00210 (8:29:38 PM): LOL
Poke00210 (8:29:44 PM): you little girl
Poke00210 (8:29:58 PM): who the hell is this chick?
Poke00210 (8:30:04 PM): oh
Poke00210 (8:30:10 PM): i guess that's dean's wife
Poke00210 (8:31:03 PM): ahh, they worked in the word "metrosexual" into an episode
Poke00210 (8:32:08 PM): OK this anvil scene has gone on too long
Poke00210 (8:33:05 PM): LOL she called her a dolt
Poke00210 (8:34:34 PM): OK these tard-on-tard scene is too long
Poke00210 (8:35:40 PM): tard... should've learned golf
Poke00210 (8:35:51 PM): much like i... did
Poke00210 (8:36:44 PM): although my friends aren't cocktastic to laugh at my swinging strikes
Poke00210 (8:38:18 PM): see, that's why Lorelai's inn is gonna tank.... buying bookcases and shit
Poke00210 (8:38:39 PM): ahh, her mom doesn't really think now, does she?
Poke00210 (8:40:15 PM): ha, see?? NO BOOKCASE FOR YOU!
Poke00210 (8:40:29 PM): brb getting a coke
Poke00210 (8:43:26 PM): OK back
Poke00210 (8:43:39 PM): and just in time for a stupid subplot
Poke00210 (8:44:35 PM): wow, taylor, you're suck a cock that i am no longer able to willingly suspend my disbelief
Poke00210 (8:44:46 PM): and i wanna spank gypsy
Poke00210 (8:44:49 PM): LOL
Poke00210 (8:45:00 PM): toupeeguysayswhat
Poke00210 (8:45:30 PM): SHUT UP YOU COCK
Poke00210 (8:48:47 PM): this stupid easter egg storyline is taking minutes away from my life
Poke00210 (8:48:56 PM): shit i could be watching 24 right now
Poke00210 (8:49:46 PM): LOL
Poke00210 (8:49:53 PM): oh nice job dumbas
Poke00210 (8:49:56 PM): shit
Poke00210 (8:49:58 PM): dumbass
Poke00210 (8:50:10 PM): "what does lindsey do all day?"
Poke00210 (8:51:17 PM): whoa, hot body painting
Poke00210 (8:51:29 PM): well not on gilmore girls, but on this website i'm surfing in the background
Poke00210 (8:53:38 PM): Ok that's hot, but i'm gonna forward through these commercials so i get some 24-age
Poke00210 (8:55:15 PM): yeah, nice job kirk
Poke00210 (8:55:18 PM): you stupid kirk-master
Poke00210 (9:03:12 PM): dueling white dudes
Poke00210 (9:04:42 PM): whoa, lorelai is dating jason!! that's *waaay* bigger than the whole lawsuit thing
Poke00210 (9:05:03 PM): Things Fall Apart
Poke00210 (9:06:16 PM): this is nothing compared to 24
Poke00210 (9:06:32 PM): there hasn't even been a paris scene
Poke00210 (9:06:55 PM): at least 24 has ann-chick scenes and nina scenes
Poke00210 (9:07:54 PM): let the binge drinking commence!
Poke00210 (9:09:06 PM): ritual suicide yourself!
Poke00210 (9:09:37 PM): nice job luke
Poke00210 (9:09:45 PM): now you got yourself a kirk
Poke00210 (9:11:14 PM): LOL, l-whipped
Poke00210 (9:11:37 PM): whoa that's hot
Poke00210 (9:11:43 PM): and totally unrelated to gilmore girls
Poke00210 (9:11:52 PM):
Poke00210 (9:14:39 PM): ooh, sneaky old white dudes
Saturday, May 08, 2004
Public - 3:31 PM
“Poke00210” is away from the computer as of 2:43:10 PM.
Poke00210 (2:43:16 PM): let's do this
Poke00210 (2:43:26 PM): 24, Season Two
Poke00210 (2:43:34 PM): 2pm - 3pm
Poke00210 (2:43:37 PM): PREVIOUSLY ON 24
Poke00210 (2:43:42 PM): Kate Warner!
Poke00210 (2:43:59 PM): President David Palmer!
Poke00210 (2:44:10 PM): mutiny-licious!
Poke00210 (2:44:14 PM): Kim Bauer!
Poke00210 (2:44:31 PM): grand theft auto-licious!
Poke00210 (2:44:37 PM): Jack Bauer!
Poke00210 (2:45:02 PM): The following takes place between 2:00pm and 3:00pm
Poke00210 (2:45:28 PM): hmm, now how do you go about telling the driver of yoru humvee that the dude passed out?
Poke00210 (2:45:50 PM): ha ha nina
Poke00210 (2:45:54 PM): you're "fucked"
Poke00210 (2:46:00 PM): and SARAH CLARKE as Nina Myers
Poke00210 (2:46:52 PM): yay! big dude to protect nina
Poke00210 (2:47:09 PM): 2:03:44
Poke00210 (2:48:00 PM): yeah, stupid chick
Poke00210 (2:48:07 PM): chick(s)
Poke00210 (2:48:58 PM): that amy smart chick is *nasty*
Poke00210 (2:49:22 PM): was this dude on last year?
Poke00210 (2:49:36 PM): shit, i can't remember
Poke00210 (2:50:48 PM): oops, reporter-ass has been sequestered
Poke00210 (2:51:04 PM): precedent!
Poke00210 (2:51:19 PM): band aid!
Poke00210 (2:51:21 PM): armus!
Poke00210 (2:51:49 PM): the OC!
Poke00210 (2:51:59 PM): oh, probably "ops center"
Poke00210 (2:52:21 PM): LOL, whoops, CTU dude just called in
Poke00210 (2:52:29 PM): ooh, ann-chick looks mad
Poke00210 (2:52:38 PM): i would like to spank her
Poke00210 (2:52:48 PM): you gonna boot, george?
Poke00210 (2:53:32 PM): i wanna find her source!
Poke00210 (2:54:01 PM): i thought the other dude was the NSA-dude
Poke00210 (2:54:37 PM): i guess this other bastard-hole is the NSA-prick
Poke00210 (2:55:15 PM): hey it's the big dude from Band of Brothers?
Poke00210 (2:55:28 PM): no, she can change here
Poke00210 (2:55:30 PM): whoa
Poke00210 (2:55:36 PM): OK *I* was kidding
Poke00210 (2:55:50 PM): JAX0R
Poke00210 (2:56:03 PM): oh yes yes
Poke00210 (2:56:08 PM): 2:12:45
Poke00210 (2:56:15 PM): 2:17:09
Poke00210 (2:58:15 PM): nice parenting, george mason
Poke00210 (2:58:19 PM): Visalia!
Poke00210 (3:00:58 PM): OK now i wanna get all freaky-deeky with Sarah Clarke
Poke00210 (3:02:40 PM): LOL
Poke00210 (3:02:44 PM): 2:23:37
Poke00210 (3:02:52 PM): "we'll make sure he doesn't turn the gun on himself"
Poke00210 (3:02:56 PM): 2:28:05
Poke00210 (3:03:02 PM): funny jack
Poke00210 (3:05:18 PM): waah, my wedding day is ruined!
Poke00210 (3:05:28 PM): because my dad and fiance are terrorists
Poke00210 (3:05:29 PM): wah
Poke00210 (3:05:58 PM): 2:30:48
Poke00210 (3:06:50 PM): i wanna spank ensign ro
Poke00210 (3:07:26 PM): see, give a mouse a cookie
Poke00210 (3:07:53 PM): you let your ex-wife into meetings, she interrupts your meetings
Poke00210 (3:08:44 PM): ooh, First Bitch was OWNED by Ens. ro
Poke00210 (3:09:03 PM): ooh yeah
Poke00210 (3:09:06 PM): 2:33:40
Poke00210 (3:09:16 PM): 2:38:07
Poke00210 (3:11:20 PM): kick her ass, Ensign!
Poke00210 (3:12:38 PM): aww yeah
Poke00210 (3:12:51 PM): brizzown shizznugar
Poke00210 (3:13:21 PM): is "nina" code for "nina"?
Poke00210 (3:13:30 PM): i think i broke CTU's code
Poke00210 (3:13:53 PM): yay! visalia!
Poke00210 (3:14:25 PM): whoa, the terrorists know the code as well
Poke00210 (3:14:51 PM): they recognized Nina
Poke00210 (3:15:07 PM): or the code name i mean
Poke00210 (3:17:18 PM): SHIT YEAH
Poke00210 (3:17:24 PM): FUCK YOU TERRORISTS!
Poke00210 (3:17:38 PM): BOOYAH TERRORIST MOMMA
Poke00210 (3:18:16 PM): wait what happened
Poke00210 (3:18:21 PM): lemme rewind
Poke00210 (3:18:50 PM): 2:47:04
Poke00210 (3:18:53 PM): whoops, nina's gone
Poke00210 (3:18:58 PM): 2:51:29
Poke00210 (3:19:03 PM): you can bring her back for season 3
Poke00210 (3:19:23 PM): ha ha
Poke00210 (3:19:43 PM): she may cuts you with the gift certificate card, jack-dude
Poke00210 (3:20:24 PM): should've killed her
Poke00210 (3:20:30 PM): could've made it look real
Poke00210 (3:20:40 PM): well, not by shooting her execution styole
Poke00210 (3:20:42 PM): style
Poke00210 (3:20:52 PM): you going to san jose already or not you dumb bitch-cunt?
Poke00210 (3:21:06 PM): oh ha ha, you're fucked karate dude
Poke00210 (3:21:15 PM): awww yeah, California Highway Patrol
Poke00210 (3:22:06 PM): gun it!!! outrun the cops!
Poke00210 (3:22:35 PM): CHP doesn't have jurisdiction in San Jose, dude!
Poke00210 (3:22:38 PM): or so i've heard
Poke00210 (3:22:58 PM): but don't take my word for it, check it out and see for yourself
Poke00210 (3:23:08 PM): LOL
Poke00210 (3:23:13 PM): he had his son arrested
Poke00210 (3:24:05 PM): stop girling around and just tell him you're dying or he's gonna die if he doesn't get out of LA already
Poke00210 (3:24:55 PM): punch him! punch your dad!
Poke00210 (3:25:48 PM): go to phoenix!
Poke00210 (3:25:54 PM): awww
Poke00210 (3:26:16 PM): OK that's some good parenting
Poke00210 (3:26:20 PM): don't let your son get nuked
Poke00210 (3:26:39 PM): oh you stupid karate kid
Poke00210 (3:27:06 PM): "i'm her au pair"
Poke00210 (3:27:37 PM): WTF
Poke00210 (3:27:50 PM): uh oh
Poke00210 (3:27:59 PM): non sequitor
Poke00210 (3:28:10 PM): blood is never good
Poke00210 (3:28:27 PM): whoa shit
Poke00210 (3:28:53 PM): dead wives aren't good
Poke00210 (3:28:55 PM): 3:00:00
Poke00210 (3:29:57 PM): if you're gonna stick a dead body in your trunk...
Poke00210 (3:30:07 PM): use a drop cloth
Poke00210 (3:30:12 PM): maybe some Visqueen
Poke00210 (3:30:30 PM): best to keep some handy, just like kitty litter for when you may get stuck in the snow
Public - 2:33 PM
Poke00210 (1:47:49 PM): 1pm - 2pm
Poke00210 (1:48:02 PM): as i have a breakfast of chili cheese fritos and a diet coke
Poke00210 (1:48:05 PM): ahh, the life of a bachelor
Poke00210 (1:48:16 PM): let's get this show on the road
Poke00210 (1:48:41 PM): PREVIOUSLY ON 24
Poke00210 (1:48:49 PM): President David Palmer!
Poke00210 (1:49:08 PM): Kate Warner!
Poke00210 (1:49:20 PM): Kim Bauer!
Poke00210 (1:49:33 PM): Jack Bauer!
Poke00210 (1:49:54 PM): George Mason!
Poke00210 (1:50:13 PM): The following takes place between 1:00pm and 2:00 pm
Poke00210 (1:51:26 PM): and SARAH CLARKE as Nina Meyers
Poke00210 (1:52:36 PM): uh oh
Poke00210 (1:52:47 PM): Mrs. President bitch!
Poke00210 (1:52:54 PM): First Lady bitch, i suppose
Poke00210 (1:53:05 PM): oh, First ex-Lady
Poke00210 (1:53:42 PM): conniving bitch
Poke00210 (1:54:01 PM): bitch
Poke00210 (1:54:22 PM): "wait here (bitch). i'll call you (bitch)."
Poke00210 (1:54:36 PM): 1:06:04
Poke00210 (1:54:44 PM): terrorists get married too, tony
Poke00210 (1:55:03 PM): don't be such a smartass, TERRORIST
Poke00210 (1:55:57 PM): oh you baby bitch, you're gonna lawyer-up now?
Poke00210 (1:56:00 PM): BITCH
Poke00210 (1:56:07 PM): lotsa bitches in this episode
Poke00210 (1:57:42 PM): funny mason... "last time i let you interrogate somebody..."
Poke00210 (1:57:52 PM): oh here we go
Poke00210 (1:58:08 PM): this is how 24-porn starts
Poke00210 (1:58:18 PM): that's bogus
Poke00210 (1:58:34 PM): jack hands over the pardon for killing his wife
Poke00210 (1:59:34 PM): slap her
Poke00210 (1:59:57 PM): bitch
Poke00210 (2:00:05 PM): i still want to be double-teamed by her and ann-chick
Poke00210 (2:00:36 PM): ha ha nina-bitch!
Poke00210 (2:00:40 PM): you like how that shit works?
Poke00210 (2:01:20 PM): dude, it was all part of the illusion
Poke00210 (2:01:36 PM): i miss Mrs. Goldman
Poke00210 (2:01:47 PM): oh yeah 5 minutes
Poke00210 (2:02:10 PM): dude, jack-dude, 5 minutes in the show, realize, is 5 minutes in real life
Poke00210 (2:02:14 PM): 1:11:55
Poke00210 (2:02:21 PM): as events occur in real time
Poke00210 (2:02:33 PM): dueling bitch-sisters!
Poke00210 (2:03:20 PM): blah blah blah, i'm getting married, blah blah blah
Poke00210 (2:03:40 PM): bitch
Poke00210 (2:03:54 PM): bitch
Poke00210 (2:04:02 PM): oh run kim!
Poke00210 (2:04:15 PM): you stupid kim-tard
Poke00210 (2:05:01 PM): OK and now you're gonna *have* to kidnap the megan-bitch again
Poke00210 (2:05:07 PM): oops, did i write that out loud
Poke00210 (2:05:41 PM): ooh, yeah nina-bitch
Poke00210 (2:05:46 PM): in prison-bitch garb
Poke00210 (2:05:55 PM): YEAH
Poke00210 (2:06:10 PM): GUNS BABY
Poke00210 (2:07:14 PM): VISALIA, BABY
Poke00210 (2:10:16 PM): kidnapping, baby
Poke00210 (2:10:23 PM): get back to the guns
Poke00210 (2:10:31 PM): and perhaps the nina-spankage
Poke00210 (2:11:09 PM): hi kim!
Poke00210 (2:11:21 PM): do you trust me?
Poke00210 (2:11:36 PM): let's make this our little secret then
Poke00210 (2:12:04 PM): LOL
Poke00210 (2:12:12 PM): dude, where's my megan?
Poke00210 (2:12:20 PM): where's your megan, dude?
Poke00210 (2:12:33 PM): dude, where's my megan
Poke00210 (2:12:36 PM): where's your megan, dude
Poke00210 (2:12:38 PM): 1:28:27
Poke00210 (2:12:44 PM): 1:32:42
Poke00210 (2:13:39 PM): kim's cognitive abilities are a crapshoot sometimes
Poke00210 (2:13:58 PM): shoot the megan. take her out of the equation
Poke00210 (2:14:29 PM): ha, foiled by a security guard!
Poke00210 (2:14:34 PM): man, i gotta take a dump
Poke00210 (2:15:23 PM): i'd spank sarah clarke
Poke00210 (2:15:48 PM): in a jetta
Poke00210 (2:16:16 PM): ex-wife, bitch!
Poke00210 (2:17:20 PM): dumb president dude
Poke00210 (2:17:30 PM): why the hell would you tell the First Bitch something like that
Poke00210 (2:17:40 PM): fucking tell him already
Poke00210 (2:18:37 PM): maybe they're going the broken lizard route on this one here and making her a good guy this season
Poke00210 (2:18:57 PM): yeah, blah blah blah, best for the country, we get it
Poke00210 (2:19:12 PM): ooh, conniving momma
Poke00210 (2:19:15 PM): 1:39:11
Poke00210 (2:19:21 PM): 1:43:37
Poke00210 (2:19:31 PM): man i gotta poo
Poke00210 (2:20:02 PM): terrorist-mom and terrorist-dad!
Poke00210 (2:20:32 PM): talking to him about BEING A TERRORIST
Poke00210 (2:21:00 PM): terrorist-mom is kinda cute, for a terrorist-mom
Poke00210 (2:21:15 PM): dude, *all* middle easterners *are* terrorists
Poke00210 (2:21:50 PM): gonna be a suicide bomber @ the wedding
Poke00210 (2:21:56 PM): stupid kim tard
Poke00210 (2:22:01 PM): go to san jose already
Poke00210 (2:22:49 PM): heh, that was kinda cute
Poke00210 (2:22:55 PM): he stole a monitor
Poke00210 (2:23:24 PM): that was exciting
Poke00210 (2:23:27 PM): get to the guns
Poke00210 (2:23:30 PM): oh nice job kim
Poke00210 (2:24:03 PM): yeah fuck you nina
Poke00210 (2:24:58 PM): oh man that's hot
Poke00210 (2:25:12 PM): i wonder if there's any 24 fan fiction out there
Poke00210 (2:25:32 PM): not that there'd be any time, really, what with events occurring in real time
Poke00210 (2:25:35 PM): 1:49:48
Poke00210 (2:25:40 PM): 1:50:13
Poke00210 (2:25:47 PM): really gotta poo
Poke00210 (2:26:29 PM): thought you were lawyering up, you baby bitch
Poke00210 (2:26:53 PM): alright, good detective work tony
Poke00210 (2:27:26 PM): the old middle-easterners are his parents
Poke00210 (2:28:13 PM): see! i knew there wasn't a reason to like the dad-asshole
Poke00210 (2:28:20 PM): kim in stealth mode!
Poke00210 (2:28:28 PM): perhaps if you take your shirt off, nobody will see you
Poke00210 (2:29:07 PM): great, miguel-dude
Poke00210 (2:29:13 PM): whoa shit
Poke00210 (2:29:37 PM): OK and now you're gonna steal his car
Poke00210 (2:29:43 PM): 1:57?39
Poke00210 (2:29:47 PM): 1:57:39
Poke00210 (2:30:15 PM): yay! he's not *really* a terrorist!
Poke00210 (2:30:55 PM): ooh, run kim!
Poke00210 (2:31:00 PM): steal the car kim!
Poke00210 (2:31:48 PM): LOL
Poke00210 (2:31:59 PM): ooh, something bad was in the water!
Poke00210 (2:32:06 PM): 2:00:00
Poke00210 (2:32:17 PM): "oh shit," thought nina
Poke00210 (2:32:28 PM): OK brb, gotta poo
Friday, May 07, 2004
Public - 9:27 AM
Dinner with Fire-girl (I made that name up just now) was very nice... we went to Mel's by the Metreon, she wore boots and drank Corona from the bottle, we later got some Bertie Bott's Every Flavor beans from the jelly belly dealie in the metreon
I had a vomit flavored one.
Was on the receiving end of very good signals and signs the whole time. Admittedly, however, I'm still in "she's-gonna-flake" mode. Nevermind that she was practically on-time for dinner, which is more than I can say for maybe 75% of the women i've encountered these past few years...
After dinner w/fire-girl, went to see my ATF musical... stephen sondheim's Assassins!!! oh man, aside from less-than perfect singing from time to time (and by the Balladeer, no less) and some odd blocking (good-odd and bad-odd), it was as exciting as I was expecting
went back to fire-girl's club, but she was busy =(
had an ice cream sandwich, went to the Cabaret, went to Larry's
very nice selection @ Larry's. Was a Saturday lineup, but on a Thursday, and with a Wednesday-night crowd. Bought for the first time in like two weeks. Ugh. Midweek rankings to reflect mediocre sighting by Jessie/Illana (PU - James).
gonna see Assassins again tonight, tentatively with Shot Girl, esq. We'll see...
Thursday, May 06, 2004
Public - 1:19 PM
James, EIT: "I'm just trying to find rates for construction water; we'll tap into your fire hydrant and use a meter."
Anahymen: "Shame on you!"
J: "We're using a meter, so we're not stealing your water."
(a beat)
J: "Wait, don't you steal my water anyway? With the California Aqueduct?"
A (completely unawares): "I don't know what that is... here's Martha's number, she can help you with metered water.."
Any true-blue NorCalifornian knows that LA steals our water via the california aqueduct, which channels precious water from the Sierras through central california down to that vacuous, vapid armpit that is LA.
Public - 12:11 PM
when i got in my truck 10 mins ago, i heard Blue Oyster Cult's "(don't fear) the reaper"! thought it was the very same MIDI that you're listening to right now... but no it was the actual song
weird shit
Public - 11:48 AM
Damn, I'm good
James [last name deleted], EIT (CA #112257)
ps- the Engineer-in-Training is a *real* certification, contrary to popular belief. really only civil engineers need this certification, as they tend to do stuff like sign off on blueprints
Public - 11:13 AM
on a worse note, I think I may have just committed that ethical violation again... w/o even thinking about it...
more to follow,
Tuesday, May 04, 2004
Public - 8:04 PM
Poke00210 (7:18:44 PM): hello again, and here's another episode of 24
Poke00210 (7:18:49 PM): Season 2
Poke00210 (7:18:57 PM): 12pm - 1pm
Poke00210 (7:20:20 PM): previously on 24
Poke00210 (7:22:04 PM): yeah blah blah blah paula's gonna die
Poke00210 (7:24:59 PM): oh hello kim
Poke00210 (7:25:07 PM): she needs to be spanked
Poke00210 (7:25:09 PM): by me
Poke00210 (7:25:52 PM): OK kinda cold in the hospital is it Kim?
Poke00210 (7:26:45 PM): ha ha, nice job kim
Poke00210 (7:27:01 PM): yay! run!
Poke00210 (7:27:08 PM): i like her biznoogas
Poke00210 (7:30:17 PM): yeah, OK jack's gonna "finish and go"
Poke00210 (7:30:33 PM): ooh paula's awake
Poke00210 (7:31:36 PM): shit
Poke00210 (7:32:04 PM): you did good paula-chick
Poke00210 (7:32:13 PM): sara gilbert, rather
Poke00210 (7:32:16 PM): oh whoops
Poke00210 (7:32:39 PM): five steps towards the ambulance and she's gone
Poke00210 (7:32:45 PM): 12:13:16
Poke00210 (7:32:51 PM): 12:17:40
Poke00210 (7:33:01 PM): well shit, they had no choice
Poke00210 (7:34:15 PM): aww yeah, tony almeida's on the scene
Poke00210 (7:34:50 PM): yeah booyah, this can't wait
Poke00210 (7:35:03 PM): dude, don't fuck w/Tony
Poke00210 (7:36:05 PM): yeah, go talk to tony you TERRORIST
Poke00210 (7:36:51 PM): yay! amy smart-chick in a wedding dress!
Poke00210 (7:37:09 PM): oh yay, terrorists investigating terrorists
Poke00210 (7:37:17 PM): day late, dollar short
Poke00210 (7:37:20 PM): TERRORISTS
Poke00210 (7:37:58 PM): TERRORISTS
Poke00210 (7:38:22 PM): yeah how about we mutually exchange nuclear weapons?
Poke00210 (7:38:32 PM): except that you probalby don't have nuclear weapons
Poke00210 (7:38:45 PM): so it can be one of those cool unilateral nuclear exchanges
Poke00210 (7:39:40 PM): yeah fuck our precedent
Poke00210 (7:40:23 PM): oh sweet! jack bauer is using a TiBook too!
Poke00210 (7:40:48 PM): yeah just FUCKING GO TO SAN JOSE ALREADY
Poke00210 (7:41:20 PM): oh yeah you dumbass jack, tell *her* about something important and sensitive like that
Poke00210 (7:41:29 PM): "kim, don't tell anybody about this
Poke00210 (7:41:30 PM): "
Poke00210 (7:41:33 PM): "OK"
Poke00210 (7:41:36 PM): YEAH RIGHT
Poke00210 (7:41:51 PM): i believe the kim precedent states that she's gonna fuck it up
Poke00210 (7:42:19 PM): you wanna help, ann-chick? you can take your blouse off
Poke00210 (7:42:38 PM): that's some cool CTU-shit
Poke00210 (7:43:07 PM): both Jack bauer *and* Nina Myers come in... *in the same day*
Poke00210 (7:43:27 PM): 12:28:14
Poke00210 (7:43:32 PM): 12:32:38
Poke00210 (7:43:44 PM): oh cool, it's Nina!
Poke00210 (7:43:57 PM): naughty girl in naughty prison garb
Poke00210 (7:44:15 PM): oh she's still yummy
Poke00210 (7:44:51 PM): Nina playing hardball
Poke00210 (7:45:26 PM): instead of a presidential pardon, how about a jimmy-spanking?
Poke00210 (7:46:18 PM): yeah sit the fuck down, TERRORIST
Poke00210 (7:46:47 PM): LOL stupid terriorist!
Poke00210 (7:46:53 PM): live by the Mac, die by the Mac
Poke00210 (7:47:23 PM): hey wait a second, that PowerBook had windows folder icons
Poke00210 (7:49:08 PM): ann-chick is hot when she's unkempt
Poke00210 (7:49:20 PM): i guess when she's kempt as well
Poke00210 (7:50:16 PM): that's bogus
Poke00210 (7:50:36 PM): but, again, in the interests of national security and Season Two of 24, sure, go ahead and pardon Nina!
Poke00210 (7:50:45 PM): uh oh
Poke00210 (7:51:03 PM): i think Nina's up for a Jack-spanking
Poke00210 (7:51:10 PM): 12:40:17
Poke00210 (7:51:15 PM): 12:44:39
Poke00210 (7:51:30 PM): 24 brought to you by Nokia
Poke00210 (7:51:39 PM): oh shit you stupid stupid woman
Poke00210 (7:52:08 PM): kim-tard
Poke00210 (7:53:46 PM): mutiny, CTU-style!
Poke00210 (7:53:59 PM): when *I* was running CTU...
Poke00210 (7:54:11 PM): YOU UGLY AMY SMART CHICK
Poke00210 (7:56:03 PM): you stupid little chick
Poke00210 (7:56:19 PM): you're just pissed that you're about to marry a TERRORIST and were too stupid to know about it
Poke00210 (7:56:50 PM): 12:50:11
Poke00210 (7:56:55 PM): 12:54:48
Poke00210 (7:57:08 PM): ooh, kim's jiggling
Poke00210 (7:57:33 PM): OK, apparently you're still not listening to your dad
Poke00210 (7:58:04 PM): and here it comes....
Poke00210 (7:58:35 PM): oh no, "not w/o megan"
Poke00210 (7:58:37 PM): IDIOT
Poke00210 (8:00:49 PM): I'm dying jack
Poke00210 (8:00:53 PM): i wanna tell you something...
Poke00210 (8:01:06 PM): you're my only Jack, and i love you man
Poke00210 (8:01:45 PM): whoops
Poke00210 (8:02:21 PM): well, should be OK w/the information exchange now
Poke00210 (8:02:38 PM): aww yeah
Poke00210 (8:03:00 PM): The Rumble in the Rubble: Jack vs. Nina
Poke00210 (8:03:18 PM): 1:00:00
Public - 6:39 AM
also, i watched it last night, but our internet was down and i went to sleep... that's why i didn't post until now...
tio J
Poke00210 (7:25:43 PM): oh hell yes, it's time for more 24
Poke00210 (7:25:59 PM): i have maybe just enough time before the Don and Mike Show replay is on @ 8pm
Poke00210 (7:26:07 PM): aww fuck i don't have enough time
Poke00210 (7:26:16 PM): luckily i heard the beginning of their show today
Poke00210 (7:26:24 PM): hold on, brb
Poke00210 (7:26:26 PM): gotta pee
“Poke00210” is away from the computer as of 7:26:32 PM.
Poke00210 (7:28:19 PM): jesus why have i been peeing so much?
Poke00210 (7:28:41 PM): oh cool an away message came up
Poke00210 (7:28:44 PM): OK
Poke00210 (7:28:51 PM): 24, Season Two
Poke00210 (7:28:58 PM): 11am - 12pm
Poke00210 (7:30:47 PM): last week on 24
Poke00210 (7:31:22 PM): I guess i'm instinctively supposed to know that Events Occur in Real Time.
Poke00210 (7:31:50 PM): oh good
Poke00210 (7:31:53 PM): ann-chick is still alive
Poke00210 (7:33:28 PM): oh nice job kim
Poke00210 (7:33:34 PM): you broke Megan
Poke00210 (7:33:53 PM): Meagan
Poke00210 (7:34:00 PM): Maegan, if you'd like
Poke00210 (7:34:52 PM): ha ha george mason
Poke00210 (7:35:42 PM): dude, radiation poisoning sucks
Poke00210 (7:37:09 PM): dude, tony go easy on him bro
Poke00210 (7:38:49 PM): aww yeah, going to meet joe
Poke00210 (7:38:53 PM): OH YES GUN FIGHT!
Poke00210 (7:39:11 PM): YEAH FUCK YOU BAD GUYS
Poke00210 (7:39:28 PM): YOU WERE FUCKING OWNED!
Poke00210 (7:39:47 PM): 11:10:29
Poke00210 (7:39:51 PM): 11:15:55
Poke00210 (7:40:48 PM): en route to joe wald
Poke00210 (7:40:58 PM): fuck you Simi Valley
Poke00210 (7:42:23 PM): fuck kim, how fucking stupid are you?
Poke00210 (7:42:33 PM): oh, OK now you're fucked
Poke00210 (7:42:50 PM): nice job, NSA-dick
Poke00210 (7:43:37 PM): dude, ensign Ro, fuck the constitution right now
Poke00210 (7:44:14 PM): stupid president, what do you know about probability and shit?
Poke00210 (7:44:34 PM): umm OK that scene was poorly written
Poke00210 (7:45:52 PM): ooh, hello miss cresky
Poke00210 (7:46:06 PM): yeah Ens. Ro
Poke00210 (7:46:14 PM): damn she's still kinda cute
Poke00210 (7:48:42 PM): yay terrorist cousin has a crush on Kate
Poke00210 (7:49:03 PM): whoa shit i don't like that dad
Poke00210 (7:49:11 PM): 11:24:14
Poke00210 (7:49:20 PM): 11:28:39
Poke00210 (7:50:25 PM): Paula is non-responsive
Poke00210 (7:50:34 PM): much lik Underground construction in the wake of Yountville
Poke00210 (7:50:45 PM): 11:30:05
Poke00210 (7:50:59 PM): is he in simi valley already?
Poke00210 (7:52:18 PM): nice job, joe
Poke00210 (7:52:22 PM): dumbass
Poke00210 (7:53:26 PM): oh nice job joe... you helped the terrorists
Poke00210 (7:53:38 PM): fucking shoot the dog
Poke00210 (7:53:41 PM): LOL
Poke00210 (7:54:03 PM): get some!
Poke00210 (7:55:46 PM): LOL
Poke00210 (7:56:04 PM): stupid wife
Poke00210 (7:56:40 PM): damn this episode is full of stupid people
Poke00210 (7:56:44 PM): 11:36:02
Poke00210 (7:56:48 PM): 11:40:27
Poke00210 (7:58:43 PM): yeah guilt trip the separatist
Poke00210 (7:59:18 PM): fucking terrorist
Poke00210 (7:59:26 PM): doesn't even choose the right sister
Poke00210 (7:59:31 PM): shit, i should be a terrorists
Poke00210 (8:00:04 PM): yay your sister loves her
Poke00210 (8:00:13 PM): damn, i think my laundry's done
Poke00210 (8:00:20 PM): uh oh
Poke00210 (8:00:31 PM): you're dead
Poke00210 (8:01:31 PM): uh oh, you sister is getting a house
Poke00210 (8:01:40 PM): your sister
Poke00210 (8:01:54 PM): oops
Poke00210 (8:02:15 PM): sara gilbert is bleeding to death now
Poke00210 (8:03:42 PM): 11:47:19
Poke00210 (8:03:50 PM): 11:51:45
Poke00210 (8:04:49 PM): NSA-dick!
Poke00210 (8:05:13 PM): i hate that guy
Poke00210 (8:05:16 PM): he's not onscreen
Poke00210 (8:05:19 PM): but he's a dick
Poke00210 (8:06:48 PM): stupid CTU-dicks
Poke00210 (8:06:55 PM): of course mason made the right call
Poke00210 (8:07:58 PM): hello ann-chick
Poke00210 (8:09:09 PM): shoot him and make an example of him
Poke00210 (8:10:02 PM): well, actually, yeah, i kinda think that 27 CTU agents is a small price to pay for defusing a nuclear bomb and saving LA
Poke00210 (8:10:50 PM): is there any doubt in your mind that that's what will happen?
Poke00210 (8:11:15 PM): oh shit
Poke00210 (8:11:20 PM): it's gonna be nina, huh
Poke00210 (8:12:16 PM): damn i'm good
Poke00210 (8:12:44 PM): 12:00:00
Sunday, May 02, 2004
Public - 11:04 AM
Poke00210 (10:18:27 AM): 10am - 11am
Poke00210 (10:18:44 AM): no, it's not 3am
Poke00210 (10:19:09 AM): but this is still a tribute to's 3am Critic
Poke00210 (10:19:28 AM): Previously, on 24...
Poke00210 (10:19:42 AM): dumb Kim
Poke00210 (10:19:50 AM): i like it when she runs tho...
Poke00210 (10:20:18 AM): oh, before i forget, Ensign Ro Laren is the president's chief of stafff
Poke00210 (10:20:44 AM): (michelle forbes)
Poke00210 (10:21:44 AM): oh damn
Poke00210 (10:21:47 AM): no dirty bombs
Poke00210 (10:22:07 AM): man i like it when kim runs
Poke00210 (10:23:12 AM): what is it w/24 and the whole b blue janky vans and wooded hills
Poke00210 (10:24:24 AM): i *suppose* that's part of dealing with Los Angeles and all of its intricacies
Poke00210 (10:24:29 AM): stupid LA
Poke00210 (10:24:50 AM): Elisha Cuthbert is going to LA!!!!
Poke00210 (10:25:12 AM): shit i mean SJ
Poke00210 (10:25:13 AM): !!!!
Poke00210 (10:25:43 AM): fuck you LA
Poke00210 (10:26:31 AM): 10:08:15
Poke00210 (10:29:14 AM): oh you wacky wacky wacky NSA-dude!
Poke00210 (10:29:31 AM): the NSA-dude in Air Force One was kind of a dick too
Poke00210 (10:29:55 AM): and there's this waitress @ the H-Club who looks like Condoleeza Rice
Poke00210 (10:30:31 AM): dude they shot a phone-dude!
Poke00210 (10:30:36 AM): WTF
Poke00210 (10:30:46 AM): good answer, Cam!
Poke00210 (10:30:56 AM): 10:16:50
Poke00210 (10:31:58 AM): stupid NSA-dick
Poke00210 (10:32:19 AM): ooh, i like Sara Gilbert in glasses
Poke00210 (10:32:49 AM): i also like this CTU-chick who looks like trose's friend Ann
Poke00210 (10:33:46 AM): shit, dudes w/assault rifles
Poke00210 (10:33:53 AM): now see...
Poke00210 (10:34:24 AM): had there been an assault rifle ban, this still could've happened as criminalizing guns means that only criminals will have guns
Poke00210 (10:35:11 AM): oops
Poke00210 (10:35:22 AM): man down
Poke00210 (10:35:51 AM): yeah fuck you LA times
Poke00210 (10:36:02 AM): i didn't know Los Angelenos could read
Poke00210 (10:36:14 AM): unless the Times is just a bunch of goddam color comics
Poke00210 (10:36:21 AM): "I don't have a mom"
Poke00210 (10:36:30 AM): "she passed away"
Poke00210 (10:36:34 AM): (because i was stupid)
Poke00210 (10:36:44 AM): LOL she "sometimes" makes her dad mad
Poke00210 (10:36:46 AM): stupid Kim
Poke00210 (10:36:57 AM): i wanna watch Old School
Poke00210 (10:39:06 AM): damn
Poke00210 (10:39:12 AM): i don't like terrorists
Poke00210 (10:39:47 AM): if you criminalize guns, then only terrorists will have guns
Poke00210 (10:39:51 AM): 10:30:14
Poke00210 (10:40:41 AM): that amy smart looking chick?? janky
Poke00210 (10:41:45 AM): great, more terrorists
Poke00210 (10:42:24 AM): yay, he was @ Stanfurd
Poke00210 (10:42:38 AM): fucking Stanfurd terrorist trash
Poke00210 (10:42:57 AM): OK you're gonna fuck this up right now, you dumb chick, aren't you?
Poke00210 (10:43:20 AM): damn, she has big teeth
Poke00210 (10:46:15 AM): When worlds collide
Poke00210 (10:46:19 AM): 10:36:43
Poke00210 (10:46:27 AM): 10:41:09
Poke00210 (10:46:39 AM): (commercial break)
Poke00210 (10:48:34 AM): Sara Gilbert and Ann-chick
Poke00210 (10:48:35 AM): !
Poke00210 (10:49:10 AM): perhaps the counter-terrorist investigation would be better served if you two were to make out in the bathroom....
Poke00210 (10:49:13 AM): just a suggestion
Poke00210 (10:50:40 AM): bombs are in place
Poke00210 (10:50:47 AM): Cam's gonna fuck up jack's shit isn't he
Poke00210 (10:52:05 AM): stupid Cam
Poke00210 (10:52:10 AM): do the right thing
Poke00210 (10:52:33 AM): sprurised cam didn't fuck that up
Poke00210 (10:53:33 AM): WTF? did he shock himself?
Poke00210 (10:54:21 AM): did he cut his head?
Poke00210 (10:55:41 AM): go cam-tard!
Poke00210 (10:55:53 AM): LOL
Poke00210 (10:55:59 AM): kim-tard!
Poke00210 (10:56:13 AM): LOL
Poke00210 (10:56:17 AM): "we're safe here!"
Poke00210 (10:56:24 AM): cut to: timer on bomb
Poke00210 (10:56:29 AM): 10:53:55
Poke00210 (10:58:01 AM): i liked michelle forbes as a bajoran in a starfleet uniform
Poke00210 (10:59:19 AM): oh i guess she isn't chief of staff
Poke00210 (10:59:35 AM): "special assistant to the president"
Poke00210 (11:02:46 AM): nice job, george mason
Poke00210 (11:02:55 AM): 11:00:00
Saturday, May 01, 2004
Public - 4:29 AM
Poke00210 (3:20:47 AM): 24, Second Season
Poke00210 (3:20:52 AM): 8am - 9am
Poke00210 (3:21:27 AM): i've brushed my teeth, so if i fall asleep, no probrem!!!
Poke00210 (3:21:55 AM): some korean chick torturing some korean dude
Poke00210 (3:22:08 AM): oh sorry.... South Koreans
Poke00210 (3:22:57 AM): looks like they tortured the information out of him
Poke00210 (3:23:16 AM): OK and now they're in Oregon
Poke00210 (3:23:33 AM): hey, it's the black dude!
Poke00210 (3:24:19 AM): oh my
Poke00210 (3:24:34 AM): elisha cuthbert w/o pants
Poke00210 (3:24:41 AM): yay!
Poke00210 (3:25:10 AM): show her w/o pants again
Poke00210 (3:25:21 AM): asses
Poke00210 (3:25:33 AM): hey is that linda park?
Poke00210 (3:25:48 AM): they all look alike anyway
Poke00210 (3:25:55 AM): (asian chicks)
Poke00210 (3:26:10 AM): shit, lincoln's 5.1 is nice
Poke00210 (3:26:24 AM): is that sara gilbert?
Poke00210 (3:27:51 AM): awwww shit yeah!!! you bring back jack Bauer, motherfuckers!!!
Poke00210 (3:28:06 AM): AMF
Poke00210 (3:28:51 AM): OK i think they're back in Oregon again
Poke00210 (3:28:57 AM): hey, Devon's from Oregon
Poke00210 (3:29:38 AM): *very* serious domestic terrorist alert, eh?
Poke00210 (3:29:44 AM): I like those odds
Poke00210 (3:30:06 AM): OK
Poke00210 (3:30:21 AM): "there's a nuclear device under terrorist control on US soil"
Poke00210 (3:30:24 AM): in LA
Poke00210 (3:30:32 AM): oh shit yeah this bomb's going to go off today
Poke00210 (3:30:37 AM): lousy arabs
Poke00210 (3:32:10 AM): "get me the prime minister
Poke00210 (3:32:13 AM): "
Poke00210 (3:32:19 AM): dag, yo
Poke00210 (3:32:28 AM): oh hello kim
Poke00210 (3:32:43 AM): no commercial break?
Poke00210 (3:32:58 AM): oh yeah, kim UNNNNGH
Poke00210 (3:33:13 AM): oh she's the best nanny *ever*
Poke00210 (3:33:33 AM): jimmy's been very naughty
Poke00210 (3:33:37 AM): jimmy needs a spanking
Poke00210 (3:33:44 AM): jimmy needs a nanny to give him a spanking
Poke00210 (3:33:45 AM): LOL
Poke00210 (3:33:53 AM): "Kim you've got a great body"
Poke00210 (3:34:06 AM): shit i should just watch old school
Poke00210 (3:35:12 AM): BAM
Poke00210 (3:35:21 AM): immediate and decisive force, baby
Poke00210 (3:35:23 AM): feel the burn
Poke00210 (3:35:47 AM): blah blah blah
Poke00210 (3:35:56 AM): muslim this, islam that
Poke00210 (3:36:14 AM): oh it's kim, but she's wearing pants =(
Poke00210 (3:37:16 AM): yeah, kim needs a jimmy-spanking
Poke00210 (3:38:26 AM): oh wah, you killed my mom, dad
Poke00210 (3:38:33 AM): !
Poke00210 (3:38:41 AM): elisha cuthbert has nice ears
Poke00210 (3:39:13 AM): yay, run up the stairs kim!
Poke00210 (3:39:35 AM): OK and now it begins
Poke00210 (3:39:37 AM): nodded off
Poke00210 (3:39:46 AM): perhaps i should go back and see what i missed
Poke00210 (3:40:19 AM): stupid girl.
Poke00210 (3:40:45 AM): if anything *you* killed your mom by leaving your house last season
Poke00210 (3:40:49 AM): srut
Poke00210 (3:41:38 AM): nice thunderbird
Poke00210 (3:41:42 AM): too bad i don't like arabs
Poke00210 (3:42:08 AM): oh shit, is that amy smart?
Poke00210 (3:46:41 AM): shit i wonder what happened to that show on ABC w/the fbi and the mob
Poke00210 (3:52:32 AM): i'm still awke, don't worry
Poke00210 (3:54:29 AM): OK and now where the fuck are they?
Poke00210 (3:57:09 AM): yay jackand tony are meeting
Poke00210 (3:57:12 AM): can i go to sleep yet?
Poke00210 (4:02:22 AM): yeah, i guess you'd better go back to CTU... nucular holocaust sucks butt
Poke00210 (4:05:01 AM): Help us Jack Bauer, you're our only hope!
Poke00210 (4:05:41 AM): stupid kim tard
Poke00210 (4:05:52 AM): (oh, i rewound the DVD)
Poke00210 (4:09:51 AM): OK and now i almost dropped my compute
Poke00210 (4:19:40 AM): OK and now he just shot somebody
Poke00210 (4:19:46 AM): but i was asleep
Poke00210 (4:23:34 AM): OK almost done
Poke00210 (4:27:32 AM): hmm OK
Poke00210 (4:27:56 AM): best if i try to watch this again when i'm not tired
Poke00210 (4:28:01 AM): OK goodnight
Poke00210 (4:28:11 AM): i miss Crap-on-Your-Bed Girl