Wednesday, November 30, 2005
g-sisters still fucking around w/a trailer on a highway
Draft from last night! 29 November 2005, 2201hrs.
And I think this is the first TAR post whose title didn't reference the little Gaghan shits.
Tio J
And I think this is the first TAR post whose title didn't reference the little Gaghan shits.
Tio J
Live 3am Criticism of The Amazing Race: Dumbass Edition! |
You are now in chat room "YayIM." TioJ has entered the chat room. TioJ (8:54:57 PM): hello dere! TioJ (8:55:16 PM): five minutes until TAR TioJ (8:59:15 PM): and i had two-and-a-half minutes left of D&M TioJ (8:59:28 PM): i'll get it on the commercial break TioJ (9:00:06 PM): TioJ (9:00:07 PM): here we go TioJ (9:00:13 PM): PREVIOUSLY ON THE AMAZING RACE TioJ (9:00:39 PM): Bart the Grizzly Bear! TioJ (9:01:17 PM): Non-Elimination Leg! TioJ (9:01:27 PM): A MAZE ING AMAZING A MAZE ING AMAZING TioJ (9:01:33 PM): A MAZE ING AMAZING A MAZE ING TioJ (9:01:40 PM): A MAZE ING AMAZING A MAZE ING AMAZING TioJ (9:01:44 PM): AAAAAAAAAAAAAAMAZIGN RACE TioJ (9:01:49 PM): AAAAAAAAAAAAMAZING RACE TioJ (9:01:55 PM): AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMAZING RACE TioJ (9:02:02 PM): A MAZE ING AMAZING A MAZE ING AMAZING! TioJ (9:02:21 PM): commercial... time for D&M TioJ (9:04:54 PM): OK another minute left in D&M TioJ (9:04:55 PM): this is Salt Lake City, UT TioJ (9:05:05 PM): ninth pit stop! TioJ (9:05:13 PM): weavers last, not eliminated TioJ (9:05:36 PM): Linz family first to depart 12:46 am TioJ (9:05:50 PM): drive to park city HS TioJ (9:06:21 PM): bransen daughters 2nd to depart 1:23? 1:27? TioJ (9:06:33 PM): whoa, that bransen daughter is kinda butterfacey TioJ (9:06:41 PM): g-sisters 3rd to depart 1:30 am TioJ (9:07:19 PM): wow a high school TioJ (9:08:05 PM): and wow the linz kids are annoying TioJ (9:08:15 PM): i want to be molested by megan, but they're still annoying TioJ (9:08:45 PM): weavers last to depart 5:02 am TioJ (9:08:54 PM): holy shit, that's like 3-and-a-half hours delay TioJ (9:10:02 PM): ha ha bottleneck TioJ (9:10:33 PM): OK that's annoying.... stupid widow weaver TioJ (9:14:34 PM): drive 14 miles to Heber Valley Railway TioJ (9:16:15 PM): OK enough with the annoying screaming already TioJ (9:19:16 PM): STFU and get out of the damn balloon TioJ (9:19:47 PM): Detour: Spike it or Steam it TioJ (9:19:58 PM): A Detour is a choice between two tasks, each with its own pros and cons TioJ (9:21:32 PM): wow you're annoying but i wanna hump you TioJ (9:21:37 PM): what's "steam it?" TioJ (9:21:40 PM): i kinda missed that part TioJ (9:24:43 PM): good hustle, Weavers TioJ (9:24:56 PM): Linz in first TioJ (9:25:07 PM): travel 148 miles to Bonneville Salt Flats TioJ (9:25:45 PM): wow megan linz was totallyh worthless TioJ (9:25:50 PM): bransen daughters in second TioJ (9:26:07 PM): nice job weavers TioJ (9:26:51 PM): weavers in 3rd! TioJ (9:27:23 PM): ooh g-sister panties! TioJ (9:27:34 PM): STFU! TioJ (9:27:42 PM): i want to bang the younger ones, but please STFU TioJ (9:27:46 PM): FUCK YOU GAGHANS!!! TioJ (9:29:54 PM): was that asian on asian snogging in the K-mart commercial? TioJ (9:34:33 PM): bransen daughters first at campsite TioJ (9:34:39 PM): weavers 2nd at campsite TioJ (9:34:46 PM): wow, WTF happened to the linz kids? TioJ (9:35:32 PM): ha ha production error drained the battery TioJ (9:38:19 PM): in this family edition of TAR, roadblocks sometimes by two family members TioJ (9:40:14 PM): travel 100+ miles to yellowstone and see Old Faithful TioJ (9:41:33 PM): heh, chicks with trailers TioJ (9:46:53 PM): g-sisters still fucking around w/a trailer on a highway TioJ (9:47:10 PM): "cause you're a retard!" TioJ (9:47:51 PM): wow, nice job weavers TioJ (9:48:28 PM): crazy horse shit! TioJ (9:49:40 PM): linzes in last TioJ (9:51:28 PM): "it would be disappointing to lose because a team caught up" TioJ (9:51:34 PM): HOW THE FUCK ELSE DO YOU LOSE IN A RACE? TioJ (9:52:52 PM): drive south and find something TioJ (9:53:06 PM): ooh hi tricia g-sister TioJ (9:56:12 PM): weavers? g-sisters TioJ (9:56:20 PM): oops i mean g-sisters TioJ (9:56:38 PM): g-sisters, first... weavers second... not the pit stop TioJ (9:56:44 PM): yeah no shit TO BE CONTINUED TioJ (9:56:53 PM): stay chuned for scenes from our next episode TioJ (9:59:33 PM): on the next episode of TAR... TioJ (9:59:39 PM): weavers get pulled over TioJ (9:59:42 PM): what a shitty episode TioJ has left the chat room. |
would've been cool if Bart had mauled the little Gaghan shits
Draft from 28 November 2005, 2205hrs. Almost done!
Making its debut on TJ:A1 is The Amazing Race: Family Edition! Partially because this season sucks giant butt, but also because I think i had a post which I didn't want to knock off the top of the SHoP...
Tio J
Making its debut on TJ:A1 is The Amazing Race: Family Edition! Partially because this season sucks giant butt, but also because I think i had a post which I didn't want to knock off the top of the SHoP...
Tio J
Oh look, it's TAR: Shitty Family Edition finally relegated to TJ:A1! |
You are now in chat room "TARPooptacularEdition." TioJ has entered the chat room. TioJ (8:56:53 PM): hello dere! TioJ (8:57:26 PM): taped last week's TAR TioJ (8:57:33 PM): PREVIOUSLY ON THE AMAZING RACE TioJ (8:58:25 PM): G-SISTERS TEAM #1 TioJ (8:58:38 PM): bransen daughters last TioJ (8:58:49 PM): oh yeah, two hour episode TioJ (9:18:59 PM): sorry TioJ (9:19:03 PM): Pittsburgh was calling TioJ (9:19:08 PM): check the timestamps TioJ (9:19:27 PM): A MAZE ING AMAZING A MAZE ING AMAZING TioJ (9:19:32 PM): A MAZE ING AMAZING A MAZE ING TioJ (9:19:39 PM): A MAZE ING AMAZING A MAZE ING AMAZING TioJ (9:19:44 PM): AAAAAAAAAAAAAAMAZING RACE TioJ (9:19:49 PM): AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMAZING RACE TioJ (9:19:54 PM): AAAAAAAAAAAAAMAZING RACE TioJ (9:19:57 PM): A MAZE ING AMAZING TioJ (9:20:00 PM): A MAZE ING AMAZING TioJ (9:20:54 PM): This is Lake Powell Arizona TioJ (9:21:23 PM): G-Sisters first to depart 5:45 AM TioJ (9:21:35 PM): teams must now drive 136 miles to Monument Valley, UT TioJ (9:21:46 PM): find John Ford's Point TioJ (9:22:03 PM): i like the two younger g-sisters TioJ (9:22:22 PM): yeah let chicks drive campers TioJ (9:22:33 PM): Linzes 2nd to depart 5:45AM TioJ (9:23:14 PM): Weavers 3rd to depart 6:06am TioJ (9:24:29 PM): downloading some Juman in the background right now TioJ (9:24:37 PM): Bransens last to depart 6:27am TioJ (9:26:30 PM): you stupid chicks TioJ (9:28:27 PM): choose two family members to ride helicopter to elephant butte TioJ (9:30:24 PM): teams must now travel 180 miles to Moab UT to gemini bridges TioJ (9:34:22 PM): A Detour is a choice between two tasks, each with its own pros and cons TioJ (9:34:27 PM): ride down or drop down TioJ (9:34:38 PM): oh drop down, motherfuckers TioJ (9:35:57 PM): linzes drop down, weavers ride down TioJ (9:39:03 PM): teams must now drive to green river state park in UT TioJ (9:40:05 PM): something about a production error dropping the g-sisters in to last place? TioJ (9:41:39 PM): so how'd they get back up? TioJ (9:41:56 PM): oh the g-sisters will be there a while, huh? TioJ (9:42:03 PM): luckily they'll bottleneck TioJ (9:44:43 PM): linzes first to depart 7:00 TioJ (9:45:04 PM): travel 20 miles to Heber, UT and find Bart the trained grizzly bear TioJ (9:45:10 PM): Weavers 2nd to depart 7:15 TioJ (9:45:34 PM): Bransen daughters 3rd to depart 7:30 TioJ (9:45:39 PM): g-sisters last to depart 7:45 TioJ (9:45:51 PM): Heber City TioJ (9:46:20 PM): Krispy Kreme in Heber City, UT! TioJ (9:46:58 PM): travel 22 miles to Park City UT TioJ (9:47:10 PM): wow i want a trained grizzly bear TioJ (9:48:10 PM): would've been cool if Bart had mauled the little Gaghan shits TioJ (9:48:12 PM): FUCK YOU GAGHANS TioJ (9:50:29 PM): second of only two Yields TioJ (9:50:55 PM): you dumbasses TioJ (9:51:08 PM): should've yielded the last place TioJ (9:51:14 PM): Roadblock TioJ (9:51:19 PM): task only one person can perform TioJ (9:52:14 PM): Linzfamily in first TioJ (9:52:26 PM): drive 20 miles to salt lake city, pit stop TioJ (9:53:02 PM): oh well, w/florida in last place, now they're fucked TioJ (9:53:40 PM): bransens in 2nd TioJ (9:54:04 PM): g-sisters in 3rd TioJ (9:57:55 PM): ooh hot Uahan TioJ (9:58:01 PM): Miss Latin Utah! TioJ (9:58:07 PM): Linz family team #1 TioJ (9:58:23 PM): trip for 4 to jackson hole, WY TioJ (9:58:58 PM): bransen daughters team #2 TioJ (9:59:22 PM): g-sisters team #3 TioJ (10:00:35 PM): "welcome to salt lake city!" TioJ (10:00:40 PM): weavers last team to arrive TioJ (10:00:43 PM): WTF? TioJ (10:00:47 PM): non-elimination leg TioJ (10:00:52 PM): whoa TioJ (10:01:03 PM): whoops TioJ (10:01:11 PM): i wanna hump Miss Latin Utah TioJ (10:01:57 PM): i just wanna play w/Miss Latin Utah's boobs TioJ (10:02:09 PM): wow, interesting episode TioJ (10:02:18 PM): Stay Chuned for scenes from our next episode TioJ (10:03:14 PM): On the next episode of TAR TioJ (10:03:35 PM): wow, what a shitty season... TioJ has left the chat room. |
and now george is a woman
Draft from 13 November 2005, 2314hrs.
And a giant hip-hip-hooray for one of the shortest 3am Criticisms ever, if only because of the shittiest episodes of Grey's Anatomy ever. Fun fun fun.
Tio J
And a giant hip-hip-hooray for one of the shortest 3am Criticisms ever, if only because of the shittiest episodes of Grey's Anatomy ever. Fun fun fun.
Tio J
Grey's Anatomy slipping deeper and deeper into the abyss of SUCK. And you can read it here first at TJ:A1 |
You are now in chat room "GACanBiteMe." TioJ has entered the chat room. TioJ (9:57:53 PM): hello dere TioJ (9:58:03 PM): just downloaded some more Zoo music, gonna watch Grey's Anatomy TioJ (10:00:50 PM): PREVIOUSLY ON GREY'S ANATOMY TioJ (10:00:54 PM): what a pile of shit TioJ (10:01:09 PM): ferry! TioJ (10:02:20 PM): wow shitty dr. izzie/frat cockt0r story line TioJ (10:02:46 PM): blackt0rs 3 and 1 TioJ (10:03:44 PM): downtown seattle! TioJ (10:04:27 PM): don't bodies bounce? TioJ (10:04:39 PM): yay for the dumb shitty opening credits TioJ (10:04:44 PM): oh they added something TioJ (10:06:42 PM): wow their hair is hot TioJ (10:11:55 PM): carpe diem, man! sieze the day! TioJ (10:15:06 PM): tha'ts a shitty throwaway line... TioJ (10:15:10 PM): boyfriend torture TioJ (10:16:59 PM): and now george is a woman TioJ (10:17:41 PM): stupid show TioJ (10:18:14 PM): YOU UGLY ASIAN HORSE TioJ (10:20:06 PM): It's the Cancer episode! TioJ (10:21:14 PM): yeah no shit he jumped TioJ (10:21:18 PM): did you just now realize that? TioJ (10:29:56 PM): ooh victoria's secret commercial TioJ (10:29:58 PM): yay! TioJ (10:34:44 PM): WTF are they babbling on about now? TioJ (10:37:35 PM): so why is dr. izzie all pissed about it? TioJ (10:49:22 PM): "here's to the ass who's not being supportive" TioJ (11:00:11 PM): a thanksgiving edition of Grey's Anatomy TioJ (11:00:14 PM): how shitty TioJ has left the chat room. |
i should play halo
Draft from 07 November 2005, 1638hrs.
Was trying to 3amC Reunion with LMHBrent, when yay for Fox, they changed up shows on us. We decided to go ahead. Do a little betting, do a little sniping. All in all, not a bad show...
Tio J
Was trying to 3amC Reunion with LMHBrent, when yay for Fox, they changed up shows on us. We decided to go ahead. Do a little betting, do a little sniping. All in all, not a bad show...
Tio J
Dual Live 3am Criticism of Fox's |
You are now in chat room "IWanttoBeMolestedbyChylerLeigh." TioJaime has entered the chat room. TioJaime (8:06:47 PM): hello dere TioJaime (8:07:01 PM): like i just told LMHBrent, i'm gonna work out, and then we're gonna watch Reunion LMHBrent has entered the chat room. JihadJimmyMWCCDF (8:50:04 PM): OK JihadJimmyMWCCDF (8:50:09 PM): hello dere LMHBrent (8:50:13 PM): halo TioJaime (8:50:27 PM): hello dere TioJaime (8:50:47 PM): watching Red vs. Blue LMHBrent (8:50:50 PM): good stuff TioJaime (8:50:53 PM): yeah TioJaime (8:51:13 PM): YES on H LMHBrent (8:51:27 PM): are you going to play halo? TioJaime (8:51:38 PM): maybe later tonight... TioJaime (8:53:52 PM): i hope the delayisn't too big LMHBrent (8:54:04 PM): oh yeah shit LMHBrent (8:54:06 PM): i forgot about that TioJaime (8:54:53 PM): how was work dude? LMHBrent (8:55:17 PM): work was slow LMHBrent (8:55:36 PM): how about you? TioJaime (8:55:38 PM): that's cool TioJaime (8:55:42 PM): work fucking hard this week TioJaime (8:55:45 PM): holy shit TioJaime (8:55:54 PM): oh, you wanna watch Starved after this? LMHBrent (8:56:22 PM): i wish i could. but i gotta go to sleep TioJaime (8:56:24 PM): watching the end of The OC... a mellow version of that Phantom Planet song TioJaime (8:56:27 PM): no you don't LMHBrent (8:56:28 PM): hehee LMHBrent (8:56:39 PM): i did it last week because i didn't have to work on friday LMHBrent (8:56:43 PM): but i gotta work tomorrow stupid work TioJaime (8:56:47 PM): ahh TioJaime (8:57:00 PM): OK we got a little over 3 minutes TioJaime (8:57:33 PM): ooh allison mack on Smallville TioJaime (8:57:41 PM): and is 7th Heaven still on? LMHBrent (8:57:44 PM): i think so LMHBrent (8:57:48 PM): hey what channel is it on again? TioJaime (8:57:53 PM): Fox LMHBrent (8:57:56 PM): oh yeah LMHBrent (8:58:28 PM): okay on fox now LMHBrent (8:58:35 PM): nissan commercial TioJaime (8:58:53 PM): i have a nutrogena commercial? TioJaime (8:58:56 PM): neutrogena LMHBrent (8:59:25 PM): hm LMHBrent (8:59:29 PM): now it's a red cross one TioJaime (8:59:35 PM): shit, my vcr is off by 2 minutes? LMHBrent (8:59:43 PM): the o.c. preview TioJaime (8:59:50 PM): yeah TioJaime (9:00:09 PM): WTF? LMHBrent (9:00:13 PM): WTFFFF LMHBrent (9:00:15 PM): shit TioJaime (9:00:16 PM): reunion not on tonight LMHBrent (9:00:19 PM): yueah TioJaime (9:00:19 PM): ass holes LMHBrent (9:00:25 PM): eff that noise LMHBrent (9:00:27 PM): what is this shit TioJaime (9:00:34 PM): well fuck me hard TioJaime (9:00:41 PM): i already missed the beginning of Supernatural LMHBrent (9:00:45 PM): dammit TioJaime (9:00:48 PM): yeah fuck you Mary Tyler Moore LMHBrent (9:00:56 PM): i think we're synced up TioJaime (9:00:57 PM): fucking bitch TioJaime (9:01:04 PM): oh i'm sorry LMHBrent (9:01:04 PM): vicki LMHBrent (9:01:08 PM): we're out of cerela TioJaime (9:01:16 PM): my wife vicki LMHBrent (9:01:18 PM): forgive me LMHBrent (9:01:20 PM): oh you're ahead LMHBrent (9:01:22 PM): but 20 secs TioJaime (9:01:23 PM): nice rack TioJaime (9:01:24 PM): yeah i think so LMHBrent (9:01:28 PM): 13 year odl mike LMHBrent (9:01:32 PM): wet the bed until he was 11 LMHBrent (9:01:34 PM): 4800 bucks TioJaime (9:01:34 PM): OK this might be funny LMHBrent (9:01:39 PM): yeah we'll see LMHBrent (9:01:42 PM): PLACE YOUR BETS NOW TioJaime (9:01:48 PM): LOL LMHBrent (9:01:52 PM): AHHAHA LMHBrent (9:01:53 PM): penis LMHBrent (9:01:55 PM): he said penis LMHBrent (9:02:03 PM): he's a dork TioJaime (9:02:05 PM): dude this could be good LMHBrent (9:02:12 PM): okay we'll keep watching LMHBrent (9:02:13 PM): drink baby LMHBrent (9:02:16 PM): glenlivet? LMHBrent (9:02:20 PM): oh yeah costco sells glenlivet now TioJaime (9:02:33 PM): ooh LMHBrent (9:02:37 PM): ahhaha LMHBrent (9:02:54 PM): pornography baby TioJaime (9:02:54 PM): ooh nice rack LMHBrent (9:02:59 PM): ahahahahah LMHBrent (9:03:20 PM): she's fat but it's okay LMHBrent (9:03:26 PM): baby got rack LMHBrent (9:03:57 PM): he's so gay TioJaime (9:03:58 PM): oh my baby got rack LMHBrent (9:04:06 PM): what is this LMHBrent (9:04:07 PM): the war at home TioJaime (9:04:08 PM): the war at home TioJaime (9:04:19 PM): how fucking long is this show? TioJaime (9:04:21 PM): i should play halo LMHBrent (9:04:28 PM): half an hour TioJaime (9:04:46 PM): FUCKING YAHOO! TV DICKS TioJaime (9:04:52 PM): it fucking says Reunion LMHBrent (9:05:21 PM): my tv guide said war at home LMHBrent (9:05:25 PM): pilot episode LMHBrent (9:05:29 PM): then bernie mac at 9;30 TioJaime (9:05:31 PM): hmm TioJaime (9:05:49 PM): OK so the war at home until it pisses me off LMHBrent (9:05:57 PM): okay TioJaime (9:05:59 PM): and then halo until Starved TioJaime (9:06:36 PM): back LMHBrent (9:06:40 PM): okay back now LMHBrent (9:06:46 PM): we're not that far off LMHBrent (9:06:52 PM): ps2 educational LMHBrent (9:07:01 PM): HAHAHAH TioJaime (9:07:06 PM): WTF? LMHBrent (9:07:09 PM): he is so gay TioJaime (9:07:20 PM): LOL LMHBrent (9:07:24 PM): balloons? TioJaime (9:07:34 PM): "I don't know why my father thinks I'm gay" LMHBrent (9:07:40 PM): call this # TioJaime (9:07:50 PM): i wonder what that number is... LMHBrent (9:07:53 PM): "a gay" LMHBrent (9:07:58 PM): yeah i was thinking that too TioJaime (9:08:00 PM): I AM A GAY LMHBrent (9:08:03 PM): AHAHHA LMHBrent (9:08:11 PM): "he's my lover" TioJaime (9:08:27 PM): i like the flat daughter TioJaime (9:08:36 PM): ooh yeah LMHBrent (9:08:38 PM): does she remind you of someone? TioJaime (9:08:55 PM): hillary duff? TioJaime (9:08:58 PM): LOL LMHBrent (9:09:01 PM): ahahaha LMHBrent (9:09:02 PM): BLEEP TioJaime (9:09:03 PM): wow two LOLs LMHBrent (9:09:25 PM): ahhaha LMHBrent (9:09:27 PM): nice mom TioJaime (9:09:28 PM): who were you thinking of? TioJaime (9:09:42 PM): ooh Boots! LMHBrent (9:09:45 PM): mmm LMHBrent (9:10:13 PM): he doesn't convince me as a dad yet LMHBrent (9:10:17 PM): oh that's the guy from frasier TioJaime (9:10:36 PM): oh shit, i can't play halo after this LMHBrent (9:10:39 PM): why not? TioJaime (9:11:01 PM): my xb0x0r is hooked up through my VCR TioJaime (9:11:07 PM): which is taping on The WB right now LMHBrent (9:11:08 PM): oh LMHBrent (9:11:16 PM): what's on The WB? TioJaime (9:11:22 PM): Supernatural LMHBrent (9:11:29 PM): o i c TioJaime (9:12:00 PM): did she say she was grossed out by his colostomy bag? TioJaime (9:12:11 PM): LOL he's black LMHBrent (9:12:15 PM): something about a cross to bear TioJaime (9:12:16 PM): ops sorry LMHBrent (9:12:16 PM): AHAHHAHAAHAH LMHBrent (9:12:35 PM): HAHAHAHA LMHBrent (9:12:40 PM): short for bootay LMHBrent (9:12:42 PM): that's hilarious TioJaime (9:12:49 PM): wow, pretty good so far TioJaime (9:12:51 PM): 3 LOLs LMHBrent (9:13:47 PM): not bad TioJaime (9:15:52 PM): OK PLACE BETS NOW TioJaime (9:16:12 PM): WILL THE SECOND HALF OF THE WAR AT HOME GET MORE THAN TWO LOLs? LMHBrent (9:16:24 PM): my guess is yes TioJaime (9:16:30 PM): i think so too TioJaime (9:16:36 PM): let's see, shall we? LMHBrent (9:16:39 PM): yes let's LMHBrent (9:16:48 PM): yeah i knew it LMHBrent (9:16:50 PM): bait and switch TioJaime (9:16:51 PM): MAN-FUCKING-GINA TioJaime (9:17:25 PM): i like the cutaways to the famly members TioJaime (9:17:32 PM): kinda like Titus, but with the whole family LMHBrent (9:17:33 PM): it's kinda interesting LMHBrent (9:17:36 PM): YEAH like titus TioJaime (9:17:49 PM): who was the chick the daughter reminded you of? LMHBrent (9:18:01 PM): i'm not sure LMHBrent (9:18:15 PM): she reminded me of someone though TioJaime (9:18:38 PM): the mom was hotter on Grounded for Life LMHBrent (9:18:39 PM): brizown shiznugah LMHBrent (9:18:46 PM): i never watched that show TioJaime (9:18:57 PM): good show TioJaime (9:19:00 PM): mom was waaay hotter LMHBrent (9:19:01 PM): mom reminds me of someone too LMHBrent (9:19:29 PM): hahahahaha LMHBrent (9:19:30 PM): some TioJaime (9:19:33 PM): oh did you get my e-mail about renee zellweger TioJaime (9:19:35 PM): i almost laughed LMHBrent (9:19:38 PM): yeah she broke up TioJaime (9:19:42 PM): again, almost laughed LMHBrent (9:19:45 PM): million man march LMHBrent (9:20:00 PM): ahhaa TioJaime (9:20:04 PM): WTF dude LMHBrent (9:20:12 PM): now that was just weird TioJaime (9:20:17 PM): uh huh TioJaime (9:20:18 PM): LOL TioJaime (9:20:23 PM): there's #1 LMHBrent (9:20:25 PM): there'a a LOL LMHBrent (9:20:28 PM): hahahahahah TioJaime (9:21:02 PM): chuckled TioJaime (9:21:05 PM): does that count? LMHBrent (9:21:11 PM): maybe half TioJaime (9:21:18 PM): it's technically a laugh TioJaime (9:21:22 PM): so that's #2 LMHBrent (9:21:26 PM): ok TioJaime (9:21:35 PM): mom's kinda chubby LMHBrent (9:21:38 PM): yeah LMHBrent (9:21:41 PM): like in king of queens TioJaime (9:21:52 PM): oh i hear she got real chubby LMHBrent (9:22:04 PM): hahahahaa TioJaime (9:22:10 PM): WTF LMHBrent (9:22:11 PM): new york TioJaime (9:22:37 PM): this is getting weird LMHBrent (9:23:01 PM): kinda TioJaime (9:23:21 PM): that was weird TioJaime (9:23:29 PM): new kelly clarkson CD LMHBrent (9:23:38 PM): he is gay LMHBrent (9:23:39 PM): hahaa LMHBrent (9:23:41 PM): his friend TioJaime (9:23:43 PM): he was just kidding, right? he doesn't know does he? TioJaime (9:23:44 PM): LOL TioJaime (9:23:50 PM): there's #3 LMHBrent (9:23:55 PM): wow LMHBrent (9:23:58 PM): so it's tied TioJaime (9:24:07 PM): no i said more than two LMHBrent (9:24:27 PM): ohhh LMHBrent (9:24:28 PM): ok TioJaime (9:25:05 PM): oh shit TioJaime (9:25:14 PM): his shirt says North Hollywood TioJaime (9:25:19 PM): go huskies LMHBrent (9:25:23 PM): OHH SERIOUSLY? LMHBrent (9:25:26 PM): damn TioJaime (9:25:30 PM): did you miss it? LMHBrent (9:25:32 PM): yeah i did LMHBrent (9:25:35 PM): dammit TioJaime (9:25:39 PM): are we synced now? LMHBrent (9:25:52 PM): bowl game that's super? LMHBrent (9:26:02 PM): sprint together with nextel TioJaime (9:26:07 PM): i think we're only trailing by about 10s or so? LMHBrent (9:26:10 PM): yeah LMHBrent (9:26:13 PM): that sounds about right TioJaime (9:26:18 PM): oh coo TioJaime (9:26:21 PM): cool TioJaime (9:26:22 PM): no way TioJaime (9:26:26 PM): mario baseball? LMHBrent (9:26:28 PM): mario LMHBrent (9:26:29 PM): bowser LMHBrent (9:26:34 PM): dammit LMHBrent (9:26:35 PM): not mario TioJaime (9:26:38 PM): LOL LMHBrent (9:26:39 PM): ahhahahahaha LMHBrent (9:26:40 PM): COOL TioJaime (9:26:44 PM): oh man Mario Superstar Baseball! LMHBrent (9:26:52 PM): that's kinda cool LMHBrent (9:27:17 PM): desperate husbands TioJaime (9:27:48 PM): LOL TioJaime (9:27:52 PM): omar LMHBrent (9:28:02 PM): #4 TioJaime (9:28:20 PM): #4? TioJaime (9:28:27 PM): LOL TioJaime (9:28:29 PM): oh my TioJaime (9:28:35 PM): oh duh TioJaime (9:28:38 PM): yeah #4 TioJaime (9:28:39 PM): and #5 LMHBrent has left the chat room. TioJaime (9:30:11 PM): where'd he go? LMHBrent has entered the chat room. JihadJimmyMWCCDF (9:32:12 PM): Ok watching bernie mac now LMHBrent (9:32:13 PM): my laptop overheated LMHBrent (9:32:15 PM): yeah same here TioJaime (9:32:40 PM): oops TioJaime (9:32:42 PM): wrong window TioJaime (9:32:49 PM): maybe i should take a shower LMHBrent (9:32:54 PM): i should too TioJaime (9:33:51 PM): OK dude LMHBrent (9:33:58 PM): okay TioJaime (9:34:04 PM): so i'll see you @ 10 for Starved LMHBrent (9:34:13 PM): hahah LMHBrent (9:34:14 PM): maybe LMHBrent (9:34:16 PM): i might be asleep TioJaime (9:34:19 PM): oh YES on H TioJaime (9:34:32 PM): OK dude, i'll talk to you in a bit TioJaime has left the chat room. LMHBrent has left the chat room. |
And does nobody find it odd that there are more blackt0rs in Grey's Anatomy then there are black soldiers in OVER * THERE
Draft from 07 November 2005, 1628hrs. As of post time, OVER * THERE has been cancelled. Ha ha.
Yet another SHoP 3amC demoted to TJ:A1 status. |
You are now in chat room "HurtMeBadNickiAycox." JihadJimmyMWCCDF has entered the chat room. JihadJimmyMWCCDF (11:01:45 PM): hello dere JihadJimmyMWCCDF (11:01:54 PM): TV MA LV JihadJimmyMWCCDF (11:02:08 PM): no more Halo for now JihadJimmyMWCCDF (11:02:17 PM): time for the season finale of OVER * THERE JihadJimmyMWCCDF (11:06:27 PM): OVER * THERE JihadJimmyMWCCDF (11:06:31 PM): and jimmy has to pee and poo JihadJimmyMWCCDF (11:06:36 PM): shit, no rest for teh tio jaime JihadJimmyMWCCDF (11:06:53 PM): FUCK YOU TERRORIST JihadJimmyMWCCDF (11:07:06 PM): FUCK YOU TERRORIST JihadJimmyMWCCDF (11:07:43 PM): oh shit JihadJimmyMWCCDF (11:11:16 PM): hey go fuck yourself Dim-fuck JihadJimmyMWCCDF (11:11:27 PM): nice sniping there, FX JihadJimmyMWCCDF (11:13:05 PM): fuck that... the last time Angel sang a song a shitty theme song was created JihadJimmyMWCCDF (11:13:13 PM): yeah no shit "bad things happen when he sings" JihadJimmyMWCCDF (11:14:39 PM): that song sucked JihadJimmyMWCCDF (11:15:36 PM): commercial, but i don't have to poo JihadJimmyMWCCDF (11:20:09 PM): Romolo! JihadJimmyMWCCDF (11:20:58 PM): And does nobody find it odd that there are more blackt0rs in Grey's Anatomy then there are black soldiers in OVER * THERE JihadJimmyMWCCDF (11:21:47 PM): should've humped her while she was hot to trot JihadJimmyMWCCDF (11:29:53 PM): ooh why is she doublewide? JihadJimmyMWCCDF (11:30:03 PM): oh we're not gonna find out huh JihadJimmyMWCCDF (11:30:32 PM): gonna run down a kid? JihadJimmyMWCCDF (11:30:57 PM): oops JihadJimmyMWCCDF (11:31:00 PM): fuck you terrorist kid? JihadJimmyMWCCDF (11:39:40 PM): put your fucking helmet back on dim-fuck JihadJimmyMWCCDF (11:39:44 PM): didn't you see We Were Soldiers? JihadJimmyMWCCDF (11:40:00 PM): FUCK YOU TERRORIST JihadJimmyMWCCDF (11:40:14 PM): SHIT JihadJimmyMWCCDF (11:40:29 PM): medal ceremony JihadJimmyMWCCDF (11:50:09 PM): quite a bit of FUCK YOU TERRORISTS JihadJimmyMWCCDF (11:53:29 PM): hmm, lieutenant shot in the back, eh? JihadJimmyMWCCDF (11:56:55 PM): shitty theme song@ JihadJimmyMWCCDF (11:59:15 PM): OVER * THERE JihadJimmyMWCCDF has left the chat room. |
Way to suck ass, Grey's Anatomy
Draft from 06 November 2005, 2301hrs.
More 3am Criticism of Grey's Anatomy. A TJ:A1 exclusive. Yay. |
You are now in chat room "TioJaimeWhoops." TioJ has entered the chat room. TioJ (9:01:09 PM): and apparently since KGO-TV has a desperate housewives recap right now... TioJ (9:01:21 PM): looks like i screwed up and i'm an hour early TioJ (9:01:35 PM): OK gonna work out TioJ (9:01:39 PM): HELLO DERE, btw TioJ (9:02:06 PM): OK back in about an hour.... TioJ (9:02:10 PM): TioJ (9:56:27 PM): wonderful.... they're pushing the shitty relationship shit TioJ (9:56:34 PM): this episode is gonna suck balls TioJ (9:59:54 PM): and the tail end of desperate housewives looks kinda stupid... TioJ (10:01:10 PM): oh wonderful, an all new Grey's Anatomy TioJ (10:01:15 PM): Previously on Grey's Anatomy TioJ (10:01:44 PM): blah blah blah why didn't you kiss izzy we're a couple pick me TioJ (10:02:00 PM): Way to suck ass, Grey's Anatomy TioJ (10:02:07 PM): i miss seattle TioJ (10:02:29 PM): two black nurses/orderlies? TioJ (10:02:42 PM): how fucking unrealistic is this diversity? TioJ (10:02:51 PM): and a black marriage counselor TioJ (10:03:40 PM): and george sucks now TioJ (10:03:44 PM): blackt0r 1 TioJ (10:04:11 PM): I have not gone mental TioJ (10:04:24 PM): shitty shitty episode TioJ (10:04:36 PM): blackt0r 2 TioJ (10:04:43 PM): blackt0r 1 TioJ (10:05:34 PM): something shitty is afoot TioJ (10:06:20 PM): HFA TioJ (10:07:11 PM): you already blew your load in the previews... we weren't surprised TioJ (10:07:21 PM): ______________ TioJ (10:07:24 PM): GREY'S ANATOMY TioJ (10:07:26 PM): ______________ TioJ (10:11:38 PM): wow could this be grey's anatomy's first indian TioJ (10:12:20 PM): Seattle Community! TioJ (10:13:27 PM): "you want me to babysit the wheelchair chick" TioJ (10:13:41 PM): and thus a shitty storyline is born TioJ (10:14:46 PM): and now blackt0r 2 / george sucks TioJ (10:15:00 PM): i should fucking play GTA: San Andreas TioJ (10:15:15 PM): God she looks so goddam pathetic TioJ (10:16:21 PM): "you couldn't be bothered... to kiss me goodnight" TioJ (10:17:28 PM): blackt0r 1 TioJ (10:18:02 PM): ooh i wanna be molested by keira knightley TioJ (10:19:17 PM): that was a shitty visa commercial TioJ (10:19:27 PM): that made no sense TioJ (10:20:28 PM): yeah i'm sure Destiny's Child does their Christmas shopping at Wal-Mart TioJ (10:20:55 PM): sorry, i'm unusually pissed off today because of this shitty episode TioJ (10:21:07 PM): blackt0r 1 TioJ (10:22:29 PM): ha ha take that HFA TioJ (10:23:28 PM): another black doctor! TioJ (10:24:42 PM): and now george is a whiny bitch TioJ (10:24:46 PM): yeah bring the patient by TioJ (10:25:41 PM): STFU dr izzy ![]() TioJ (10:26:03 PM): another black orderly TioJ (10:26:19 PM): blackt0r 1 TioJ (10:26:29 PM): blackt0r 2 TioJ (10:26:33 PM): HFA playing the GF-card TioJ (10:27:01 PM): blackt0r 3 TioJ (10:28:27 PM): oops.. gave his wife a heart attack TioJ (10:28:46 PM): trade your sister for a cheeseburger TioJ (10:29:09 PM): wow zathura TioJ (10:29:11 PM): i wonder how it ends TioJ (10:32:10 PM): blackt0r 2 TioJ (10:32:41 PM): blackt0rs 1 and 3 TioJ (10:33:27 PM): " i know what that's like" TioJ (10:33:40 PM): "is that rectal jelly on your scrubs?" TioJ (10:34:09 PM): wow where is that? TioJ (10:34:31 PM): above the Port of Seattle building? TioJ (10:34:42 PM): and dr. patrick dempsey is a tard TioJ (10:34:53 PM): how hard is this? you chose your wife so ditch your fuckwad GF already TioJ (10:34:58 PM): blackt0r 2 TioJ (10:37:11 PM): and this chick sucks TioJ (10:37:39 PM): wow, they're all talking about dr. ellen and dr. patrick dempsey TioJ (10:38:03 PM): WTF? TioJ (10:44:10 PM): blackt0r 1 TioJ (10:44:14 PM): (missed a blackt0r 2) TioJ (10:44:19 PM): the nurse you dumbass) TioJ (10:44:27 PM): did everybody but you know that? TioJ (10:45:16 PM): blackt0r 3 TioJ (10:45:20 PM): blackt0r 1 TioJ (10:46:50 PM): "alex, would you kiss me?" TioJ (10:47:06 PM): And it's official. They've stopped the series. TioJ (10:48:38 PM): although that was pretty deep what the frat cockt0r said TioJ (10:49:39 PM): that ws a stupid end to that storyline TioJ (10:50:37 PM): how the fuck did all those people get in there like that? TioJ (10:52:52 PM): blackt0r 2 and george having a moment! TioJ (10:53:28 PM): and now george is touching blackt0r 2 TioJ (10:53:50 PM): space needle! TioJ (10:55:16 PM): "i will not be meredith grey" TioJ (10:56:15 PM): blackt0r 3 TioJ (10:58:00 PM): $485 worth of tickets for the tumor operation TioJ (10:58:16 PM): frat cockt0r TioJ (10:58:21 PM): oh he's gonna kiss her TioJ (10:58:22 PM): duh TioJ (10:58:32 PM): what a pile of shit TioJ (10:59:13 PM): ________________ TioJ (10:59:18 PM): GREY'S ANATOMY TioJ (10:59:19 PM): ________________ TioJ has left the chat room. |
this was almost a good scene until i realized there were three black people in a room in Seattle
Draft from 01 November 2005, 2340hrs.
Welcome, Grey's Anatomy, to the pit that is Tio Jaime: Aleph One. Enjoy your stay.
Tio Jaime
Welcome, Grey's Anatomy, to the pit that is Tio Jaime: Aleph One. Enjoy your stay.
Tio Jaime
3am Criticism of Grey's Anatomy, demoted to TJ:A1 |
You are now in chat room "AIMsuckspoop." JihadJimmyMWCCDF has entered the chat room. JihadJimmyMWCCDF (10:36:44 PM): hello dere JihadJimmyMWCCDF (10:36:57 PM): here's a tape delayed 3am criticism of Grey's Anatomy JihadJimmyMWCCDF (10:37:01 PM): PREVIOUSLY ON GREY'S ANATOMY JihadJimmyMWCCDF (10:37:11 PM): what a shitty show now JihadJimmyMWCCDF (10:37:33 PM): whata stupid woman JihadJimmyMWCCDF (10:37:46 PM): "pick me" JihadJimmyMWCCDF (10:37:52 PM): SHUT THE FUCK UP JihadJimmyMWCCDF (10:38:27 PM): wow this is shitty JihadJimmyMWCCDF (10:38:37 PM): black orderly! JihadJimmyMWCCDF (10:39:23 PM): train derailment! JihadJimmyMWCCDF (10:39:32 PM): this is still gonna be a shitty episode JihadJimmyMWCCDF (10:39:41 PM): oh yay he showed up JihadJimmyMWCCDF (10:40:42 PM): wow this show is getting relegated to TJ:A1 JihadJimmyMWCCDF (10:41:19 PM): carnage carnage carnage JihadJimmyMWCCDF (10:41:31 PM): morbid doctor shit JihadJimmyMWCCDF (10:41:51 PM): oh wonderful JihadJimmyMWCCDF (10:42:49 PM): "was that a nod?" JihadJimmyMWCCDF (10:42:55 PM): wow that was the epidome of gay JihadJimmyMWCCDF (10:42:59 PM): epitome JihadJimmyMWCCDF (10:43:13 PM): whoa JihadJimmyMWCCDF (10:43:32 PM): la la la, shitty theme song, la la la JihadJimmyMWCCDF (10:43:39 PM): ooh! they deleted it! JihadJimmyMWCCDF (10:44:50 PM): blackt0rs, blackt0rs everywhere JihadJimmyMWCCDF (10:45:59 PM): breathe mint! JihadJimmyMWCCDF (10:46:02 PM): for me, not for you! JihadJimmyMWCCDF (10:46:16 PM): FUCK YOU I HOPE YOU LIKE THE SECOND STRING BLOG JihadJimmyMWCCDF (10:47:29 PM): whoa a filipino! JihadJimmyMWCCDF (10:47:37 PM): and she looks like grace/greta JihadJimmyMWCCDF (10:48:27 PM): i gotta poo... gonna pause JihadJimmyMWCCDF (11:01:45 PM): ooh yeah JihadJimmyMWCCDF (11:02:39 PM): i don't recall that many black people in the state of Washington JihadJimmyMWCCDF (11:05:32 PM): that was a shitty sequence between dr. HFA and blackt0r 3 JihadJimmyMWCCDF (11:06:31 PM): what kind of triaging is that? JihadJimmyMWCCDF (11:06:56 PM): why would you try to save the chick who is more injured? JihadJimmyMWCCDF (11:08:51 PM): stupdi HFA JihadJimmyMWCCDF (11:09:48 PM): stupid george JihadJimmyMWCCDF (11:09:54 PM): and stupid dr. ellen pompeo JihadJimmyMWCCDF (11:13:17 PM): this blackt0r3/HFA exchange sucks JihadJimmyMWCCDF (11:15:37 PM): and now she's playing the BF card... to find a leg? JihadJimmyMWCCDF (11:15:44 PM): fucking stanfurd trash JihadJimmyMWCCDF (11:15:59 PM): that was somewhat funny... JihadJimmyMWCCDF (11:16:21 PM): "i was trying to talk boy" JihadJimmyMWCCDF (11:16:25 PM): and now she's talking izzy JihadJimmyMWCCDF (11:16:33 PM): FUCKING STUPID EPISODE JihadJimmyMWCCDF (11:16:49 PM): and drunk dr. ellen sucks JihadJimmyMWCCDF (11:19:10 PM): this was almost a good scene until i realized there were three black people in a room in Seattle JihadJimmyMWCCDF (11:19:36 PM): should've thrown in blackt0r 3 and the black orderly just to make it complete JihadJimmyMWCCDF (11:20:30 PM): KRAZY LESBIANS! JihadJimmyMWCCDF (11:20:37 PM): KRAZY THIRD GRADE LESBIANS! JihadJimmyMWCCDF (11:20:50 PM): how fucking stupid JihadJimmyMWCCDF (11:21:05 PM): oh duh of course her water breaks JihadJimmyMWCCDF (11:21:24 PM): and of course the phone rings whenever frat cockt0r is around JihadJimmyMWCCDF (11:21:28 PM): what a stupid TV show JihadJimmyMWCCDF (11:23:56 PM): another black orderly? JihadJimmyMWCCDF (11:25:36 PM): fucking black orderlies everywhere you look in goddam Seattle JihadJimmyMWCCDF (11:25:41 PM): how fucking fake is this show? JihadJimmyMWCCDF (11:27:36 PM): and i think yet another black orderly/nurse JihadJimmyMWCCDF (11:29:18 PM): how wonderful. you were able to fit in the shitty romance storyline too JihadJimmyMWCCDF (11:30:06 PM): GET TO THE FUCKING POINT ALREADY JihadJimmyMWCCDF (11:30:17 PM): THAT FUCKING LONG TO FIND OUT THAT HE'S STAYING WITH HER? JihadJimmyMWCCDF (11:32:33 PM): you stupid drunk whore JihadJimmyMWCCDF (11:32:38 PM): fucking follow orders already JihadJimmyMWCCDF (11:33:19 PM): and finally an end to the shittiest episode of GA ever JihadJimmyMWCCDF (11:33:34 PM): and fuck off already with the rosa parks JihadJimmyMWCCDF (11:34:12 PM): oh fuck, episode wasn't finished? JihadJimmyMWCCDF (11:34:23 PM): oh great JihadJimmyMWCCDF (11:34:32 PM): la la la addison shepherd JihadJimmyMWCCDF (11:34:43 PM): whatever the fuck ever JihadJimmyMWCCDF (11:34:57 PM): how nice to jump the shark so early in teh series JihadJimmyMWCCDF (11:37:47 PM): heh,funny how they never again reference blackt0r 1 as The Nazi JihadJimmyMWCCDF (11:38:04 PM): HORSE FACE ASIAN JihadJimmyMWCCDF (11:39:09 PM): "better get cleaned up. rounds in five minutes" JihadJimmyMWCCDF (11:39:22 PM): how shitty JihadJimmyMWCCDF (11:39:33 PM): next sunday all the stupid fucking doctors JihadJimmyMWCCDF (11:39:51 PM): in stupid relationships JihadJimmyMWCCDF (11:39:54 PM): and a male pregnancy JihadJimmyMWCCDFhas left the chat room. |
if you live w/your folks, your life isn't quite equipped for a woman... as such, you would need one less
Draft from 30 September 2005, 0024hrs.
Just two months late w/this chat. Sorry. But here's what guys talk about... ya got some complaining about women we don't know yet, complaining about women we know all too well, and then we somehow magically start talking about trucks.
Cool shit, huh?
Tio Jaime
Just two months late w/this chat. Sorry. But here's what guys talk about... ya got some complaining about women we don't know yet, complaining about women we know all too well, and then we somehow magically start talking about trucks.
Cool shit, huh?
Tio Jaime
chatting w/MwHCock. Again. |
9/29/05, 11:20 PM TioJ: i need a woman MwHCock: I need one more TioJ: no you don't TioJ: four words: TioJ: LORD TioJ: VOL TioJ: DEE TioJ: MEGAN MwHCock: I don't date band chicks TioJ: no tard TioJ: i'm saying "you don't need a woman more than i do. i need a woman more than you do, because of lord volde-megan" MwHCock: no MwHCock: i need a woman more MwHCock: I live with my parents now MwHCock: my social scene is gonna take a drastic hit 11:25 PM TioJ: if anything, that should allow you some leeway MwHCock: no MwHCock: I won't be able to go out as much TioJ: right, so it's understandable if you don't have one MwHCock: but more importantly, i won't really be able to bring chicks home TioJ: OK and so by that logic, why do you need a woman? MwHCock: which is where I used to work my magic MwHCock: oh, I need a woman MwHCock: but life is not cooperating TioJ: OK look... TioJ: I drive a tacoma 11:30 PM TioJ: how badly do i need a bedliner for a Tundra? TioJ: not at all TioJ: if only because with the car that I have right now, that particular bedliner won't fit MwHCock: get a spray on bedliner MwHCock: we have one for our sierra TioJ: if you live w/your folks, your life isn't quite equipped for a woman... as such, you would need one less MwHCock: they are better TioJ: yeah, in hindsight, i would've liked the spray-on 12:00 AM MwHCock: the spray on is good for 2 reasons MwHCock: 1 - it is rock hard MwHCock: 2 - no water or debris can get under it TioJ: yeah i dig that TioJ: how much is the spray-on shit? MwHCock: I wasn't home when my dad got it |
each time i talk to you you're becoming more and more the elitist
Draft from 21 September 2005, 2112 hrs
Bad enough that a good San Josean is growing into the elitist San Franciscan. Worse that he tries to garner my pity and empathy.
Bad enough that a good San Josean is growing into the elitist San Franciscan. Worse that he tries to garner my pity and empathy.
TioJ = me LittleBell = HS/college/band friend |
8:36 PM TioJ: i bought an accordion!!! LittleBell: shit dog LittleBell: you crazy TioJ: $100 and only one key doesn't work TioJ: other than that, seems to be OK LittleBell: cool 8:45 PM TioJ: should i play w/my accordion or watch e-ring? LittleBell: e-ring got bad reviews in the chronicle LittleBell: i cant believe i read the chronicle now TioJ: i ain't picky LittleBell: ive turned into one of those san franciscans that actually swears by it TioJ: hey motherfucker, don't try to garner my pity TioJ: each time i talk to you you're becoming more and more the elitist TioJ: you should have kids in the City so they can call themselves "natives" LittleBell: haha 8:50 PM LittleBell: whats up with you, dude TioJ: not much TioJ: oh, date tomorrow TioJ: i really should call that chick to confirm TioJ: gotta go make a phone call TioJ: just please stop telling me how one of my san jose brethren is slowly becoming one of *them* LittleBell: :) LittleBell: i heard from [HAWT CHICK'S NAME CENSORED] today LittleBell: blast from the past! LittleBell: back in the day i really wanted to poke her |
lemme see what i can do
old draft from waaay back on 06 July 2005, 1800hrs. The SHoP post should be the one referenced. And if it isn't, you couldn't tell the difference anyway...
chatting w/MwHCock |
TioJ: lemme work on a SHoP post 5:40 PM MwHCock: Any post which has pictures of hotties automatically gets bonus points TioJ: lemme see what i can do |
note to visitors: journalism isn't a real job
Draft from 06 September 2005 2157hrs
3am Criticism of Gilmore Girls |
You are now in chat room "AIMeatspoop." TioJ has entered the chat room. TioJ (8:56:20 PM): hello dere TioJ (8:56:32 PM): drinking a nice tall GDF TioJ (8:56:40 PM): gonna 3amC gilmore girls TioJ (8:56:52 PM): giants just took the lead on the go-ahead suicide squeeze TioJ (8:57:34 PM): and in AL west action... TioJ (8:57:49 PM): M's up 3-2 over the a's in the T8 TioJ (8:58:08 PM): but now it's time for gilmore girls TioJ (8:59:42 PM): Supernatural premieres next week TioJ (9:00:01 PM): oh TioJ (9:00:13 PM): advertising the season premeire of GG TioJ (9:00:28 PM): apparently the episode i'm watching ends in lorelai proposing to luke TioJ (9:02:00 PM): fucking rich pricks TioJ (9:02:42 PM): mmm... lauren graham TioJ (9:03:27 PM): ooh liza weil TioJ (9:06:29 PM): wow TioJ (9:06:52 PM): last time i watched gilmore girls, I had a job w/Underground TioJ (9:07:53 PM): oh great TioJ (9:07:56 PM): FUCK YOU TAYLOR TioJ (9:08:05 PM): STFU TAYLOR TioJ (9:08:44 PM): STFU KIRK TioJ (9:12:09 PM): oh waaa you have to go find a real job TioJ (9:12:27 PM): note to visitors: journalism isn't a real job TioJ (9:13:55 PM): i miss devon TioJ (9:15:40 PM): devon wasn't in TioJ (9:15:49 PM): (just tried to call her) TioJ (9:18:43 PM): hey fuck you troubadour TioJ (9:26:28 PM): wow this lane thing is annoying TioJ (9:27:09 PM): annoying storyline TioJ (9:35:17 PM): and back to the shitty lane storyline TioJ (9:38:02 PM): go to stanfurd TioJ (9:39:00 PM): yeah fuck you bikers TioJ (9:41:16 PM): and now emily's pissed TioJ (9:42:49 PM): aww yeah triple-teaming rory TioJ (9:43:28 PM): shit giants-dodgers tied 2-2 in ninth TioJ (9:43:43 PM): mariners finished, not sure of the score TioJ (9:51:06 PM): wow i didn't think the lane storyline could get any shittier TioJ (9:51:36 PM): holy shit, Lorelai Kleavage TioJ (9:52:01 PM): ooh yeah TioJ (9:52:03 PM): zoom out TioJ (9:52:05 PM): zoom out TioJ (9:52:22 PM): goddamit what a dress TioJ (9:52:45 PM): this is the best season finale ever! TioJ (9:53:47 PM): ooh and now her arms are crossed TioJ (9:53:56 PM): am i supposed to be sad right now? TioJ (9:54:10 PM): because this was the best Gilmore Girls I've ever seen TioJ (9:55:01 PM): wow fuck you TAYLOR and KIRK TioJ (9:55:12 PM): "RORY dropped out of Yale" TioJ (9:55:18 PM): hey TioJ (9:55:23 PM): magic dress again! TioJ (9:56:30 PM): blah blah blah "luke will you marry me" TioJ (9:56:31 PM): "what" TioJ (9:57:11 PM): hmm, season premiere next week TioJ (9:57:17 PM): maybe will see you then TioJ has left the chat room. |
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
e-mail i sent to trosama min asi
speaking of trose, check out his blog at
Funny how TiVO can kill something as enjoyable as "Hey, did you see that commercial for--"
"Oh yeah. You and your precious TiVO."
to: trose from: jimmy |
---| No, people aren't watching more TV, they're watching more TV shows. There's a difference. I can watch a TV show on DVD like The Shield, but i've never watched The Shield on TV. Huge difference. Main contentions on TiVO or Replay or whatever shitty DVR is the flavor of the day: 1) 92% of people skipping commericals loses a lot of pop culture. Where would things like "where's the beef" be w/unfettered tivo? 2) easy recording of shows allows for more people to bitch at you when you wanna talk about shows the next day. "no! I have it tivo'ed and i'm gonna watch it friday! don't tell me what happens!" and while this happened for the past 20 years with VCRs, people were too stupid to know how to program them. and those who did know how to program them knew enough to STFU when it came to everybody else who just took the time to watch the show. tio jaime |
Funny how TiVO can kill something as enjoyable as "Hey, did you see that commercial for--"
"Oh yeah. You and your precious TiVO."